Note: Tank is Smarty’s mentor.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
Note: Tank is Smarty’s mentor.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
Welp crying won’t save him from being hoofed.
The Master and the student
A Mini-Red who’s just as dickheaded as his father.
Can’t wait to see junior eviscerated in front of dad
When he said not again inside his mind, are we gonna see he’s not “that bad,” sure he had the foals killed, but that pack animal behavior when another pack takes over they kill the offspring of the defeated males to make sure they don’t cause trouble in the future. Or he’s gonna kill the poopie himself, and show what a real fluffy is to his foal.
Nope basically his mate is doing something dumb again.
I thought that maybe he was like that as a foal, and seeing his own foal behave like that, the spitting image of him in his youth, is reminding him of what a dumbass he was as a kid. Almost like he’s watching an old home movie of him being a prat.
Plenty of fathers have been there, right?
Or maybe I’m just overthinking this.
hmmm nice
So not that. Now I’m excited to see what’s gonna happened next!
When brown win the mare just say"why ou hurt bestesh babbeh mummah give foreba sweepies"lol type fluffy that easy die when near abuse
He gose and kill fluffys and let’s his friends enf babies but likes earthys and doesn’t want his kids fighting I’m little confused
Pack behavior. Animals that form packs fight each other, when one is victorious they take the spoils, the territory, and the females of the defeated pack, they kill any male offspring of the defeated males.
Dang, you make such quick progress with these comics
His stylistic choices are heavily geared toward production speed: flat colors, single pen with a single line weight. Few complicated shots with tricky perspective, intricate action, etc. No speech bubbles, only digital lettering across the images. Single font for SFX.
Then he leans into a good amount of skill that takes time to develop, but not to execute once mastered: strong expressions, great sense of shape and form, and a solid understanding of camera angles and perspective. Viola - fast comic making.
If you pay close attention you’ll have noticed that he optimizes for production speed in an increasingly extreme fashion. He used to do more intricate panel set-ups, two or three tone coloring, played more with lighting and effect panels, etc.
Because of it, he can crank these pages out like a boss.
It’s really admirable.
Hmmm should have thought that but they killed all the offspring
Nah. Allow overthinkin, it perfect
welp, no wonder the herd is trash, they look like just a bunch of smarties
Its these time Im free before those layouts im working on come back with approval or another reedit, so im sketching much before work returns
Im honored fellow artist bows
It has some touch of royal fuck ups too.