Note: In case someone might notice, the “scout” sitting on the tree roots is in a background, and the mare was in the foreground.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
Note: In case someone might notice, the “scout” sitting on the tree roots is in a background, and the mare was in the foreground.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
I am just gonna go make some popcorns real quick.
What’s this about? Judging from the tags either the herd squatted on someone’s yard or another unfriendly herd is coming their way.
Its feral vs feral, the red smart just dive in for raiding the peaceful herd, and the scout sees it and alert the herd.
Its in for a bloody confrontation.
fluffy vs fluffy, this will certainly be interesting.
Its gonna be quick and messy…
Would be funny if one of the fluffies just happened to cross Threshold X during the fight.
“Fwuffy gib sowwy hoofsies!”
Mangled fluffy corpse lands on the other side of the forest.
Ever since @moonbat introduced me to squeaky hoof pads, feral fights are 100% more entertaining with the bonus sounds
Raiders. Why’d it have to be raiders?
I’ve seen what Fluffies can do to each other for sport, this is gonna end poorly
Yup it is and it wont end well
So both herds are equal in terms of physical strength(no genetically modified fluffies this time), so winning comes down to numbers and some strategy. I have some guesses as to what kind of herd the attackers are, the typical herd with a “smarty leading them” and “toughies as muscle,” they scare easily and run away if you beat their smarty, or a tough will try to take control of the battle if their smarty goes down.
Yay a new Series
Ah fuck oh jeez oh no, it’s only the first page and chaos has arrived, hooves will be bloodied, sharts are imminent, wape and piwwaging-
And straight off the bat fallen has started a new comic I’m really excited to see what happens
A Herd War. Something that we’ve never really explored before.
Yeah I think the only time I’ve seen something similar was when I was reading through the Maroon series (which I highly recommended by the way) and I have been very eager to see more herd wars and fluffy politics.
This herd war is just a short part but will try to make it as interesting as possible as the big picture is more and hoping interesting.
I kinda did that, but it was superpowered fluffies versus zombie fluffies.
Can’t wait for it! Every one of your stories so far has had great art and a good story.