The Herd 27 (by: FallenAngel)

Background story HERE


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Drak’s eating good today.


Like father, like son

Turns out being a piece of shit is a genetic trait


Well you know smarties just one success ego blew up so large he thinks he can owned the land.


So if mentor floofer knew about the draaks, and bout the fate of the old herd, he is a shit mentor for smarty for not once mentioning this possibility.

I am assuming now that smarty-foal rode on the back of mentor during the escape, and that mentor floof had both eyes intact at the time.


Yup he is known as Mr Tank one of the toughies of the late fake horned smarty. He worked hard to fight and protected that bestesh to be its new leader.

Believing his natural “glowing horn” can defeat the draaks.

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give em’ bois!


So Tank lost an eye and was shredded into a mess inside of like, a month? Amazing.

Also how on earth did a smarty who’s horn was just an electronic add on somehow pass along the genes to make a ‘glowing’ horn? Even with the very very loose logic of fluffy genetics that one doesn’t pass muster. Unless its not really glowing very much and its just reflecting moonlight or something like that.

Either way, red smarty needs to get made into draak chow in short order.

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I love the Draak in the last panel just going, “Hey, want these fluffies? =w=”

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The circle is now complete.

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the fuckin greenie never told the red one of the draks?? Just “Oh, neva go out during dawky time cuz theres this BIG DEMON THAT WILL EAT US!!”

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Dear Draaks,

you had the chance to kill fluffy Hitler when he was still a baby. But I guess you were full.


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I like how Draaks talk casually :laughing:

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“nu am nummie!”

Nothing is a nummie…until it becomes a nummie.

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Its just a coincidence to the current smarty to have the glow/spark I haven’t add any of that lore so he is the first.

Its 2 months past after the massacre btw.

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Zorn has that expression always why the big fluff he now used had the same face.

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He did.

As red smarty was always babbling they escape the monster so he know bout them.

They just never expected it was using a fluffy’s body, its their first time seein as an “infiltration” unit.

Been a while since I was on the community but I was glad to see this of all things

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Where’s Caleb? I respect a shadow demon with a sense of morality, or is this a different pack than the ones that the specialist summoned?

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