After telling Jerome when he’d be finished setting up, Seth said goodbye to his young friend and then began the drive back to his apartment. Looking in the rearview mirror, Seth smiled as he saw the stacked canisters, the foals within chirping as the slightly frigid temperature. They were a surprise windfall, to say the least. Seth had planned on a small event today, maybe recoup some losses at most. But with the nine new foals, and Jerome’s connections, he would do gangbusters today. Turning up the volume on the radio, Seth hummed along with the tunes for the rest of the trip home.
About an hour or so after her owner had left, Cyclops had finally stirred, her babies hungry chirping and soft nuzzling having woken her. Stretching out as she rose, she maneuvered herself around the peeping foals, aiding them in latching onto her teats as she began to sing them the mamma song.
Having been trapped underneath her slumbering mother, Kickball was finally freed, the thumbtacks within her hooves causing too much pain with her mamma’s slumbering hugs. Her legs splayed out as she laid comfortably on her belly, she became aware of another discomfort as her stomach began to growl and cramp.
Looking to Cyclops as her sister and the invader, her not brother green colt fed, Kickball began to croak angrily, trying to voice both her anger and hunger to Cyclops, with the joyous mare unable to hear the muffled noises over her own singing. After a few minutes of croaking and rasping as loudly as she could, her throat now in agony, Kickball slumped over on her side, silent as tears fell down her cheeks.
With her green and purple foals finally finished, their belly’s swollen from milk as they peeped happily, Cyclops looked to Kickball, her despondent little foal now laying down as she cried. Cyclops rushed over to her, desperate to feed her and give her love and hugs until she was happy again, until she remembered what her daddy had told her this morning.
Stopping as Kickball looked up to her, weak and feeble croaking noises voicing her pain, Cyclops nearly gave in, but what her daddy told her resonated in her mind. She’d have to help Kickball become a talky baby again, and Cyclops would do anything to help her, even if it meant being mean.
“Otay babbeh Kik’baw, if babbeh hungwy an’ wan miwkies, den babbeh nee’ tu teww mummah wiff wowdies. Teww mummah “Kik’baw hungwy” ow “Wan Miwkies”…”
Hearing the word milkies, Kickball started to groan louder, trying to force herself upright, only to fall as searing pain shot through her hooves, a silent scream coming from her as she fell, looking up to her mother with an expression of sorrow and need.
Trotting closer, Cyclops laid down, her body now surrounding Kickball as she placed her teats next to her. “Babbeh Kik’baw onwy nee’ maek wowdies fow mummah. Teww mummah dat Kik’baw wan miwkies.” Trying to feed desperately, Kickball pushed herself, croaking at each and every sting as her hooves dragged against the floor. Her mother’s teat just within reach, she was shocked as she felt a sudden blow, with Cyclops’ hoof smacking her firmly on the muzzle.
“Ba’ babbeh! Nu twy tu steaw miwkies! Kik’baw nu hab miwkies tiww Kik’baw maek wowdies!”
Livid with her idiotic mother, Kickball groaned as she tried again and again to feed, with each attempt cut short by Cyclops, her mother striking her and repremanding her each time. Finally, her anger coming to a boil, Kickball clamped onto Cyclops’ leg with her toothless maw, trying to bite down as hard as she possibly could. While only stinging her slightly, it was the hostility of the act that had shocked Cyclops, the mare’s eye wide as she stared at Kickball.
Using her free hoof, Cyclops struck Kickball several times until the foal finally let go, now trying to raise her nubs over her body, with the pain of the needles arcing through her with each and every strike from her mother. After countless blows, KIckball started to shake violently, only able to rasp and groan, her body sore and her ribs now hurting far worse than the forever hurties that the monster had given her. Cyclops simply looked down at the foal, her daddy’s words from yesterday ringing in her ears. He had warned her. He had told her that he was afraid that Kickball was a bad baby, but Cyclops had ignored him, the excitement of her baby becoming a talking baby and then her horrible accident eclipsing his admonition. She hadn’t listened but now it was clear to her, Kickball was a bad baby! Through a tear soaked eye, shaking as she yelled, Cyclops struggled with her feelings. She loved Kickball but a bad baby was something she couldn’t allow!
“…Kik’baw…Kik’baw am ba’ babbeh…Tiww Kik’baw gud fwuffy fow mummah an’ daddeh…Kik’baw nu am Cy’cwops’ babbeh nu mowe…”
Unable to process both the agonizing pain she was feeling and the horrible words that her mother was screaming at her, Kickball simply rasped and groaned on the ground. Holding her chest with her nubs, every subtle movement of which gave a sharp twinge of misery to Kickball, she was left only with her thoughts.
“huuu…huuu…huuu…mummah nu wuv Kik’baww nu mowe…an Kik’baww nu can teww mummah dat nyu daddeh am munstah…huuu…huuu…an’ Kik’baw su huwty…huwty aww obah…huuu…huuu…huuu…Kik’baww wan…Kik’baww wan…”
Unable to understand her own emotions, Kickball simply laid there, silently crying.
Stirring awake shortly after sunrise, Sassy felt the cold porcelain of the bathtub floor and remembered where she was. Forlorn, she would have simply laid there if not for her foals, and her special friend Plucky. Using her hoof to slightly shift her babies, the tiny foals peeped and chirped in momentary protest until the pair were latched to her teats, feeding. Sassy opted to let her other her other foals sleep until it was their turn to eat, with Candyfloss amongst them.
Sassy grimaced as she looked at her slumbering baby. It infuriated her that her monster no daddy would dare to tell her how to care for her foals, and it scared her how he said that he liked Candyfloss more than her other babies. He was just like her last monster no daddy, and all he wanted to do was give hurties, to her, to her special friend, and to her foals!
They’d have to escape somehow. Sassy had done it before, so she knew it was possible. It had been nearly all she had been thinking of since they were taken. Sassy wouldn’t let her monster no daddy hurt her children, that she was sure of. Getting away would be difficult of course, with her foals and Plucky’s injured legs. Not to mention Craven.
Thinking about Craven made Sassy mad, almost as mad as her monster no daddy. She was sure that the unicorn was somehow responsible for all of them being captured. And with Craven thinking that their captor was his new daddy, he’d be no help at all. Her eyes drifting to the sink as she thought about the unicorn, Sassy gasped lightly. Craven was gone!
Trying not to panic her foals, Sassy used her hoof to lightly shake Plucky awake. “Speciaw fwend! Wakies speciaw fwend! C’waven gown!” Plucky turned lightly, his face only slightly meeting hers, his cheeks stained with tears. “P’wuky kno…P’wuck see nyu daddeh gwab C’waven.C’waven hab huwties on gwoundies…nyu daddeh gib ba’ upsies an’ weave wiff C’waven…”
Her face twisted with rage, Sassy tried not to scream for fear of scaring her foals. “Dat munstah nu daddeh am nu yu daddeh, speciaw fwend! Munstah nu daddeh wan onwy gib huwties an’…”
“Foweba sweepies?! P’wuky kno…nyu daddeh teww P’wuky…teww P’wuky onwy wan huwties fwuffies buh’ wet P’wuky gu…buh P’wuky wan stay wiff speciaw fwend an’ babbehs, an’ C’waven. Nao C’waven gown, an’ am speciaw fwend’s fawt…”
Sassy was shocked at what she was hearing. Plucky was blaming her for what happened to Craven. “Buh…buh munstah nu daddeh wan gib huwties tu fwuffy dat maek ba’ wawa…nu am mummah’s fawt…”
“Nyu daddeh du wat nyu daddeh wan speciaw fwend. Can gib aww babbehs foweba sweepies, gib yu an’ P’wuky foweba sweepies tu. Nu can stahp nyu daddeh. Buh speciaw fwend can nu teww nyu daddeh wat fwuffy tu gib huwties…yu du dat speciaw fwend…an’ yu du dat caws nyu daddeh teww yu tu du dat. Nyu daddeh am speciaw fwend’s nyu daddeh tu…”
"Gib babbehs miwkies…P’wuky nu wan tawkies tu yu nu mowe…Sa’see. "
Sobbing, Sassy started to shake slightly, disturbing her foals who began to chirp and peep, awakened by their mother’s distress. Laying next to them, she began to sing the mamma song, tears falling down her face.
After a short drive, Seth was finally home. Getting out of the car, he stretched for a bit, the normally short drive held up by traffic yet again. “Ok…first things first.” Seth said to himself. Grabbing the box of foal canister’s, Seth took them inside, wanting to get them out of the extreme heat so their regulators wouldn’t burn out. Placing the box inside on his kitchen counter, he then began to unload the rest, taking it into his hobby room.
Carrying and dragging his new supplies in, Seth smiled as he heard Craven start screaming as soon as he heard Seth. “*huuu…huuu…huuuu…Wet C’waven ow’t! Wan ow’t! P’wease wet C’waven ow’t!”
Seth opted to ignore him, taking his time as he unloaded his new gear and then slowly put it all away, piece by piece into their new homes. After several minutes, with Craven’s begging and pleading growing louder and far more desperate, Seth had an idea for the unfortunate unicorn. Perusing his equipment within his trunk, he donned his welding gloves.
Smiling to himself, Seth decided to retire an older piece of hardware he had just replaced. Grabbing it as well as a worn manila folder, he slowly walked up to the utility sink. “Hey buddy…it sounds like you’re not happy…” Seth smiled as he looked down at Craven, the shivering unicorn nodded, clearly unaware of the danger he was in. “C’waven nu wike dawk pwace. C’waven wan ow’t pwease nyu daddeh.”
“Aww, but don’t you want to see the toy I brought you? I think it will make you so happy!” Seth had to hold back a cackle as Craven’s entire demeanor changed, as he started to shake less, with a smile growing on his face as his tail began to wag. “Nyu daddeh hab toysies fow C’waven?!”
Suddenly pulling out his old power drill, Seth put the bit directly next to Craven as he pulled the trigger, the loud oscillation causing the unicorn to scream as he suddenly started to run, only to find the corners of the sink and no escape in sight. “I think we’re gonna have a really, really fun time!”