The Fourth of July Part 3 by Karn

July 2nd

Awoken by his alarm,Seth rose and stretched.As he got up from his bed,he heard a ruckess coming from the guest bathroom.He yawned and then put on some clothes."Cyclops must have finally realized where she is…"After a few minutes of allowing himself to wake up,he headed out of his room and to the guest bathroom.

Cyclops had finally fallen alseep around midnight,the terrors and stresses of her day finally catching up with her.The foals,both hers and her miracle baby had began to calm as she sang to them until she fell asleep.They curled up around her and had seemingly forgotten the previous day’s pain and fear.Despite the windowless bathroom,Cyclops began to stir as the sun came up.She slowly opened her eye to see her babies,curled up around her.Her red and purple foal were sleeping blissfully,not a care in the world.The green foal however was clearly having a nightmare as it slightly thrashed and chirped in it’s sleep.

Cyclops was about to nuzzle and clean the poor baby when she remembered seeing it fall and take forever sleepies.Her daddy had told her it didn’t happen and she was just remembering her own nightmare but she remembered it,she felt her heart break as her child started to fall free of her fluff,her useless limbs unable to catch it in time.She sniffed the baby,watching it as it rolled onto it’s back,kicking wildly and chirping.It smelled strange but so did her other babies.And she thought her baby was a lighter green.

As Cyclops began to accept the poor green baby,she had a terrible and sudden realization.She noticed the porcelain tub she was in and the silver faucet,and the overhanding spigot.She was in a bad water place!Cyclops’ eye went wide with horror as she released a stream of brown,liquidy waste.Water was bad for fluffies but especially bad for babies!She started to scream as she grasped her children,placing them on her back for fear of a sudden flood.“HEWP!!! DADDEH!!! SAB CY’CWOPS AN” BABBEHS!!! WAWA BAD FO’ FWUFFIES!!!WAWA BAD FO’ BABBEHS!!! She started to nervously tap in place,as though she already saw the imagined water rising up to swallow her and her babies whole.

The foals,disturbed by being picked up,were terrified when Cyclops started to scream.They voided their bowels,as small drips of feces began to fall down Cyclops’ mane.The red and purple foal had found each other and were giving each other instinct driven huggies,to try and comfort themselves and each other.The green foal however,had been driven into a panic,chirping loudly and breathing erratically,huddled as low onto it’s “mamma’s” fluff as possible.Cyclops would continue to scream and scream for many forevers until finally she heard a door open.She saw her daddy coming,he would save her.

Seth walked into the guest bathroom and saw Cyclops shuffling and tapping her hooves as she screamed,her voice cracked and hoarse.Her foals were on her back,trying to hold on to their mother and each other,thankfully Cyclops seemed mindful of them,even when scared,not shaking her back or neck too hard as she flailed against a monster that Seth couldn’t see."DADDEH!!! SAB FWUFFIES!!! P’WEASE!!!"She panted and heaved violently as she screamed,panic having taken over her mind.Seth pulled the curtain back and leaned down.

"Cyclops,there’s no water in the tub.You’re safe."He saw that she was covered in even more filth,as runny feces dripped down from her onto the tub.She also had a stream of liquidly brown waste directly behind her.Cyclops paced in place and started to sob looking down in horror.“*HUUU…*HUUU…DADDEH!!! SAB CY’CWOPS! SAB BABBEHS! WAWA BAD FO’ FWUFFIES! HUUU…*HUUU…*HUUU…P’WEASE…”

Seth sighed.Well she needed a bath anyway and it probably wasn’t going to get any better.He pulled the spigot down and adjusted the sprayer.He turned the faucet on and flicked the shower switch.As the water came rumbling through the pipes,Cyclops sceamed,no words coming from her mouth,just unbridled fear of death,for her and her babies.Seth stifled a giggle.The water filled the pipes but ended there,it wouldn’t come out of the spigot unless he held down the trigger on the side of the sprayer.

"Cyclops,I’m sorry but you need a bath honey."He opted to use the sprayer but not stopper the tub,as it would be easier to spray her off and less traumatic for her.With all she’s been through,he didn’t want her to snap just yet.He took her foals,prompting some sobbing and huuing,placing them in the sink to be washed after.“*Huuu…*huuu…babbehs too wittew fo’ upsies daddeh…*huuu…*huuu…wan babbehs…*huuu…*huuu…pwease daddeh,gib Cy’cwops babbehs…*huuu…*huuu…”

Seth began to spray the nozzle over her,prompting a bout of screams from Cyclops as she tapped and paced in place.When this did nothing to stop the water falling on her,she started to run away from the spigot,not realizing that Seth was holding it and could move it to follow her.“You’re babies are fine.Once you’re clean,I’ll bathe them,and then you can have them back.”

He enjoyed “chasing” Cyclops around the tub with the sprayer,her hopeless attempts to escape first the sprayer and then the tub delighting him.After trying to escape the mean water monster,she had started trying to climb out of the tub.But with her small frame,stubby legs,and the texture of the porcelain,she just kept sliding and falling,over and over until her last,desperate attempt caused her to slide and roll,falling on her back.The entire time she had been screaming,from wordless bawls of terror,to pleading with daddy to be saved,then to horror again when she fell upside down and felt the water spraying her face.

She had voided her bowels when she flipped over,revealing a mostly clear liquidy puddle,quickly washed away by the sprayer.After she was mostly free of filth,Seth used some shampoo and worked it into her fluff with his hand,to which she desperately hugged,chirping and sobbing."*Chirp…*huuu…*huuu…*chirp…*chirp…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…"Once lathered,he held her firmly in place and used the hardest setting of the sprayer,forcing water into her mouth everytime she tried to cry,scream,or speak.She spasmed and jerked violently,her instincts telling her to get away from the water or she would die.

Seth enjoyed the struggle,being a little crueler than he had in mind.He purposefully aimed the spigot at her face and would spray her in rapid bursts,suprising her and hurting her eye and face.She tried to bring her hooves in front of her,as a desperate attempt to shield her face or hide from the water,prompting Seth to spray her on her rump and even her anus,causing her to jerk and scream from suprise.

Finally satisfied that she was clean,he turned the faucet off and flipped the shower switch back down,causing the remaining water in the pipes to pour from the faucet down the drain.Even on her back,coughing up water,and hurting,when Cyclops saw that much water falling,even a few feet away,it terrified her,causing her to move her weak and tired legs,as though trying to run away,cheeping,wheezing,and coughing the whole time.

Seth grabbed a towel and gave her a decent rub down before swaddling her in the towel to dry.Cyclops kept her eye closed after the water fell,too scared to open it,peeping and chirping in fear.Seth began to rub her lightly through the towel, relaxing her, the mare’s chirping and peeps slowing as her breath became calmer and less rapid.Seth smiled and then he sang a version of the mamma song that he had learned a few years ago.

“Daddy loves Fluffy”
“Fluffy loves Daddy”
“Get lots of hugs”
“and never be alone”

It was corny but when he felt like he had overdone it with a fluffy that was on the brink that he wasn’t done with,it worked wonders.Cyclops’ chirping stopped alogether,and although she didn’t open her eye,she started to coo and smile,her breathing now normal."Very good girl,Cyclops"Seth lightly petted her one more time before getting up and going to the sink.

The foals were shivering and trying to crawl out of the sink.Like a microverse version of Cyclops,they would slowly make it to the rim,only to slide backwards,chirping in confusion as to why they were moved against their will.As they heard the screams and terror filled cries of Cyclops’ bath,the red and purple foal became frightened,hugging each other for warmth and comfort.The green foal however,tried more and more to get away from the unseen danger,sliding again and again as it tried desperately to escape.It’s final attempt resulted in it sliding sideways and then rolling the entire way back to the center of the sink,causing it to panic and chirp fervently.Finally it simply laid down,trying to get as low as possible,it’s instinct to be unseen failing as Seth walked up,having just finishing drying off and calming Cyclops.

He laughed at the display of the hugging siblings and the hiding green baby.He didn’t want to do them any permanent harm yet,he was saving that for the brown foal from yesterday and the yellow foal tonight,but he couldn’t help but want to make them suffer a little.He took the green foal up by it’s tiny scruff,the first hint of a blue mane forming above it’s green fuzz and lifted it up.It instantly began to squirm and then thrash against Seth’s hand.“Oh,someone remembers me…”

Seth opened his medicine drawer and pulled out a small metal pushpin.He kept it with the rubbing alchohol in case of a small infection needing to be opened with a sterile needle.He put the green foal on it’s back,holding it lightly in place with a single finger,the foal pushing against it with it’s front nub like hooves while kicking hopelessly with it’s back.Seth took the pushpin and placed the sharp point against the foal’s belly,fighting the urge to push it in forcefully.Instead he held it against the foal,causing it to scrape it’s belly as it moved and wiggled,the pain causing it to move even more,cutting it’s belly even further.

As it tried to chirp loudly,Seth flicked it with his free hand,causing the foals head to violently twist,nearly knocking the baby unconcious."Now now,you’ll wake mamma…"Seth took the pin and then gave a light prod to it’s back nub and held it there,using his other hand to keep it still,the needle pushing the delicate skin inward.The foal chirped and flailed,using it’s other three hooves to try to push the pin away.As the pin broke the flesh,releasing several drops of blood,the foal collapsed on it’s back,no longer chirping but now breathing heavy and making a noise as it expelled air,trying to scream but being unable to with it’s underdeveloped vocal chords.Seth smiled and let it go,the foal remaining on it’s back,breathing erratically and too exhausted to move.He then turned his attentions to the siblings.They were still huddled together in a desperate hug,trying to console each other.Seth giggled to himself,having the perfect idea for the two of them.

Seth took the red and purple foal,one in each hand and pulled them away from their hopeless embrace.They chirped faster and louder as they reached their little hooves in the last direction the other had been in.Seth decided that he would have red be the bully.He took the red foal and then bopped it against the purple,eliciting several chirps and peeps from both.He did this a few times and then held the red foal under the purple foal’s nose.After a few seconds,he repeated the process,causing the foals to panick and start to writhe in his hands.While the tapping was light,for their size and a fluffy’s delicate nature,it must have felt like being punched.After doing this for several minutes,he placed the sisters back in the sink.Sure enough,the red foal sought the purple foal for comfort,only for the purple foal to become terrified at it’s presence,using it’s little nubs to keep it at bay.

Seth laughed as he took a small paper towel and ran the tap lightly,the drips of water scaring the siblings further,and causing the green foal to shake violently,trying to upright itself.He lightly steeped the towlel, turning off the tap and then gave a light rub down for each foal,getting the waste off them.They all chirped and wiggled against him,except the green foal who wheezed and struggled to catch it’s breath from sheer exhaustion.

After they were clean he took them over to the tub and put them next to their swaddled mother/adoptive mother.They chirped and peeped,trying to get close to her as Cyclops stirred."…Wa’…babbehs?..babbehs otay?"She tried to nuzzle in their direction but the towel was tightly around her and while comfortable before,it was now preventing her from moving at all.She rocked back and forth,now desperate and worried.“BABBEHS!!! MUMMAH NU CAN MOBE!!! HEWP DADDEH!!! HEWP CY’CWOPS!!!”

Seth only giggled at the silly looking fluffy."Sweety,it’s only the towel I wrapped you in…"He undid the swaddle and freed Cyclops,her first action after her liberation from the towel being to lay around her babies and sniff,lick and nuzzle them.She noticed the green and purple foals wounds and looked up at Seth."Daddeh…babbehs hab huwtiest owies…"She had such a wonderful expression in her eye,a mix of deep worry and true empathy.

Seth kneeled down to meet her face to face."Well Cyclops,I wanted to talk to you about that.It seems that your red foal is a mean bully.It hurt your babies.I’m afraid she might be a bad fluffy…"This sent a whole range of emotions through Cyclops:disbelief,shock,fear,and even anger.Being a bad fluffy was the worst thing a fluffy could be.And if her foal was a bad fluffy,was it Cyclops’ fault?She shook her head,slowly crying as she looked at the red foal,who peeped and cooed at her presence.

Cyclops took a deep breath and raised her hoof,bringing it down on the foal.She had done it hard,not hard enough to crush the poor thing but hard enough to express her complex feelings on bad fluffies to the little creature.It had the air knocked out of it and the foal slumped hard against the porcelain floor,instantly breathing hard and chirping frantically.Cyclops cried but then looked down at the terrified foal.“Bad babbeh!Nu huwt odew’ fwuffies!Ebah’!”

She drew another breath and then kicked the foal again,causing the baby to roll and hit the edge of the tub with a small thud.It was rasping and couldn’t manage to chirp at all now,too shocked to understand what was happening.It hurt her to do it but she knew a bad baby could become a bad fluffy and a bad fluffy was dangerous.As the red foal tried to recover,Cyclops went over to it and put her hoof on it’s chest,putting enough pressure on it to hold it down as it tried to breath and flailed wildly.“Wed babbeh get nummies wast fwom now on”

Cyclops had leaned down as she held the baby in place with her hoof and yelled this last part right in it’s face.It wheezed and whimpered,trying to capture it’s breath as it’s eyelids fluttered open.It’s eyes slowly became full and it looked up at Cyclops.


Cyclops gasped.Her red foal was a talky baby now.While she was still upset for it being a bad baby,her excitement outweighed it,as she grabbed it with her front hooves and lifted it to her face."Wed!Yu a tawkie babbeh now!Daddeh!Wook at Cy’cwops tawkie babbeh!"Cyclops looked to Seth with pride and joy as she held the baby up while sitting on her hindquarters.Seth smiled,amused how quickly she could go from angry and abusive to loving and tender.

"Congratulations sweetheart.I’m so proud of you and your red baby.Do you think she needs a name?"Cyclops’ eye went wide."Weawwy?!Namsies fow wed babbeh?!Yus’!Pwease daddeh!Gib babbeh namsies!"Seth thought for a moment and then laughed.Inspired by the baby’s red coat and Cyclops kicking the thing so damn hard,he had a perfect name.“How about…Kickball?”

Cyclops bounced with joy."Kik’baw bestes’ namsies eva’! Hew dat babbeh? Yu namsies am Kik’baw!"The little red foal,now too excited and proud to remember the trauma of it’s mother attacking it moment’s ago beamed,peeping happily."*Chirp…*chirp! Wuv…*chirp…*chirp…mummah!..*chirp…"As Seth watched Cyclops hug Kickball,the mare clearly estatic with it’s talkie baby,he sighed quietly."Well that’s gonna change a few things…"He muttered to himself.

Seth leaned down,smiling at the fluffies and causing Kickball to turn,her smile quelled as her mouth slowly opened in horror,her eyes locked on Seth.Kickball started to squirm in her mothers grasp,suprising the mare and causing Kickball to fall.It was a short height,but made an audible thump as she collided with the bathtub.

She made an awful noise on impact,all her air knocked out of her tiny frame,trying to scream but unable to draw a breath from the shock to her chest.She tried to rise,yelping as he did and quickly withdrawing back to laying down and chirping and rasping for air.

"*Wheeze…*chirp…*chirp…*SCREEEEEEE!..*wheeze…*wheeze…*chirp…*chirp…*SCREEEEEE!..*wheeze…*wheeze…*chirp…"Seth looked at the quivering red foal and was certain it had damaged something,possibly it’s ribs.Cyclops had been stunned the whole time,from the fall of the foal,to it’s hurt chirps and screams.Her eyes started to water and they went wide with realization.She drew a shallow breath.

"BABBEH!!! NUUUUU!!! *HUUUU…*HUUUU…*HUUUU…DADDEH!!! KIK’BAW HAB WOWST HUWTIES!!! HUUUU…HUUUU…HEWP!!! P’WEASE SAB KIK’BAW!!!"She was in a panicked frenzy.Seth could see it,the same face as when he took her off the car roof.That desperation of a child being lost,causing her to lose all composure,even for an emotional being like a fluffy.Seth stooped over the tub and took Kickball lightly in his hand.

"Calm down Cyclops,I’ll look her over.Just try to relax and take care of your other foals.They need you too."Seth took the foal over to the sink,getting a paper towl from the roll on the wall dowel,as he heard Cyclops crying but gathering up her foals.Seth shut the shower curtains,heading towards the sink.Kickball had barely moved since Seth had picked her up but as they approached the countertop,she looked up at Seth,still wheezing and rasping for air.Her newly opened eyes widened,and her already unsteady breathing became erratic and panicked.She began to lightly rock against Seth’s hand,clearly injured but so frightened of Seth that getting away from him was more important.

Many fluffy owners would spend as much time as possible with newborn foals,in the hopes that the babies would get used to their scent and recognize it when they opened their eyes.Sure enough,many foals,after opening their eyes,could easily identify their mother,their siblings,and any humans that spent enough time with them.This was clearly the case now but the opposite,as Kickball knew that her tormentor from before was this man.A word formed in her mind,the antithesis of fluffies,the opposite of huggies and love,the ruination of hope!“*wheeze…*wheeze…*wheeze…*chirp…*wheeze…*wheeze…*chirp…munstah…”

Seth put the paper towel on the countertop,then gently placed Kickball on top of it.As she struggled lightly,tremoring with pain with each tiny movement,she continued panting,asperating some blood on the white paper towel."Well that’s not a great sign…for you at least."He placed a pair of fingers on her chest,the foal trying to push her hooves against him but failing from the pain.He pushed lightly and felt it,a broken rib.Kickball’s eyes bulged as Seth pressed on her chest,making a diminutive,airless scream,almost inaudible but obvious as her mouth was agape,with her head swiveling to and fro in agony.

Seth stopped pressing on her,considering his options.He could kill her now,and tell Cyclops there was nothing he could do.Not a terrible idea as the foal clearly knew what Seth had in mind for her and her kind.But that would probably break Cyclops,and Seth simply wasn’t ready for that.He could give Kickball back to Cyclops and hope the foal holds out long enough for Seth to have his fun.She might recover,or at the worst,linger on for a few day.She knew that Seth was going to hurt her though,her and the others.And a talky baby could start to say new words at a rapid pace.If she weren’t held back by her wounds,she might be able to tell Cyclops her daddy is a monster as early as tonight.After giving it some thought,Seth made a decision.He’d spare the foal for now but he would have to silence her.

Seth reached into the medicine cabinet again,getting the rubbing alchohol and some cotton swabs.He twisted the cap off of the bottle and dipped a swab in the solution,making sure it was evenly coated.He stood over Kickball,the swab in hand.He used a pair of fingers to quickly hold her small neck and head down,causing Kickball to try to bite and kick with her front nubs,summoning her last vestiges of effort in fear of whatever the monster had planned.

The small marshmallow like hooves did nothing of course and she lacked even the softened fluffy teeth of an older foal,and after a few feeble kicks,her limbs fell,aplayed to her sides,wheezing and wincing at the pain of her injuries.Kickball looked up at Seth,her eyes full of horror,but her body too exhausted and in agony to fight back.She closed her eyes,tears falling as she accepted there was nothing she could do.Seth took the swab and jammed it into her throat,causing the foal to gag,the only protest her body mustered being a light rocking.He pulled it back and forth,making sure to coat the lining of her throat well and then lightly rubbed her tongue.

He removed the swab,now covered in blood and fetched a small dropper.Blood dribbled out of Kickball’s mouth,her eyes wide and full of pain,trying to breath and scream through the burning in her throat and mouth,and the strange vapor that filled her windpipe,making breathing difficult.Seth ran the tap until the water became warm and filled the dropper,leaving the water on.He went over to Kickball,who was grabbing feebly at her throat,clearly unable to draw a proper breath.

He picked her up by her small scruff and forced the dropper down her throat,squeezing the ball end and emptying the hot water down her gullet and into her belly.She flailed and gasped airlessly.Before she could react further,Seth then held her upside down over the sink and used the other end of the swab to gag her,over and over until the threw up,a viscious mixture of water,milk,and blood.She coughed and sputtered,water,vomit,and blood droplets filling the air and dribbling down her face.

Seth filled the dropper and held it to her mouth,waiting for her to realize what was happening before repeating the process.She gurgled and nearly spit the water up right away,needing no help when turned over the sink this time,her puke being far clearer this time,omly slightly tinged with blood.He did it a third and finally a fourth time,her spit up being nearly water by then.He put her back on the paper towel,her tiny chest rising and falling quickly,twinging with each and every breath.

He waited for her to recover as best she could,her breathing slowly becoming more evenly paced and normal.She still quivered with every breath but now her breathing was less painful than the jagged and forced breaths from before.Seth stood over Kickball,waiting until she looked up at him.When she noticed he was looking at her,she turned her head and shut her eyes,whimpering quietly,tears rolling down her cheeks.Seth grabbed her front hoof,causing her to try to pull away helplessly.He squeezed it,lightly at first but with greater and greater pressure.Kickball’s mouth opened but no noise came out,and as the pain became worse,her back legs started to kick wildly against the countertop,with only a rough and unnatural wheeze coming out of her mouth.“*wheeze…*wheeze…*wheeze…*wheeze…”

She opened her eyes,staring at Seth,clearly scared and in agony,no voice to beg or plead.She put her free front hoof on Seth’s hand,trying to garner some form of empathy or love.Seth looked at her coldly.“If you want me to stop hurting you,say"daddy”".He stopped squeezing and instead took a single finger and placed it on her chest,pressing very lightly.She groaned and made a sound almost like a high pitched frog’s croak."Say “daddy"and the hurties will stop”.He dug his finger in,indenting her chest and causing her to flail her limbs madly.She alternated from wheezing and silently screaming,to making strange noises,like someone trying to force air out of their throat.

Seth was nearly convinced but need to be sure."He took both thumbs and pressed deep on both sides of her chest.She gasped and then struggled,realizing she had no air.“If you don’t say"daddy"right now,I’m going to give you forever sleepies.Then I’m going to give forever sleepies to your mamma and her babies.Now say"daddy”!"She moved her mouth,making all manner of noises from off sounding chirps that would gain and lose cadence in odd places,to the soprano frog’s croak from before,clearly desperate to save herself and her family.

Seth smiled.He had done it,he had taken Kickball’s voice.He faked a warm and inviting smile as he stopped crushing her chest,instead picking her up and lightly petting her back,causing her to shiver and croak.“Don’t worry Kickball,I’m not going to give you forever sleepies.You tried so hard to say"daddy”,I could tell.You and your family are safe,I promise."From the quivering mass he was holding,he could tell she knew he was lying.And there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

Seth walked over to the bathtub,carrying Kickball.He drew the curtain and saw Cyclops,curled up around the two foals,shaking and sucking on her raw and cracked hoof.She was sobbing lightly,clearly exhausted with worry."Cyclops…"Seth tried to get the mare’s attention.She looked up,still sucking on her hoof like a frightened foal.“*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…babbeh otay?Pwease nu foweba sweepies?”

The mare was clearly distraught and was assuming the worst.Seth held Kickball in both hands,slowly leaning down and presenting her to Cyclops."She’s alive Cyclops,but the fall hurt her badly.She’ll be ok but she won’t be a talkie baby for a few days"Seth knew that the foal would never talk again,and she might not even survive her wounds,but by then it wouldn’t matter.Cyclops quickly took Kickball in both her hooves and carefull placed her with her “siblings”."Kik’baw otay!!! Nu fuweba sweepies!!! Tank yu daddeh!!!Tank yu!!!"

She nuzzled the injured foal and began to clean it,calming Kickball.Now with her mother instead of the monster,she began to breath slowly and seemed in far less pain.Cleary drained from her “adventure”,her eyes closed and she fell asleep in the pile,Cyclops carefully watching her."Now Cyclops,I know you’ve been through alot so I’m going to leave for now and let you and your foals rest,but later I’ll need to move you all to the living room.I can’t have you living in the bathroom…"He chuckled slightly.

Seth would love to keep her here but he didn’t want to deal with her freaking out everytime she remembered she was in a bathtub."Otay daddeh…Cy’cwops an’ babbehs mobe ta’ wiving woom.West an’sweepies fo’ nao. Cy’cwops wuv yu…"Cyclops curled back around her foals,putting her sucky hoof around Kickball specifically.Seth drew the curtain back and left the guest bathroom,dimming the lights as he did.

Sorry for the wait on this one. It didn’t dawn on me how much Cyclops said her daughter’s name until I had to color it in her sentences. Hope you all enjoy. :heart:


Smacking two foals together to make one resent the other. Actual savant, damn. I wouldn’t comment on each of these but this is legitimately impressive.


Thanks. The main character Seth is indeed one sick puppy. :smiling_imp:


It’s interesting to what lengths Seth goes to torment them. I still don’t really know what the whole plan is, but Cyclops is a total wreck already, constantly on the edge of a total breakdown. For a minute I half expected her to just kill Kickball right after hearing she was a bad baby. That’d have been a little overboard.

Also interesting how deathly afraid of water she is, but I guess it doesn’t help that Seth’s using it to basically torture her via something akin to waterboarding. No learning that it’s not bad for her.


The early stuff I read hit home how scared of water fluffies were.
So in this universe (my stories do not take place in the same universe) fluffies are exceptionally frightened by even the thought of large accumulations of water.


Yeah, of course. Not a criticism at all, just hits you when you read it and I like to imagine my own explanations, even in universe. Like it being part her, part the fact that she’s getting that fear reinforced here.


I took no offense, simply explaining.
And yeah the protagonist is adept at using the flaws and weaknesses he sees in fluffies against them.
After I wrote the latest chapter I had to write some Hugbox to wash the grim out of my mouth.


Wow im now at Part 3 and poor Cyclops. Its rear to see such aloving Fluffy Mother in most storys they just gife up or scream a littel when a stalion has their way with one of their babys or he is eating it, just to afraid of being heart herself to do a fucking thing. I think if a Stallion would try to enf or eat one of hear Babys she would try to murder that fucker hard.

When Seth tryt to bath her i had a few giggels for a moment til i realised that if i had a new Fluffy not even being an abuser just me out of the real world would have goten so mad at it for freaking out from a littel bath an shiting i would have gone Medieveal on its ass hard.