The Fourth of July Part 13 by Karn

July 3rd

It had been a long night for Craven. After Seth left, the unicorn had laid within the sink for many forevers. He sobbed lightly, not only because he was scared of his new daddy, but because he had made his new daddy mad. But eventually, the rumbling of his empty stomach became even more unbearable than his punishment.

“*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…C’waven hab wowstest tummie huwties…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…nu wike…”

Able to see within the tub from his current height, Craven looked to Sassy and Plucky, the pair sleeping in a happy fluffpile with their foals. Beside them were the bowls of kibble that his new daddy had filled for them.

But Craven’s punishment was to be separated from his friends and to be denied food. Gazing longingly at the bowl, a few morsels still within, the unicorn rubbed his stomach as his mouth watered.

“…C’waven wan nummies…an’ wan sweep wiff fwends…”

The unicorn stared to climb up the sink, making his way to the counter. Once he reached the edge, he saw the distance between the countertop and the floor and began to sob. It was far too high! He would hurt himself badly if he tried to make that kind of jump.

But nearby and only slightly lower was the mean water monster. The one that his daddy made him go hurty poopies in. If he hopped down to that, and then from there to the floor, then he wouldn’t get hurt!

“C’waven maek smawty jumpies an’ den hab nummies an’ fwuffpiwe sweepies…”

He walked back and then ran to the edge, preparing to leap as he approached the end of the counter. But at the last second, Craven lost his nerve and tried to stop, only to fall off and tumble, striking his head harshly against the toilet, his short scream cut off as the blow rendered him unconscious. “*SCREEeee…”

The brief but loud disturbance causes the fluffies within the pile to lightly stir, with Sassy waking only long enough to ensure all her foals were safe and that Plucky was still with her. Falling back asleep, only the little foal, Candyfloss was stirred enough by the offending noise to awaken fully, peeping and chirping with confusion at the sound of distress.


With his alarm blaring in his ears, Seth sat up, switching it off. Stretching out slightly, he yawned, still quite tired but knowing he had a great deal to do today. Heading to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and got dressed. Combing his hair, he thought on Kickball and Craven, deciding that he would deal with them before making the trip to Dale’s Hardware Emporium. After a brief look in the mirror to insure he was presentable, he left his room and made his way to the kitchen.

Grabbing a banana and a protein shake, Seth devoured and drank his makeshift breakfast. “No time for something substantial just yet…” Throwing away his garbage, he opened his repurposed junk drawer, hearing a plethora of pained chirps and wheezing gasps as he did.

It looked as though neither Kickball nor the brown talky foal had gotten much sleep last night. The brown foal was whimpering and chirping weakly, clearly tired and starving. He was a healthy distance away from Kickball, which struck Seth as odd until he watched him feebly walk over to hug the red filly. As his hooves gripped Kickball, it forced her limbs to move, causing her to croak loudly and rasp as she tried to push him away, only to wheeze and groan even louder from her self inflicted pain. After a few minutes of this, Kickball dragged herself away from the brown foal in a desperate panic, now equating the well intentioned fluffy with pain.

After a hearty laugh at Kickball’s expense, Seth picked the foal up by her scruff, causing her to writhe and shake in a blind panic. Putting her down on the kitchen counter, he warned her. “Stay put! If you don’t, I won’t take away your forever hurties…”

That was all it took to keep the rebellious foal still, with Kickball croaking and rasping as she laid down, trying her best not to push her hooves against anything. Meanwhile Seth took the brown foal out, the small fluffy screaming as he was picked up.

"nuuuuuuu!..*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…huw’te mun’sta…*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…hewp!..sabe ba’beh!..*chirp…*chirp…nee’ wun way’!

Putting the brown foal in the sink, prompting more terrified shrieking from the baby, Seth pulled out the cushion and the soiled paper towels. Replacing them with fresh ones, he then placed the faucet over the sink opposite the panicking foal, running some hot water to fill the cushion. After he had replaced the cushion within the drawer, he looked down to the foal, it’s screaming abruptly halted as he realized that Seth was looking right at him. Falling to his belly, he put his hooves over his ruined face, chirping and peeping as he relieved himself in the sink.

Well better there than on the counter, Seth thought. As Seth spoke, the foal raised it’s head slightly, chirping and peeping for someone, anyone to rescue it from the monster. “No one is coming for you. I gave your big sister forever sleepies…and when I’m bored of the noises you make when I hurt you, I’ll do the same to you…”

Not allowing the foal even a moment of respite, Seth grabbed him and turned the faucet on, giving him a slow and torturous bath, the foal’s screaming only cut short by the water as he was held under the current again and again.

After the foal was clean, the traumatized fluffy gagging and coughing up water before finally curling up in a ball and chirping, Seth placed it back in the drawer atop the warming cushion. Whether due to it being overwhelmed or just wanting away from the monster, the brown foal only chirped slowly and quietly, still lying down with it’s legs folded inward.

Looking to Kickball Seth smiled, the red foal filly staring at him, shaking with her limbs splayed out uselessly. She had witnessed everything, and was horrified that his attention was now on her. The mute foal could only imagine what horrors he would inflict on her. If only she could run away, but the pain in her hooves was nigh unbearable.

“How about we get you back to your mamma…” Seth smiled, grasping Kickball by her still forming scruff. Kicking lightly through the air as she groaned her displeasure, the foal simply closed her eyes, hoping that the monster wouldn’t hurt her.

Carrying the squirming foal, Seth entered the living room, walking over the gate as he looked to Cyclops, the mare asleep with her foals. As he leaned down, he gripped his hand around Kickball’s head, the foal now flailing wildly. With his free hand, he lightly nudged the slumbering mamma, her eye fluttering open as she yawned. Smiling as she saw her daddy, she looked around the room, trying not to disturb her foals.

“Hewwo daddeh. It bwite time nao?”

He used his free hand to lightly pet her, distracting Cyclops’ from his other that had a light stranglehold on her daughter. “Not yet sweetheart. I just wanted to give you a surprise before I left to pick up some supplies.” Her face shifted quickly, from joyous with the mention of a surprise, to melancholy when he said he was going somewhere.

“Daddeh weave Cy’cwops…”

Her eye tearing up, Seth put his arm around her. “Never Cyclops…I promise I’ll come back right after. And if you’re awake, maybe I’ll even play with you for a while. OK?” A smile instantly breaking through her dour mood, Cyclops leaned in to Seth’s affection.

“Weawwy?! Daddeh pway wiff Cy’cwops?! Daddeh am bestest daddeh ebah! Cy’cwops wuv yu daddeh!”

Holding her tightly and petting her flank, Seth smiled as he comforted her. “I will when I get back. But only for a bit. I’m going to be really busy for most of today. But I’ll always make time for you, sweety.”

Leaning away, Seth continued. “Now, about your surprise…” Cyclops tilted her head slightly, before she gasped and nearly started to scream with excitement.

“Wat am supwise fow Cy’cwops daddeh!”

Grinning ear to ear, Seth attempted to calm the excited fluffy. “Quiet down honey, you’ll wake your foals…” Her face aghast at the realization that she had nearly woken her babies. Laying closer to the ground, Cyclops apologized.

“Sowwy…Cy’cwops nu mean tu be wowd daddeh…”

“It’s ok sweety. Now your surprise is that I’ve brought you Kickball back!” She gasped slightly, smiling as the thought of being reunited with her foal clearly made her happy.

“Daddeh bwing Kik’baw back tu mummah! Dat mean Kik’baww nu ba’ fwuffy nu mowe…am gud fwuffy nao?”

Seth feigned a sigh as he shook his head. “Well she’s trying Cyclops, she really is…but while I was punishing her, she was mean to another foal. Kickball wouldn’t even let it hug her…” Clearly shocked by the thought that a fluffy wouldn’t want hugs, Cyclops’ mouth was agape.

“But I think that with lots of love and hugs, she’ll come around.” Seth smiled as he lightly patted the mare on her head. “Now, two very important things Cyclops. The first is that Kickball had to get hurties to teach her not to be bad again, so she’ll be sore and it’ll be hard for her to walk today.” Seth could see the concern growing in Cyclops’ eye as she quietly absorbed his words, clearly worried about her daughter.

“The second is some good news. While she was away, Kickball spoke again!” An instant smile dispelled all of the worry previously on Cyclops’ face, her tail suddenly shaking back and forth wildly.


Reaching to muffle her with his hand, Seth chastised the overexcited fluffy, cutting her off midsentence. “Quiet girl. I know your excited but remember your babies…” Taking his hand away slowly, Cyclops looked to the floor, slightly abashed. “…Sowwy daddeh…”

“It’s ok hon, I know you were just excited. Now it was really hard for her, but yes, Kickball spoke again.” Her eye alight with joy, Cyclops said nothing but smiled as she stared at Seth, her tail still wagging rapidly as she listened. “I think that if we help her, Kickball will be a normal talky baby again in no time. But I’m going to need your help. We have to make her want to talk. It’s clearly difficult for her, even a little painful. So from now on, if Kickball wants milkies, you have to make her ask for it. No matter what, do not feed her unless she asks you for it.”

Cyclops had a look of extreme confusion and concern on her face, the poor mare suddenly sullen and near crying. “Buh…buh hungwy babbehs nee’ miwkies tu gwow up big an’ stwong…”

Smiling gently as he gave her light scratches under her neck, he sighed. “I know Cyclops, I know…But if we don’t help her, Kickball might never be able to speak again! It might seem mean or even cruel, but you have to promise me Cyclops . No milk for Kickball unless she asks for it. OK sweety?”

Taking her daddy’s words to heart, Cyclops wiped away her tears as she took a deep breath, her expression of sadness replaced by one of determination. “…Otay daddeh. Cy’cwops pwomise. Nu miwkies fow Kik’baw tiww babbeh maek tawkies…”

“Good girl” Lessening his grip on Kickball, he presented the foal to Cyclops, the baby fluffy wheezing as it struggled to catch it’s breath. Grabbing her in both arms, Cyclops held Kickball tightly against her chest, squeezing the foal as her eyes bulged and she croaked her agony and displeasure to her oblivious mother.

“Before I go, I’ll go ahead and clean out your litterbox and get your breakfast ready for when you get up. You be a good girl while I’m gone, ok?” Seth stood up as despite her excitement, Cyclops began to yawn.

“Otay daddeh…Cy’cwops be gud fow daddeh…gu back sweepies wiff babbehs nao…wuv yu…”

Looking down to Kickball, the foal trying to wiggle free from her mother as her weight pressed her against the floor, her hooves in agony as the spikes within tore deeper with every subtle nudge, Seth grinned, leaning down to whisper. “Welcome to Hell Kickball…”

Making short work of the litter, Seth was impressed with Cyclops. He couldn’t find a trace of foal feces anywhere. Either they were being carried to the litter, or she was cleaning up after them. Regardless of which, Seth considered her a good fluffy, and an even better mamma. As he refilled the kibble, he wondered about how she’d respond to other foals. When she had admitted to hearing the other babies yesterday, she had shown a great deal of concern for them, despite not being hers.

Deciding that later that night, after he had his fun and made some money, he’d introduce Cyclops to Candyfloss. He knew he wanted to keep her and who better to raise her properly than Cyclops. Besides, with what Seth had planned for her other foals, he doubted that Sassy would be up to the task.

Opening the guest bathroom door, Seth had to stifle a laugh. At some point during the night, Craven had tried to escape the sink, only to fall and break his horn on the toilet. A small pool of blood had trickled around the unicorn’s head, the small chunk of remaining horn having formed a deep red scab at it’s core. Based on how quiet it was, Seth assumed the other fluffies were still asleep.

Craven was groaning and lightly stirring, but clearly still dazed from his accident. Quickly checking on Sassy and Plucky, making sure they were asleep, Seth decided to use the opportunity. Grabbing Craven by his mane, he put him on the countertop while he retrieved his broken horn and wiped up the blood. Once he was satisfied that it wouldn’t get into the grout, he hoisted Craven by his scruff and left, heading to his hobby room.

Wanting to head out soon, Seth opted to put Craven in the utility sink, where the poor bastard couldn’t hurt himself again. Once the now semi-conscious unicorn was lying down in the rust colored sink, Seth took a quick glace into Raptor’s carrier. Shaking and tremoring in his restless sleep, the pegasus was filthy, covered in litter and his own waste. His testicles were badly swollen, with the one Seth had crushed clearly developing a fluffy version of a hydrocele, with fluid increasing around the testicle causing increased pressure and extreme discomfort.

“See you boys later.” Chuckling as he left, Seth flicked the light switch back off and left his hobby room. Making his way outside, he got into his car and began the trip to the hardware store.


Cyclops is precious.

She is so concerned about her foals and is an absolute sweetheart but is oblivious enough to not notice her foals suffering.

The trust she puts in Seth is astounding.
She’s just a really good fluffy.


There are some Fluffs that should be spared abuse, and Cyclops is one of them… though I know a different fate awaits her.


Don’t we all…

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