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Oh I’m sure those two fine gentlemen are going to give that poor little foal lot of love and affection
I just don’t think it’s the love he wants
Bestest Babbeh getting the special thick-milk.
Those smiles. either there gonna “play” with him, or just abuse him by biting his legs off and treating him like a ball. If it’s the former, bite of the brat wee-wee to turn this loudmouth colt into filly, to have an extra hole to fill in, if you know what I mean. Again the mother is based on Marry of Babbehs Make Everything Better. Right? so the mother will probably offer herself up to those fine stallions XD
Wait a sec… is this little shit yet another reincarnation of that bestest!?
His suffering is eternal.
yeappp! I was thinking noone would notice or remember by now, but you guys still do
So is ours for having to stomach him again.
You beat me to it, I had to look it up before pointing it out.
I will forever savor bestesh’s suffering. Those flowing blond locks cannot be forgotten
There’s a fluffy in my headcanon who was reincarnated 108 times before he finally got a clue. And by the time he was on his 56th life, he broke the record for most reincarnations in one year. Most of his lives weren’t very long.
Let’s see if Bestest here can break that record again.
See, if it was me, I would have made him orange instead of blue.
References are kind of my thing.
To be fair to Mary, she knew what Forrest was doing was wrong, she just found it easier to placate him, leading to him bullying her around and getting his own way.
Actually that’s worse, fuck the pair of ‘em
But from what we see the mare was a big wimp too, not gaging her brat and letting him tantrum while they were in a dangerous situation, now there caught and cornered by the attacking herd and their fates aren’t looking so good right now, all thanks to Blue Shitstain, The Eneral sufferer!
Looks like Bestest is about to head off to his next reincarnation! A shame he had to get the rest of them found but honestly, there’s only so far a bunch of mares with foals would go anyway, Smarty’s group would have found them eventually. At least they’ll get to watch the noisy blue brat go first…
Ah, that bestest, back at it again being a little bitch.
We will never forget that lil shit
Wonder what will happen to the reincarnation here?
He’s a running joke now!!!
besttes after all the miwkies they gave him