Oh he is going softer. No lie.
Cyclops and Candyfloss represent the appeal he saw in fluffies before Seth became as we know him, kindness and innocence respectively.
A small bit of it was dropped in the last chapter but because I decided to keep it going, i figured it’d be better to stretch out Seth’s origins.
Ohohohoho the lore…. Seth lore. I’m feeling a future Mongola saga.
What a fantastic read this series has been, thanks for putting it out here! Got some very interesting Seth backstory tidbits in this last chapter as well. My own best guess is that Seth lost somebody close to him, after which fluffy abuse became a kind of coping mechanism for him.
At any rate, I’m excited to read whatever comes next!
Glad you liked the story
It was a joy to write and finish(at least for now) it as FoJ was the first Fluffy story I ever wrote.
And you are very much onto something there…
Wonderful as always @Karn ! I legitimately forgot that you said Seth would be continuing in other stories, and thought the mortar going off was going to push him off the roof lol.
I do look forward to the reveal of our disembodied female voice that named Ash.
I tried to make it seem like Seth was the target on purpose, so i’m just glad my writing had the intended effect. Appreciate it SomeGuy
It took some effort but I’m pleased with the final result
I think everyone who gets this far will be pleased
Wow, terrific story. I like the mind frame of Seth not being sure if he cares for fluffies or not…it’s all in the moment. definitly the longest story I’ve ever read also. Ty
Thank you so much
Always appreciate it when someone takes the time to let me know they enjoyed my writing.
The irony being that despite the story’s length it only takes place over 4 days lol
Seth should kill himself. He’s a loser who got dumped by a girl and never got over it so he breaks childrens toys.
Sorry it’s not your cup of tea Jimmy
Oh no i thought it was great, and you have an incredible talent. I just think that if i knew seth in real life i would very much want for him to be dead
Completely forgot about this site until I remembered this wonderful story, just finished catching up, and I gotta say, love the ending. On one hand, I’m interested in how Seth is gonna handle things from here. On the other, I feel slightly bad for him.
I love how I can feel a hint of remorse for him even after all I’ve seen him do. I know he’s insane and totally evil, but you’ve shown how human he is so much that I can’t truly see him as a cruel psychopath… Unlike a certain Doctor.
Thank you so much
I adore this story on so many levels. Yet I can’t share it with anyone.
Fuck, I can never say this enough… This IS THE BEST FLUFFY STORY EVER MADE
I wish it would go on forever.
So our great hero, Seth, was scorned from his lover shortly after getting Ash (and starburst?).
What caused it tho? Seth is clearly not the most stable, so it’s quite easy to levy blame onto him. Was it his controlling nature? His lack of faith or ability to see the bigger picture? The fact he likes to abuse fluffies? Nah, Whatever happened obviously caused him to go full on fluffy boogieman. Ash and starburst remember a nice and happy Seth, garbled as the memories were
And was it as easy an answer as “Seth, the monster, obviously ruined his relationship with said lover, he’s a big meanie-weanie,” or what?
So good, so good, please don’t quit on Seth’s story and Abuser Apprentice!