The Fourth of July Part 36/Finale by Karn

Seth knew all too well that Cyclops wouldn’t question his lie, the mare now hanging on to the faint hope that she might see her other children again. Of course there was no dog to track down, despite what she thought, but rather it would all fall to Plucky and Ash, the outcome of tonight deciding what foals, if any, would be returned to the grieving mare. But it was important to Seth that Cyclops know that her babies might be gone for good, to temper her expectations, hence the elaborate deception. Still clutching her remaining children, Cyclops trembled and shook, clearly understanding the dwindling odds that her lost foals still lived.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Am daddeh gowna gu wook fow babbehs nao?”

“I already did sweety, but I haven’t found them yet. After looking for so long, I came here to check on you…” Seth knew that she’d accept the simple lie, watching as the dour mare smiled slightly at the thought of her owner coming back to guarantee her safety. Indeed a lie always went down easier when it was what the mark longed to hear, and Cyclops craved Seth’s affection more than anything. “…But after I help you settle for a bit, I’ll head back out, see if I can find them.” Sitting beside her, the mare still clutching her last foals as though they might slip through her hooves, Seth lightly stroked Cyclops mane. Her whimpering sobs slowly gave way to cooing as just being close to Seth had calmed her a great deal.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Otay daddeh…P’wease find babbehs fow Cy’cwops…*huuu…huuu…huuu…Am onwy widdew babbehs an’ nee deww mummah…”

“I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try my best sweetheart…” His hand still gently stroking her, Seth turned his attentions to Raptor, the battered pegasus wincing slightly as his younger siblings nuzzled and cooed against their new hero. “…And Raptor…” Hearing his name so abruptly from Seth caused the pegasus to yelp, his body going rigid as he slowly turned to face his owner, trembling as his grip on the foals tightened reflexively.

“Y…y…yus daddeh?”

“…Can I trust you to keep Cyclops and the foals safe?” It amused Seth to watch how nervous the pegasus had been, as though he were holding his breath the whole time he awaited Seth’s response, only to be blindsided by such a question. Shocked at first, Raptor nervously nodded his head, clearly not wanting to anger his daddy further today.

“Wa…Waptow wiww twy, buh…buh munstah wus su scawy daddeh…”

Placing his hand on the anxious pegasus, Seth forced a smile. “I know you can do it buddy! And I’m proud of you for saving what fluffies you could…Thank you Raptor” While the surprised fluffy’s mouth was agape, never expecting such praise from his scary owner, Seth hid a grimace. It almost pained him to shower the undeserving pegasus with adulation, but in the short run, it would help keep Candyfloss content, what with the foal now loving her big brother and all. And besides, in the long run, Seth knew that he could flip it on Raptor, making the little bastard regret ever catching Candyfloss’ attention.

Seth remained in the safe-room for nearly half an hour, deciding to give the fluffies some long needed attention. Even Raptor was tended to, with Seth lightly petting the beaten pegasus’ belly until he untensed enough to drift asleep. It took far longer for the begreived mare to calm down, as despite all of Seth’s tender affections, Cyclops’ mind was clearly still with the lost foals. Eventually, even she was placated by gentle rubs and soothing words, falling alseep in Seth’s lap next to her remaining children.

Once all the fluffies had been sleeping for several minutes, Seth placed his hands underneath Cyclops’ flank, gently lifting her off his legs as he stood. Peering down at the slumbering fluffpile, Seth couldn’t help but glare as he noticed the white foal, the tiny colt resting peacefully between his mother and Raptor. Watching as he lightly stretched, nuzzling against Cyclops and peeping contently in his sleep, Seth quietly seethed. Feeling his anger rise at how carefree and cheerful the white colt was, Seth had to resist the urge to rip the poor creature from his rest, to punish him for forcing Seth to spare him, as well as Raptor. His boot slightly raised, Seth hovered it slightly over the foal, tempted to crush the troublesome colt and be done with it. But before Seth could decide the foal’s fate, the white colt stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering half open and peering upward to Seth, oblivious to his poised and readied boot that dangled over the foal, still half asleep.

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…wuv da’deh…*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…”

Rolling over and quickly drifting off again, Seth sighed as he lowered his foot back to the ground. “Damn it…” In spite of how pissed the little foal had made him, Seth just couldn’t do it, at least not today. While he had little affection for the foal, seeing him smile like that and call him daddy, it reminded him too much of Candyfloss. Seth suffered no disillusions that any of his fluffies were going to live long and happy lives, as neither Cyclops nor Candyfloss were safeguarded against Seth’s temperament, and he had an almost genuine affection for them. But at least for now, the white foal would live, at least as long as he amused Candyfloss. And if he was going to stick around, he was going to need a name.

Leaning over, Seth lightly jostled Raptor, the pained pegasus stirring quickly from his slumber, groaning as he tried to move his battered body. “Hey, wake up Raptor…” Slowly coming to, the sore stallion turned his head to face Seth, clearly growing nervous as he realized that he was face to face with his owner.

‘Wa…wai daddeh waek Waptow upsies?’

It pleased Seth that the pegasus still knew to be afraid of him, that all the kindness and the new living space hadn’t made Raptor forget all of his previous torments. Even now, surrounded by other fluffies that loved him, even a new mother, all it took was Seth’s undivided attention to drag the young colt back to the horrors of the hobby-room. Although he was enjoying his anxiety and fear, Seth wanted Raptor calm, at least for the time being. Calmly stroking the side of Raptor’s mane, Seth could feel the pegasus untense slightly, cooing as he weakly nuzzled against his hand. “It’s ok buddy. I just thought you might want to know that I decided that since your little brother is going to be staying with us, I might as well give the little guy a name…”

Raptor’s eyes lit up as he heard the news that his new brother would be getting a name. In spite of much he had come to fear Seth, the pegasus leaned in to his owner’s face, groaning from the effort as he wrapped his hooves around his daddy’s neck.

“Weawwy?! …Da…daddeh gowna gib Waptow’s widdew bwudah namsies?!”

Seth went slightly rigid at the pegasus’ touch, fighting his instincts to recoil from Raptor’s affections. Everything within Seth told him to grasp the tiny pest by his neck, to grip and squeeze the life out of the annoying pegasus until his tongue lolled from his mouth and his body went limp. His hand shaking as it reached out for Raptor, Seth gritted his teeth, opting instead to place it behind the pegasus’ neck, gently patting him as he cooed and nuzzled against his neck. Seething quietly behind a forced grin, Seth nodded to the excitable pegasus, casually pushing Raptor away from his face as he did so. “…That’s right buddy! And since you love your little brother so much, I figured you might want to be awake when I give him his name…” Reaching past Raptor, Seth gently scooped up the white foal, the startled colt suddenly peeping and thrashing at the rude awakening.

*chirp…*chirp…*screeeeeee!!! …*chirp…*chirp…ba’ upsies! …*chirp…*chirp…

“Cawefuw daddeh…Nu huwties widdew bwudah…”

Lightly flicking the pegasus on the snout, Raptor reflexively grabbed his face as he fell over, his eyes still on the dangling foal. “I’m not going to hurt him Raptor…and never tell daddy what to do…” Placing the colt atop the whimpering pegasus, Seth saw as both were swiftly calmed by the other’s presence, with Raptor lightly nuzzling the white foal even as the tiny colt sniffled nervously at the pegasus’ muzzle, blood lightly trickling down from Raptor’s nose. His attention now on the tiny peeping fluff, Seth reached our, lightly stroking his finger over the white foal’s back. Apprehensive at first, the foal chirped nervously until he gave in to the affection, cooing as Seth gingerly petted the tiny colt.

At the end of the day, all they really want is our love, thought Seth as he watched and attended the foal. Just moments ago the tiny fluff had been screaming incomprehensively, but now just a few moments of Seth’s time and attention, he was cooing comfortably, as though it had never happened. It was always so fascinating to Seth just how much a fluffy craved and needed human attention. Being biotoys created for the purpose of pleasing their owners, Hasbio had began engineering their creations with a need, a near addiction to love, especially the love of their would be owners. And with the debacle that freed them long before they had been finished, that burning desire had never been refined. And that left the world with these needy, neurotic little bundles of fluff, creatures condemned to feel in excess and want just the same.

“Now that we’re being calm, I wanted to tell you that since you’re a talky baby, it’s time you had a name…” The news of the foal getting a name seemed to excite Raptor far more than the white colt, with the tiny, cooing fluff simply looking upward towards Seth, his head cocked slightly to the side. Nuzzling against the foal, Raptor seemed overjoyed as he tried to explain what Seth was saying.

“Daddeh am gowna gib widdew bwudah namsies…Am bestest ting fow babbeh fwuffy tu git namsies…”

Seth couldn’t help but notice that despite how excited the pegasus seemed, his eyes were watering and had began to tear up. “That’s right little guy…So, how do you feel about Domino?” Looking to Raptor, as though he needed the older pegasus’ permission, the foal was silent, awaiting some answer that only his brother had.

“Dat am gud namsies fow widdew bwudah, daddeh! Yu heaw dat babbeh bwudah? Yu namsies am Dom’nu!”

It was like a switch had been flipped on, with the pegasus’ excitement suddenly causing Domino to perk up, dancing in a circle as he peeped cheerfully.

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…dom’nu! …dom’nu! …*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…ba’beh am dom’nu! …*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…”

Even thought Seth hadn’t wanted either of them in the long term, he had to admit that the cuteness of the whole encounter was rather infectious. “That’s right Domino! And your big brother here is named Raptor…Can you say Raptor?” Watching as the foal squinted his tiny eyes, looking towards his brother as he pondered his owner’s words, Seth had to stifle a laugh, the image of a foal concentrating being rather amusing and surreal. After a few chirps and peeps, Domino struggled and stumbled over his words until…

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…wawawap’tu? …*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…wap’tu!…*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…bwu’da am wap’tu! …*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…”

Excited over his little brother’s new name, as well as hearing his own from the little fluff, Raptor scooped Domino up into his hooves, grunting slightly from the pained effort as he rubbed his head against and licked the peeping foal. Deciding that he’d let the pair enjoy their momentary bliss, Seth stood up and quietly left the living-room, making his way to the kitchen.

Plucky had screamed and screamed, long after Seth had left him alone with the foal, until his throat stung and was hoarse. Sliding against the closet door, he had begun to weep, the thought of the green baby starving to death overwhelming the emotional pegasus. Sobbing as he feebly pawed at the bottom of the door, Plucky tried again and again to yell, desperate for his owner to return, to take the foal back, until only a weak, pained series of whimpers came out.

Lying on the floor mewling, Plucky kept his eyes firmly shut as he wept, not wanting to look at the green foal in the corner. With all the commotion that the pegasus had been making combined with Seth’s earlier cruelty, the green colt had gone from peeping nervously to chirping loudly, desperate for the kind fluffy to return to and protect him. Once Plucky realized that Seth simply wasn’t coming back, no matter how much he pleaded, the pegasus rose up, still sniffling as he wiped away the tears with his hoof. Trotting over to the scared foal, Plucky picked up the peeping mass of fluff and held him close, holding him tightly.

“It am otay babbeh…P’wuky am hewe…nu be scawed…”

For a long while, the foal was content in the arms of Plucky, savoring the warm safety of being snuggled against the pegasus’ chest. But after few hours, the foal began to chirp hungrily, trying in vain to garner the attention of Cyclops. Raising his head as he peeped and chirped rapidly, the foal slowly became more and more anxious, as try as he might, he couldn’t smell his adoptive mother. Wiggling against Plucky’s hooves, the tiny colt tried to free himself from the pegasus’ grasp, wanting, no, needing to find Cyclops.

Knowing all too well the sounds of a hungry foal, Plucky held the colt tightly against his chest, despite the flailing protests of the foal. Nuzzling his head gently against the peeping fluff, Plucky tried his best to stifle his sobbing, lest he scare the foal even more.

“*Shhh…Nu wun way’ widdew babbeh…Babbeh’s mummah nu am hewe…P’wuky su sowwy babbeh…P’wuky su sowwy…”

At first the foal was simply upset, it’s grumbling belly slightly uncomfortable as it wiggled and writhed against Plucky in a desperate bid to find his mother Cyclops. To feed and feel the safety of being held by her as he was latched to her teat. But as one hour became two, and two became four, the slight discomfort became intolerable pain, with the foal’s desperate peeps becoming bellowing warbles, a discordant warning that without feeding or intervention, the baby fluffy was going to starve.

Plucky tried to ignore the horrible sound, the one that haunted his memories of life out in the streets. But even as the foal cried out for food, the pegasus could feel the tiny fluff’s struggles slowing, his movements weakening as his nubs limply flailed against Plucky’s hooves. Whimpering softly, all the pegasus could think of was his own siblings, brothers and sisters who had slowly died off when his mother didn’t have enough milk for them all. He had been from her first litter, his eyes open and teeth having come in long before her second pregnancy. Food had been plentiful where that had once lived, a large wooden box near the city landfill, but before his mother had the chance to give birth, they had been chased away. Angry humans had attacked them and before they could escape, Plucky’s father had died, his head beaten in right in front of the young pegasus.

That was shortly before Plucky became familiar with that awful sound, that deep, distorted chirping that marked a fluffy baby that desperately needed food. He’d first heard it from the neighboring alleys, unsure of what the noise meant, only that the babies sounded so sad. But as the food for his family became scarcer and scarcer, his mother could only make so much milk, with the poor mare trying her best to split it as evenly as possible. Over time, his mother had become reliant on Plucky, needing her oldest to go out and secure food, but he had little success and they often had to simply sleep with empty bellies.

That’s when Plucky learned the hard way the meaning of the sound, watching as his younger brethren crooned and warbled, their breathing becoming erratic and their movements slower. He had begged his mother to save them, to do something, anything for his dying siblings, but his mother was distraught, unable to save them as they perished. Eventually, all of the young foals had gone quiet, with Plucky’s mother lying on her side, her eyes wide and glassy as she muttered wan die over and over.

It had been burned into Plucky’s mind, the last image of his lost brothers and sisters, their bodies lying next to his broken mother. And now as he held the frantic foal, his tiny frame moving slower and slower as his bellowing became less frequent and softer, all Plucky could think of was the final moments of his siblings, their features twisted up in agony as their tiny nubs held their shrunken, distended bellies. They suffered for so long, peeping and warbling in pain until they finally curled up and expired, that horrible pained expression frozen on their face forever. Every time Plucky was forced to see or hear a foal in pain, it was all he could think of.

It had now been several hours since Seth had brought the poor foal to Plucky. Trying to block out the flood of unpleasant memories the foal’s droning unearthed, the pegasus tried to grip the weakening colt against him, some small part of his brain telling him that on some level, just holding the foal could help somehow. Plucky could feel the foal trembling against his chest, just as his siblings had when the pain had come. Unable to help himself, Plucky peered down to the colt, his face clearly pained from worsening starvation. Unable to cope with how much the colt looked like his lost siblings, Plucky could no longer contain his sorrow. Sobbing loudly, the pegasus was torn, unable to console the malnourished foal and unsure what to do.

With each passing moment, Plucky could feel the foal weakening, the space between his hungered cries getting longer and longer, each cry quieter than the last. But as bad as his torturous crooning was, the pegasus was ill prepared for what was to come, as the foal’s eyes began to open, his brow still furrowed in a painful, confused expression as he stared upright towards Plucky.

*chirp… … …*chirp… … …hun’gy! … … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …hun’gy! … … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …

Plucky thought it couldn’t have been worse, the foal starving in his arms. But now, the tremoring colt stared up at him, clearly scared and perplexed as to why he wasn’t being fed, why he wasn’t being taken to his mother. Unable to answer the dying foal, Plucky began to whimper as he stood upright, gently placing the shaking foal onto the floor before lifting his hoof above the warbling colt.

*chirp… … …*chirp… … …hun’gy! … … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …hun’gy! … … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … …hun’gy! … … …

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…P’wuky am su sowwy widdew babbeh…”

Seth had spent the remainder of the afternoon in a near daze. With evening so tantalizingly close, it was hard to really focus on anything else. He’d enjoyed the struggling red foal for a bit, shocked to see that it had survived for several hours despite the cold. Deciding that he could use an outlet for later, Seth had taken the can into his hobby-room after moving the foal filled mortars into the adjoining hallway, with only the occasional peep coming from the despondent babies. Taking the can to the sink, Seth emptied the red foal into his gloved hand, the colt shivering silently as he fell into his palm. Once in his hand, Seth could feel that his tiny nubs were no longer moving, the skin underneath his red fluff bluish and bordering on black.

Exposure had clearly claimed the foal’s extremities, with the frightened colt wiggling his torso as he warmed slowly, peeping for the first time since Seth had encased him in ice. Once he had dripped dry, Seth took him over to the workbench, tearing a piece of waxpaper and placing it down for the shaking foal to lie apon. It had been a long time since Seth had a reason to pillow a fluffy, with the only long term pillow he had ever kept being Starburst. And Seth had truly come to enjoy the special sort of abuse that he had dealt to her over the years, her suffering being far more psychological than physical. And with her life on the line this very evening, Seth thought it couldn’t hurt to have a new pillowfluff as a backup, just in case.

Taking a scalpel and his lighter, Seth made quick work of the foal’s limbs, with the colt barely responding at each severing, only ocasionally peeping when the lighter’s flames licked at his shoulders and haunches. After only a few short minutes, the foal now laid limbless and freshly cauterized on the bloody waxpaper, writhing wildly as despite the lack of sensation the frostbite had caused, the colt could clearly tell something horrible had happened to him. Peeping sullenly as tears began to fall from his sealed eyes, Seth gently stroked the foal’s back with a finger. “There, there…it’s ok…I’ll take care of you. I think I’ll call you…Frostbite…”

Seth spent about an hour with his newly amputated pillowfluff, being overly sweet to the confused, traumatized foal. Writhing in his hands, Frostbite peeped and chirped in protest as Seth placed him in a makeshift pillowbed, attaching Raptor’s old litterbox to the back. “Shh…calm down little guy, calm down. You might as well get used to it Frostbite…You’re gonna spend the rest of your life in it…”

Leaving Frostbite on his workbench to acclimate to his new life, Seth glanced at his phone. It was nearly time for all his work and preparation to come to fruition. Making his way to the kitchen, Seth took out a large pot and began to fill it under the sink’s faucet. Once the pot was adequately full, Seth placed it onto the stovetop, turning the heat dial up and bringing the water to a slow boil. As he waited for the water to heat up, Seth opened his pantry and grabbed a fresh box of spaghetti, opening it and pouring the noodles into the bubbling water.

While the pasta cooked, Seth then began to brown the meat, stirring and crumbling the beef with a wooden spoon as he added various spices. Once the small bits of meat were a caramelized brown, Seth drained the excess grease, opening a jar of mushroom marinara and adding it to the pan and mixing it thoroughly with the meat. Leaving the sauce to simmer, Seth then stirred the noodles until they were good and soft, draining the water and then adding the sauce to the pasta and stirring it fervently until the noodles were well mixed with the sauce. Grabbing four bowls, Seth filled one with a healthy portion before placing a lid atop the rest, keeping it warm as Seth ate. While spaghetti wasn’t Seth’s favorite food, it was always his dinner on the 4th, as it was the only time he made it for his older fluffies, a unique treat before the jubilations Seth had always planned. Too excited to savor the meal, Seth wolfed down the pasta, finishing the meal quickly and washing his bowl before making his way to the guest bathroom, retrieving a bottle of sleeping pills and returning to the kitchen, crushing two of the capsules and letting the remnants fall into the remaining three bowls before putting a healthy portion of pasta into each bowl and mixing them until the sleep aid was dissolved into nearly every bite.

Seth took two bowls into the safe-room first, opening the door by leaning slightly against it as he awkwardly jostled the handle with his arm. Walking within, Seth could hear Starburst whimpering softly, the fragile mare often crying for days after her sorry-box punishment. Crossing over the fluffgate, Seth quietly watched as Ash nuzzled and held Starburst, trying to calm his former lover after her nightmarish experience.

“p’WeASe nU cWy sTAWbUwSt…aSh wUvs yU…nU hAb sAdDiEs cUz oF hUwTiEs…sTaWBuWsT bE oTaY…”

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Da…daddeh gown…gowna weave Sta…Stawbuwst…*huuu…huuu…huuu…Daddeh n…nu wuv Stawbuwst nu mo…mowe…*huuu…huuu…huuu…Gow…gowna thwow Sta…Stawbuwst way’!”

It was common for her to have an outburst like this, as after the rare physical abuse that Seth inflicted on Starburst, she’d whimper and cry for days, fearing that her owner was going to be rid of her, that this was the time that she’d be tossed out with the garbage to fend for herself. There was no greater fear, no greater horror for Starburst, than to be alone, and unloved.

Interrupting the awkward ex-couple, Seth sat the bowls down near Starburst’s pillow, hunching over slightly so that he was nearly face to face with the somber fluffs. “Hey guys!” It bemused Seth to see how startled the pair were by his sudden appearance, with the battered mare deficating into her litterbox as she yelped with shock, and Ash trembling as he crawled hesitantly between Seth and the injured pillowfluff.

“sEf…sEfF nU gIb mOwE hUwTieS tU sTaWbUwSt…hA…hAb tU mANi oWwiEs aN’ hEaWt hUwTiEs aW’wEaDy…p’WeAsE sEfF…nU mOwE…”

“Your such a downer sometimes Ash. But despite you trying to tell daddy what to do, I’ll let it slide, considering it’s such a special day and all…” Taking the first bowl, Seth lightly scooted the stallion aside and placed it in front of quivering mare, his hand gently stroking her mane as Seth vied for her attention. “…And to celebrate, guess what daddy made!” As Starburst sniffled weakly, gently cooing at the proximity and calm words of her owner, her eyes widened as she smelled and then saw the treat that would be her dinner. Despite her injuries, all her previous worries and fears, a small smile appeared on the pillowfluff’s face, her eyes tearing slightly as she stared longingly towards the bowl.

“Da…daddeh bwing sketties fow Stawbuwst…Daddeh wu…wuv Stawbuwst gain?”

“Well you were pretty bad Starburst, but I forgive you…” Pushing the bowl within her reach, the pillowfluff’s pained smile widened, her tail wagging slightly as she leaned down as best her battered flank would allow and began to devour the delicious pasta. As Starburst enjoyed her supper, Seth then placed the second bowl next to Ash, the stallion far more suspicious than his former mate. “Here you go pal, enjoy!” Despite his misgivings towards Seth, Ash was rather hungry, his last meal being hours ago. With the delicious, favored meal so close, the stallion couldn’t resist, leaning over and eating the spaghetti with gusto. Finishing their rare meal of pasta, the pair, despite their torture and aberrant treatment, voiced their gratitude for the succulent treat.

“Tank yu daddeh…Stawbuwst wuv’d sketties an’ wuv bestest daddeh fow bestest sketties tweat…”

“…tAnk yU sEff…”

Starburst was the first to show signs that the sleep aid was working, the pillowmare’s eyes fluttering as her head drooped slowly until she collapsed against her bed. Startled by her sudden blackout, Ash tried in vain to leap to her side, only to find that he too was slowly losing consciousness.

“…wAt…wAt sEff du tu sTaWbUwST…w…wAt sEfF d…dU…tU…

Collapsing against the padded floor, Ash gave in to the laced pasta and passed out. Smiling as he took each bowl, Seth turned around, leaving the safe-room. “One to go…”

Taking the last bowl, Seth took a deep breath before opening the closet door. No matter the outcome with the green colt, he knew that Plucky would be distraught. Making his way inside, Seth could hear the pegasus sobbing quietly in the corner, the crushed remains of the foal nearby. Placing the laced spaghetti aside for the moment, Seth knelt down next to the crying stallion. “I know it hurts Plucky…but believe me when I tell you it was for the best. He would have suffered if you hadn’t done it. Never forget that…” His quiet mewling becoming full throated sobs, Plucky reached out, his hooves desperately gripping around Seth’s waist.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…D…d…daddeh…w…wu…wus jus’…jus’…a…b…b…babbeh…*huuu…huuu…huuu…”

“It’ll be ok buddy…I know he was just a foal, but he had to go, one way or another. Now calm down…Here, I brought you a special treat. Something to perk you up…” Sliding the bowl next to the whimpering pegasus, he sniffled at the pasta, his eyes slightly widening as his tears subsided slightly.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Da…daddeh bwing P’wuky sketties…*huuu…huuu…huuu…P’wuky nu feew wike P’wuky desewb sketties daddeh…”

“Now none of that Plucky! Your daddy went to all the trouble to make you spaghetti and I know you’d hate for them to go to waste…” Seth knew that he wouldn’t have to try too hard to get the depressed fluff to eat the drugged food, as despite the ordeal he had been through, the pegasus was getting hungry and it was a fluffies favorite meal. Still sobbing as he wolfed down mouthfulls of the pasta, it wasn’t long before Plucky’s head began to loll as the pegasus fell to the ground unconcious.

All Ash could think of was his new home, the excited stallion giggling as he chased his tail, waiting for his new owner to finish paying for him. Seeing his new daddy approaching, Ash sat on his haunches, trying his best to be polite and patient, just like the nicest lady had taught him. Noticing the carrier in his arms, the young stallion tried not to wince. Despite how much it looked like a sorry-box, nicest lady told him that it was just a safety-box, for moving good fluffies to good homes. As the man leaned in, Ash couldn’t contain his excitement, flailing his hooves as he cooed and laughed. “Well hello there little guy…My name is Seth.”

“Upsies!!! Upsies p’wease!!!”

“Calm down little guy, calm down…” Chuckling at Ash’s adorable display, the stallion cooed as the man who had chosen him scooped him upward, his warm laughter and gentle grip soothing Ash as he cautiously placed him with in the carrier. Despite how nice Seth was and everything that nicest lady had said, Ash was anxious within the enclosed space, feeling as though he had been punished. Fidgeting nervously, it wasn’t until his new owner comment on it that Ash even noticed that he was rapping his hooves lightly against the carrier’s bottom. “You alright in there little guy?”

“Sowwy nices’ mistuh…Fwuffy nu mean tu maek noisies…fwuffy nu wike sowwy box…”

“Sorry-box? Oh, buddy?! You’re not in trouble, I just don’t want you hurt. It’s to make sure that I can get you home safely.” As his new owner’s voice calmed him, Ash suddenly heard another voice, a softer voice calling out to his owner.

“Is that him Seth?! Is that your new fluffy?!”

From where the carrier’s opening faced, Ash couldn’t see who Seth was speaking to, but they sounded more like nicest lady than his new owner, but younger. “Well remember, he’s not just mine you know, he belongs to both of us…” The light rocking of the carrier abruptly coming to a halt, Ash could just make out the voice’s silhouette as she called to him.

“Hey there cutie! Do you have a name?”

“…Nu…fwuffy am onwy caw’d fwuffy…”

“Well that’s no good. Hmm…Oh! I know! How about…”

It was cold beneath Ash as he finally came to, and the familiar smell of the open air filled his nostrils. Shaking his head as he struggled rise to his feet, he felt an abrupt weight on his shoulder, holding him firmly and halting his attempt. It was Seth, sitting quietly next to the stallion, his hand now holding Ash in place. “Careful buddy…wouldn’t want you to fall…” Taking in his surroundings, it finally dawned on Ash where they were, his gaze now focused on the rooftop’s edge just inches away from where he had been laying. Wildly kicking his legs, the stallion tried to back away, the dizzying height horrifying him, but Seth held firm. “I figured since this might be your last Fourth of July, we’d make it special. So I set everything up here…” Ash couldn’t recognize the rooftop of Seth’s own apartment, having never been there, nor anywhere that high for that matter.

Seth was uncharacteristically somber, simply watching as the sun fell, shadows slowly encompassing the city. Even as he spoke, his gaze was fixed on the horizon, his expression muted and cold. As he simply waited quietly facing the setting sun, Ash anxiously peered around, unsure of what horrors his owner had in store for him. Trying not to look beyond the rooftop’s edge, he noticed the launchers set up nearby, with a strange, green pegasus that Ash had never met lying unconscious next to them. Wary of the unknown fluffy, the stallion’s interest in the slumbering stranger waned quickly when he finally noticed Starburst.Wriggling in a wild panic, the pillowmare was stacked atop several piled cinderblocks, her desperate screams muffled by the tape Seth had placed over her mouth.

Fearful for his former special friend, Ash struggled against Seth, who only chuckled at the newfound fervor of his pet, releasing his grip. Trotting as quickly as his legs would allow, Ash ran to the block pile, leaning up against it and flailing his hooves, unable to reach Starburst.

“nU wOwWy sTaWbuWsT!!! aSh wIwW sAb yU!!!”

Struggling as he reached upward, Starburst just beyond his grasp, Ash was oblivious to Seth’s approach, his owner quietly standing beside the frantic stallion until he tired himself out, realizing that he was incapable of saving anyone. “You really shouldn’t tucker yourself out like that Ash. Gonna make it harder for you to compete…”

“wAt sEfF mEan?! wEwE aM fWuFfiEs?! wAt sEff gOwNa dU tU sTaWBuWsT?!”

Even as he shouted at Seth, trying his best to quell his whimpers and sobs, it was clear that Ash was starting to feel helpless, starting to realize that whatever Seth had been planning was coming to fruition, and soon, with the stallion’s bravado falling apart at the thought of what new Hell his deranged owner was going to inflict on him, or worse, on Starburst. “What happens to her depends on you Ash…you and him…”

Pointing to Plucky as the pegasus slowly came to, Ash eyed the fluff cautiously, unsure of either his or Seth’s motives. Walking away from Ash, Seth leaned over and helped Plucky rise to his feet. “Come on buddy, up you get…” Looking up towards Seth, it was clear that the pegasus was just as confused as Ash, peering around anxiously as he lightly rapped his hooves against the rooftop.

“We…wewe daddeh taek P’wuky? H…hu am odah fwuffies?”

His voice raised, Plucky’s shouts prompted an eruption of muffled peeps and chirps from the mortars, his offspring recognizing and calling to their unseen father. Eyes wide in shock, the pegasus tried to clamor onto the launchers, only for Seth to block his path. “Not so fast Plucky! You have to earn your foals back…” Gripping him by his mane, Seth walked back over to Ash, dragging the whimpering pegasus the entire way. Seeing Seth approach, the gray stallion stood between his owner and the pile that held Starburst, unsure of what to do. “Ash, this is Plucky. And Plucky, this is Ash, my first fluffy…”

It was hilarious to watch the apprehension and mistrust between the stallions, as Seth savored his efforts. The meeting of another fluffy, or new friend was supposed to bring happiness and excitement to the cheerful biotoys. But with all the cruelty, gaslighting, and outright torture Seth had subjected them to, it was clear that they weren’t excited to see each other.

“hU aM p’WuKy tU sEfF? wAt p’WuKy dU’n hEwE?”

“Wet P’wuky gu daddeh!!! P’wuky nee’ sab babbehs!!!”

Suddenly aware of the muffled peeps coming from the launchers, Ash looked towards them, then to the strange pegasus.

“iF sEfF hAb p’WuKy’S bAbBeHs, dEn p’WuKy nEbAh giT bAbBeHs bAcK…sEfF wIwW mAeK bAbBeEhS gU fOwEbA sWeEpiES…”

Before the flaberghasted pegasus could retort, Seth nodded slightly. “He’s not wrong Plucky. I already told you your foals aren’t safe…But they will be, just as soon as you kill Ash…” Shocked at what his owner was saying, Plucky gasped, before looking upward, his glance shifting between Seth and the older stallion.

“Bu…Buh P’wuky nu wan gib fwuffy foweba sweepies!”

“Of course you can little guy! After all, you already killed one fluffy today…” Leaning slightly, Seth gave Plucky’s mane a gentle scratching, enjoying the look of confusion and guilt on the pegasus’ face. “And let me show you what will happen if you don’t…” Taking his hand off the green stallion, Seth casually reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone and tapped the screen a few times, which was quickly followed by a bright flash and reverberating blast, as the mortar marked with an X ignited, the purple foal’s final shrieks of burning agony deafened by the noise. Launching upward, the shell rose into the sky before rupturing into a cascade of brilliant colors and deafening noise. Moments later, as the fluffies stared in stunned silence, unsure what had just happened, small bits of burned remains and viscera rained down onto the rooftop, prompting them to scream.



“Hot damn that was loud from up here!!!” Seth’s eyes had been skyward, enjoying the lightshow and the following screeches of horror as the fluffies realized that the horrifying, noisy light they’d seen had been a foal, her remains now smoking on the rooftop in front of them. While many fluffies would recoil from the gore and disembodied limbs of their kind, Seth smiled as he watched the pair instead grieve near what was left, with Ash laying near and sobbing near one pile, while Plucky tried to scoop up what little solid remains he could find, fearful that it was once his son or daughter.


Walking over to Starburst’s blockpile, Seth answered over his shoulder. “Needed you to see what will happen if you don’t kill Ash…and for what it’s worth, that foal wasn’t one of yours…” Sitting down next to the cinderblocks, Seth pulled out a brown paper bag from behind it, putting it in his lap. “Ash, you may want to pay attention…you have stakes in this too…” Still sobbing, tears running down his cheeks, the gray stallion slowly looked up towards Seth, a hateful glare in his eyes.


Trying to hide the joy he felt from the older stallion’s contempt, Seth chuckled. “Oh I’m sorry Ash…I didn’t quite catch what you just said…could you repeat that?”

“nU!!! nU mOwE!!! aSh nU wisTeN tU sEfF eBaH 'gAiN!!! nU cAwE wAt sEfF dU!!! aSh jUs gOwNa wEt p’WuKy kiWw aSh!!! aN dEn…dEn aT wEeSt iT bE oBaH…nU mOwE oWwiEs…nU mOwE hEaWt oW hEaD hUwTieS…”

Smiling as he pretended to only half listen, Seth rifled through the paper bag, sorting through the varied fireworks within. “Oh? And what about Starburst?” His reaction instant, Ash’s anger deflated quickly, as he suddenly looked upward toward the pillowmare, who was trembling as she held her eyes firmly shut, whimpering incoheriently ever since the launcher had gone off. His eyes tearing up, Ash abruptly looked away from Starburst.

“sEfF wiwW kiWw sTaWbUwSt aFtAh aSh aM gOwN…”

Shaking his head as he laughed, Seth pulled out a small pack of sparklers from the bag as he reached towards Starburst, tearing the tape from her mouth as the mare shrieked in pain before quivering and muttering babbled apologies again. “No Ash…I won’t…” Before the gray stallion could retort, Seth lit one of the sparklers, allowing him to see it before he let it drift slowly towards Starburst’s, the mare flinching and trying to move away as the sparks began to strike her face.

“sTaHp!!! sTahp!!! wAt aM sEfF dU’n?!”

Ignoring Ash, Seth let the wand move back and forth, the hissing and sparks clearly causing the pillowmare discomfort as she mewled quietly, still too scared to open her eyes. As the stallion trotted over, trying to pull on Seth’s arm with his hooves, Seth could only grin towards Ash as he pulled and tugged at him in vain. Making sure that the older stallion was watching, Seth then let the tip of the dying sparkler touch Starburst on the side of her jaw, propting her eyes to shoot open as she shrieked.


Less pulling against and now simply desperately rapping against Seth’s arm, Ash had began to cry, his eyes staring at his ex lover as she called out in pain.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…p’WeAsE sTaHp!!! nU hUwTiEs sTaWbUwSt sEfF!!! nU hUwTiEs p’WeAsE!!!”

Letting the spent firework fall to the rooftop, Seth then pulled out another, making a show of just how many he had for Ash to see. “Oh she’ll get nothing but hurties from now on Ash! That I can promise you! If you die, then I will make damn sure she doesn’t!!! I will make every single day of the rest of her life awful, and it will be all your fault!!!” It was a lie of course, but an effective one. Seth had no intentions of keeping Starburst alive if the older stallion were to fail tonight. But he believed it, and that was all that mattered. Trotting over to the still mourning Plucky, Ash took a deep breath before striking him along his jaw with his front hoof.

Tumbling over slightly, the pegasus was shocked, angry that the strange older fluffy had struck him.

“Dummeh Ash!!! Nu gib P’wuky huwties!!!”

Snorting slightly as he dragged his front hooves against the rooftop, Ash stared the pegasus down, resolved in what he knew he had to do for Starburst.

“” aSh nU wEtChU wisK hUwTiEs fOw sTaWbUwSt!!!

Pleased with the outcome of his scheming, Seth sat back and watched as the stallions finally decided to attack one another. While it was amusing to see fluffy based bloodsport, it always made it far sweeter when their heart was truly in it. Sadly though, it looked like Seth hadn’t pushed the pegasus hard enough, as he watched as Ash landed blow after awful blow on the younger fluff, eventually knocking him over and rapidly kicking him in the ribs, again and again as Plucky cried out.


Worried that the night would be over before it began, Seth decided that he’d have to intervene. Taking his phone, Seth decided that another shell would get their attention, as once again a searing light and thunderous bang erupted, followed by a shower of ruined foal falling onto the rooftop. Sure enough, both stallions shrieked and halted the fight,as well as Starburst, who was now loudly bawling as she wiggled her stumps frantically, desperate for Seth to protect her.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Daddeh!!! Stawbuwst nee’…*SCREEEEEEE!!!”

An abrupt slap to the face had ended whatever inane gesture the pillowmare was going to ask for. Shocked at the sudden punishment from her daddy, Starburst shook as she tried to speak, sniffling as blood began to drip from her busted nose.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…Wa…wat Stawbuwst d…du wong? Da…daddeh wu…wuv Stawbuwst?”

“Daddy loved Starburst, but now Starburst is old and broken…Daddy is done with Starburst and has already replaced her with a better fluffy…” He hadn’t been sure if he’d be able to say it, but as the words left his mouth, Seth could see the anguish twisting within the pillowmare. As he watched her start to hyperventilate, clearly preparing to sob uncontrolably, Seth took another sparkler and lit it, placing the firey wand in Starburst’s face abruptly. “Keep quiet or I’ll burn you!” Her eyes focused on the dancing sparks, the pillowmare yelped and quivered but was silent. Placing the sparkler on the cinderblock beside her, Seth then stood up, walking over to the cowering combatants.

Plucky?! What the hell was that?! Do I have to kill your entire goddamn family to get your head in the game?!” With the initial shock of the explosion now wearing off, the pegasus stood feebly, his mouth dripping blood and his eye bruised. Despite the clear agony he must have been suffering, his eyes drifted to the launchers, and then to the fresh remains a few feet away.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…NUUUUUUU!!! DAT P’WUKY’S WIDDEW BABBEH!!!”

“You do not have time for this…” Seth pulled out his phone and decided that he’d need to push the pegasus harder. After a few taps, Seth held the screen to Plucky’s face, a small timer now counting down. “You see this?! Now every three minutes, one of your foals is going to die!” Torn from his grief at the thought of future loss, the pegasus leaned up, his hooves pulling fervently at Seth’s legs.

“*huuu…huuu…huuu…DADDEH P’WEASE NU…*SCREEEEEEE!!!”

Interrupting Plucky’s desperate pleading by slapping him, Seth scowled as the pegasus whimpered from the shock. “I am not turning it off until Ash is dead, Plucky…so what’s it going to be?” Hoping that would be enough to light a fire under the pegasus’ ass, Seth returned to the blockpile watching as Plucky stood back up and began to approach Ash. The clever older stallion had been resting during Seth’s pep talk, and was clearly ready for round two. Before the pegasus could close the gap, Ash charged, first headbutting Plucky in his throat, and then wrapping his hooves around his neck, viciously biting and tearing at his ear as the pegasus shrieked.


Shaking and shrieking wildly as Ash tore into him, Seth sighed, assuming that the motivator had been too little to late. But as the first timer went off, the death cries of yet another burning foal silenced over the roar of gunpowder distracting the pair yet again, Plucky sneered at the distracted stallion, and took his hoof and pressed it against Ash’s bandaged eyesocket, pushing hard as the older stallion screamed from the cruel attack.


Falling on his back, blood began to well up and soak the bandage as Plucky withdrew his hoof, breathing hard as he took a few precious moments to catch his breath. Grasping wildly against the rooftop, Ash pulled himself away from his attacker, clearly in agony from the pegasus’ unorthodox attack. Shaking his head, Seth called out to the wounded fluffs. “Running out of time guys! Another foal is gonna die if you don’t pick up the pace. You have…two minutes and counting…better finish it…”

As Plucky heard Seth begin to recite the timer aloud, the pegasus furrowed his brow and charged towards the wounded stallion. Barely able to amble out of the way, Ash watched as Plucky collided with one of the mortars, falling down as his head shook and lolled. Despite the weights holding it place, the gray stallion noticed as it shifted ever so slightly. His eyes widening slightly, Ash quickly glanced over at Seth, who was only watching them slightly, distracted by watching the timer as he called out the diminishing numbers. He knew, Ash knew right then and there that he could put an end to this nightmare, but only if he could survive long enough.

Suddenly running towards the center of the rooftop, away from Plucky, Ash snorted towards Seth.

“wAi SeFf hAtE fWuFfieS?!”

Raising an eyebrow as he lowered his phone, Seth stared down the rebellious stallion. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?! Get back over there right now! One minute and twenty seconds Plucky! Get your ass up now!”

Not backing down, Ash stood his ground as he stared towards Seth. It had been in the corners of his mind for a long time, but he was always too scared, too cowardly to ever say it to his owner, fearful for the repercussions it would bring. But the stallion was desperate and had little left to lose.

“wAi sEfF hAtE fWuFfiEs?! wAi sEfF giB fWuFfiEs sU mAni huWtieS?!”

Clearly flustered, Seth glared towards Ash. “Because I can Ash! Now shut the hell up! Nearing one minute little guy! Your about to lose another foal!” Shaking his injured head, Plucky glanced over and saw Ash, angered that the older stallion was risking even more of his children. Charging as he yelled, Plucky drew upward at the last moment and brought his hooves down hard, crushing one of Ash’s back legs.

“*sCREeEEeEe!!! WEGGIE!!!”

Collapsing as his bone was pulverized, Ash struggled to stay conscious, the sheer agony of the destroyed limb threatening to force him to blackout. Even as Plucky began to kick at the downed stallion, Ash called out to Seth, the stallion dragging himself away as he did.

“…sEfF hAtE fWuFfiEs…g…giB hUwTiEs…kiWw b…bAbBeHs…*sCrEeEeeeE!!! dEn…dEn…wAi sEfF wAn mOwE fWuFfiEs?!”

“So I can keep having fun! Kinda like right now! Oh no Plucky! Less than a minute left! Better shut him up quick!” Despite his simple answers, Seth was obviously heated and upset, with the sudden questions rattling him.

Now near the lanchers again, Ash struggled against the younger pegasus’ assault. While it wasn’t a rapid pace as it was before, Plucky’s blows to Ash’s ribs and face were starting to enfeeble the older stallion. But he needed to endure it. The timing had to be perfect.

“*sCrEeeEeeE!!! aSh…aSh…tiNk dAt…dAt fWuFfiEs nU…nU nEe’ sEfF…*sCrEeEEEeE!!!”

“Well Seth thinks that Ash should shut the fuck up! Running out of time Plucky! Fifty seconds!”

“…fWuFfiEs nu nEe’ sEfF…*sCrEeeeEee!!! sEfF…sEfF nee’ fWuFfiEs!!!”

“I DO NOT NEED YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!” Putting his phone aside, Seth glowered towards the downed stallion, taking a few steps in his direction. “THAT’S WHAT ALL THIS IS ABOUT ASH!!! REPLACING YOU!!! PLUCKY FINISHES YOU OFF AND THAT’S THE END OF THAT!!!” Seth’s abrupt screaming had halted the pegasus’ attack, with Plucky trembling as he stared, mouth agape towards his owner.

“aSh…aSh tiNk dAt sEfF…dAt sEfF aM aFwA’d…sEfF hAb sCawDiEs…”

“AFRAID?! OF WHAT ASH!!! OF YOU?!” Seth took a few more precious steps towards Ash and Plucky, the crippled stallion now ambling towards the loosened launcher, appearing as though he was only cowering from Seth.

“…nU…sEfF…SeFf aFwa’D tU wOsE aSh…”


“…dEn wAi aM aSh sTiWw hEwe?”

It was all Seth could take. Screaming as he charged forward, Seth could only see red. Grasping for Ash as he stumbled furiously towards him, the stallion wedged himself against the launcher and pushed with all the might his feeble body could produce. As the mortar tumbled over, Ash gripped it and contorted his body painfully, forcing the launcher to now point forward. Seeing the mortar suddenly aimed horizontally and in his direction, Seth’s eyes went wide as he fumbled to get his phone, his fingers tapping the cancel key a half second too late.

There was nothing but light and heat, as the noise of the shell firing drowned out Seth’s screams.

All Seth could hear was an awful droning noise at first, his line of sight blurry and darkened as he came to. Slowly standing up, Seth tried to ignore the extreme pain in his ears as he looked down, shocked to see that he was unharmed. Scouring the rooftop as he recovered, Seth looked towards what had been the pile of blocks holding Starburst.

The whole area was blackened, with a smoldering, charred carcass that had only hints of yellow fluff remaining. Having dragged his burned and beaten body over to the blast zone, Ash was next to the overturned blocks and smoldering remains.

“…aSh wUv yU sTaWbUwSt…nU mOwE hUwTiEs nAo…aSh…wUv yu foWebA…aSh…w…wUv sTaWbUwSt…Ash…w…wUv…sTaWbUwSt…Ash…Ash…w…w…”

“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!!!” Running towards the trembling, burned stallion, Seth hoisted him in the air, shaking him frantically. “DON’T YOU LEAVE ME YOU BASTARD!!! DON’T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME!!! ASH?! ASH!!! ANSWER ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!” As Seth shook the wounded fluff, his eyes began to drift, becoming glassy and distant as they had countless times.

“Ash…w…Ash…wan…Ash wan…die…”

It was a guttural and pained scream that came from Seth. Angry at Ash, and at himself, Seth wedged his hands into the broken stallion’s maw, garbling and muffling the fluff’s suicidal mantra. With one final barbaric cry, Seth pulled his hands apart in opposite directions, tearing Ash’s jaw apart and severing it clean from his head. Shaking madly, all the maimed stallion could do was flap his grotesque tongue, droplets of blood filling the air as Ash tried and failed to say the only two words left within his mind. Dropping the dying fluff, Seth watched as the blood pooled around Ash’s body, his head gyrating wildy around, looking at nothing as his legs flailed. His movements slowing to a crawl, Seth felt cold as Ash’s body finally went still, breathing heavily from the evening’s events. Turning around, he was suddenly aware of Plucky, eyes wide with horror. He had seen everything, the wounded pegasus slowly backing away as Seth noticed him.

Plucky, wait! No!!!” Even as he tried to warn him, it was too late. Desperate and frightened, Plucky had turned to run, only to find the rooftop’s edge, screeching as he fell.


Running over to the edge, Seth saw the pegasus’ body battered against the asphalt below. Twitching slightly, a trail of blood was already leaking from his fractured skull, as his legs slowly stopped kicking, his body eventually giving in to it’s wounds.
Seth stared down at the slain fluff for what felt like an eternity before walking away from the edge and making his way to the remaining mortars. Peeping and chirping, the two survivors of the evening were clearly frightened, unsure of what hellish, monsterous things had been happening around them. Taking the shells out carefully, Seth removed the foals, a gray earthie colt and a brown unicorn filly, and made his way down the fire escape.

Seth had spent the next few hours tending to the fluffies and the aftermath, explaining to Cyclops coldly how he’d only been able to save two of her babies. She’d taken it as well as he assumed she would, with a great deal of crying, both lamenting the loss of her dead foals, while hugging her remaining babies with joy and elation, grateful that they were alive.

Cleaning up the rooftop and the cadavers took far longer, with the whole ordeal being over and done at 2 in the morning. Still shook by all that had happened, Seth took a warm shower before heading to his bed, hoping in vain to sleep at least a short while before waking up for work.

End of July 4th


Gotta say, I had hoped Ash would aim for Seth’s face.

But at least he and Starburst, as well as Plucky don’t have to suffer no more.

And he dealt a great “the reason you suck” speech right there. Wouldn’t be surprised if Seth were to off himself after being roasted by the fluffy.


You mean secretly wishing I assume :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It’s no spoiler that Seth is gonna be around, as he has another story coming after I finish up Barren Glory


I mean…


Though I’d literally feel compelled to bake you some brownies if a fluffy were to do it.


I can’t end another story with human blood on fluffy hooves, Virgil will put me on a list lol.


Besides, It feels way more satisfying for Ash to die for the one thing he cared about as opposed to killing Seth, which wouldn’t feel right in this universe.


I had to make an account just to ask this question that’s been haunting me: is Seth meant to have incel/men going their own way/supreme gentleman vibes? Because I really, really get that impression, and I read it as part of what makes him so simultaneously scary and pathetic.


Not really
Just written as a dude that is clearly off


Interesting! I was just so struck by how he seems incapable of really interacting with anyone besides teenage boys and childlike animals (with the exception of the shopkeeper), like the serial killer version of the creepy adult who only dates teens because people their own age are better able to pick up on the red flags and are harder to manipulate/control. Anyway it’s a testament to the complexity of your writing!


That was a marvelous ride, looking forward to your nest title, i liked both the interaction and the details… It was an amazing ride of a lecture. Keep up the good work man :smiley:

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I went for like a S1 Dexter vibe, like someone who seems fine until their world is tilted or changed.
And let me be clear, everything you said, in both posts, isn’t wrong at all.
There are a plethera of times throughout the story where Seth comes off as frightening, pathetic, and seemingly unable to relate to anyone.

Some of this comes from the fact that he’s not that old, being only 24 years old(never said within the story but is how old he is) and a great deal more will come up later.
Thanks for the kind words and story analysis Tick :heart:

Also I adore your username


Thanks :heart:

God, when you write a final chapter, all you feel is nerves for a bit…
It it any good?
Did I ruin the overall story?
Will people hate it?

Always remember though, what’s important is that your happy with your work, and that you feel like you did the story a service, which I feel like I did.

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Man, what a wild ride this story was. I think the ending was quite nice, though there were a lot of unanswered storylines left dangling (that I’m sure you’ll resolve in subsequent stories)

When Ash grabbed the mortar, for a second I thought he was going to aim for Seth, which would’ve been fairly disappointing. I think far too many stories like to have a cruel ending for their cruel protagonist, but it’s much more engaging to keep them around. It’s a shame for Plucky, I’d grown quite fond of him, but in the end he was too soft to replace Ash anyway.


When I decided to do a second series, I figured I’d stretch out the backstory a bit more, so yes, there are questions that are as of yet, unanswered.

And I went out of my way to make it seem like Seth was the target, all up until the reveal that he was fine, and Starburst was not.

And I’m glad you liked it :heart:


Oh @Karn you gave us wild and glorious ride, I must say the end feeled somber for me beautiful but also like a storm that starts to grouhl but never fully erupts, only dissappets.
It was Glorious.


Thanks :heart:
I was aiming for a quietly sad ending, so I’m glad it delivered.


What a finale! And for a 36 part story no less.

If I remember well The fourth of july was the first story I ever read and boy what a journey.

It’s incredible that you’ve been able to keep us hooked for 36 separate parts that is truly no easy feat.

I await your next series with great anticipation


Thank you for such high praise :heart:
I’m glad that you enjoyed it.


Loved it! Also glad plucky died before he could become ash… poor guy was far too loving for that — plus I don’t think Seth could handle breaking him as bad. It seems he’s got quite the soft spot now.

Now my brain is thinking maybe raptor will be forced to take up the mantle and domino will be his first forced kill. Hmhmhmhm well have to see in the next story!’


While it isn’t directly stated in the story, the way Seth dotes on Plucky isn’t all that different from how he once treated Ash.

And completely agree
It would have been tragic to see Plucky slowly broken like Ash was.

And I’m glad you liked it. :heart:


Ooo!! Ok ok I can see that. Though his slowly growing soft spot for cyclops and fairy floss still has me thinking he’s losing his edge, but that’s just speculation!

He was a very good fluffy, Plucky being broken would’ve killed me.

And yes please I can’t wait for their adventures.