the micro baby page 3 (by Ms_Random)

it was the first night and he watch from the camera how the shit decided to “run away” from bubblegum. he smiled as bubblegum woke up for next feeding only to realizing the shit was now gone. this mirco was giving exploring baby training for. it didn’t take long for bubblegum to find him and go back to caring for him

part 4 here
part 2 here
part 1 here

(went back and fixed 1 and 2)


Like how you do the expressions, good story sonfar. Keep going


Please for the love of god stop spelling “micro” as “mirco”, that is not a word

Bubblegum is interesting, she’s clearly trying to be a good mum but there’s portions that aren’t at the front of her mind. Like she knows she has to be good to brown foals but she has to remind herself to do so.

I’m intrigued where her time with Lil Shit takes her


your right, i went and fixed it

Love that the dumb little shit got lost around the block


Gosh, I love Bubblegum so much. Keep up the good work!

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I like that shes still calling it a monster baby, this will end poorly, for him.

still called brown baby, poopies babies