The No Babies Support Group Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and you are thinking. You want babies, but Citrus said in order to have inside-babies, you’ll have to eat a baby. You don’t want to! But, you do want babies!

“Everyone, it’s Baby Day! You all get to play with these babies all day, alright? Be careful, and have fun while I talk to my… ‘special-friend’ on the phone!” Your mommy’s special-friend smiles, walking upstairs after opeing a box full of babies.

“Tummeh-babbehs… Wan su bad…” Citrus mutters, picking up one of the babies with her mouth and swallowing it as it peeps and chirps.

“Nu! Babbehs nu nummies!” One of the other fluffies in the circle shouts, tapping Citrus as she smacks them with her hoof.

“Nu! 'Ou git tummeh-babbehs by num babbehs!” Citrus argues, as they look confused, nod, then eat one of the chirping babies.

“Eff-vee-sumfing wan tummeh-babbehs, tuu?” Citrus asks, as you get worried and scoot away.

“Buh, sickie-fwiends nu can hav inside-baybees!” You try to cover your mouth as Citrus forces a squeaking and peeping baby into your mouth, feeling it wiggle around as it tries to get out.

Then, Citrus chose a baby for everyone and shoves it into their mouths as you watch.

“Aww donesie! Nao ebewywun hab tummeh-babbehs! Nao, we num nummies tu mak’ babbehs gwow big an’ stwong!” Citrus smiles, walking upstairs to get your mommy’s special-friend.

“Oh, food? Okay!” Your mommy’s special-friend walks downstairs with Citrus, filling up about eight bowls with kibble and your special Dr. Clarke’s Sickie-Friend Nutri-Mix™️.

You all start eating, then you all were about to play when Citrus stops you.

“Nu pway! Bad fo’ tummeh-babbehs!” Citrus shouts, standing in front of the toys and the rest of you.

“Then, wha’ we du? Nu pway am nu fun!” One of the Bestest Sickie Friends say, tapping their stubby legs together.

“Weww, gud mummahs tay-ke wots of sweepies fo’ babbehs, an’ num wots of nummies! Du that!” Citrus giggles, eating the rest of the food in her bowl.

No playing? Just naps and food? You want to be a good parental virus, but that isn’t fun at all! Does your mommy’s special-friend even know about this?


This is gonna be good.

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Ugh, god almighty… Citrus is dumber than a billboard. Those poor, poor foals…


Well, same goes for the others.

And the human who doesn’t check on them.

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The human is just lazy and neglectful. The others… Just are being sheep. Citrus is the circus leader, and FV is the smartest among them.


This is going to end very quickly when the doc comes back, tell them all that they’re fucking idiots and that Citrus is a bad Fluffy Nummer who tricked them all to do a meanie thing.

And if he doesn’t, well then that’s on him for giving a bunch of baby obsessed Fluff-Things a bunch of foals that they can’t have themselves and thinking that would ‘heal’ them.