The No Babies Support Group Ch. 5 (end) (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and you are so upset! Why won’t anyone believe you when you say that Citrus ate a baby? Everyone saw her do it, and now she and them can’t even move because of how big they are because of all the food they’ve eaten for their ‘tummy-babies’!

“Citwus! 'Ou num bay-bee!” You yell, pointing at her while she stares at you angrily.

“NU! Citwus hab tummeh-babbehs, nu wike Eff-vee-sumfing hoo neva hab babbehs!” Citrus retorts, trying to hit you in the face with her hoof.

That’s it! Your mommy’s special-friend said you can have babies again one day! You know the only way to fix this, even though it requires breaking a rule to some extent.

“Citwus git wepwication-huggies.” You decide, walking towards Citrus slowly as she shakes her head.

“Nu! Nu wan bad viwus huggies! Bad fo’ tummeh-babbehs!” Citrus pleads, trying to move away as you open her mouth and kick the back of her throat.

“Huwtie- Blegh!” Citrus exclaims, vomiting all over the floor as she also vomits out what appears to be the remains of one of the babies she ate.

“Citwus weawwy num bay-bee? She am bay-bee nummew!” You hear one of the other Bestest Sickie Friends gasp, walking over to hit Citrus as she shits herself out of fear.

“Babbeh munstah! Hewp! Babbeh munstah am in sickie-wawa! Nu wike!” Citrus screams, alerting your mommy’s special-friend to come downstairs.

“Oh, God. FV-0446 was right, you really did eat a baby! I’ve been really bad at managing this group, but even I know when it’s time to call mummahs and daddehs. Citrus, come with me.” He sighs, picking up Citrus and walking upstairs.

You are Citrus, and the meanie mister gave you the sorry-stick and he’s calling your mummah! Even worse, when you came downstairs, all your not-so-friends look mad at you. Like, really mad.

“Pwease nu be mad at Citwus… Hab tummeh-babbehs!” You beg, your not-so-friends not listening as they stare you up and down, then proceed to call you names and hit you.

“Babbeh nummah! Am wowstesh fwuffy eba!” One of them yells, pulling your fluff as you cry loudly.

“Nuuuuu! Pwease stop! Nu wi- SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE!” You screech, looking down as boo-boo-juice starts to flow from you.

“Everyone! No hurting Citrus! I know she hurt you all, and she did a very bad thing, but I don’t want you all hurting her!” The meanie mister shouts as he picks you up and brings you to your mummah.

“Citwus nu knyo wha’ du, buh neba du it 'gain…” You mutter as your mummah talks with him and brings you out to her vroom-vroom monster.

AN: What should I write next? Comment!


Maybe Citrus gets thrown through a portal into hell.
Or flushed down the toilet.

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I want to see how the group handles the news. Now that they know that not only did Citrus trick them into eating the babies… What will they do about what they did in Citrus’ footsteps?


Citrus is spayed.


With a curling iron.

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