The Oldest Fluffy
A faint clicking sound of the door being unlocked brings you out of your light sleep. Awake you try and lift your head from your hooves. Shaking and straining you only make it a few inches before your muscles give up dropping your head back down.
It hurts your hooves as your head falls on them. Almost as much as your jaw does from the impact. You don’t really notice. The constant state of pain throughout your body is far more pressing than a few extra owies.
You hear something. Words from somewhere above you. It’s a gentle voice speaking in a steady happy tone. If you could smile you would, for the voice somehow eases the pain you feel, or at least distracts you from it for a little while.
A voice above you, a human voice. What are you suppose to do? You are supposed to do something, but you can’t remember. Deep inside your mind a well used trigger switches on and a bright flash of memory races through your brain.
“Hewwo mista, are you my new daddeh?” that was it. That is what you needed to say. You open your mouth and sores tear open at the edge of your lips. A raspy squeak is the only thing you hear.
No, not hear, you didn’t hear it. You felt it in the bones of your skull. A painful vibration, but you knew it came from you. It’s been so long since you heard real sounds. Like the door. The door didn’t make a faint click, it made a big thunking sound that scared you so bad as a baby.
You remember you cried and made bad poopies. Bad poopies meant the sorry stick and that meant owies. It hurt thinking of it. Literally hurt, because you shudder and your body hurts with the movement.
A hand gently strokes your fluff. So light you almost don’t feel it, but you know the person is petting you and it’s so nice to be petted. You must look and see the human. You open your see places, but see nothing.
The air hurts your no longer see places. So dry and itchy. See places haven worked for a long time like you hear places. You remember colors now. Blue boxes on green carpet. There were so many fluffy friends, and they were all so many pretty colors. Now only blackness.
You remember your fluff being a light sky blue and a mane and tail of bright happy green. A person had shown you a mirror. Your thought it was another fluffy and tried to hug it, but the person said it was you. That pretty blue fluff turned grey, and white then started leaving. Your fluff was going away, you want you fluff, you need your fluff!
Now your mouth is hurting so much, and something is being put inside. Warm liquid is put in your mouth and it tastes like milkies. Mama! Mama fluffy is here. Mama gives you huggies and keeps you warm. You love mama so much.
Then it’s gone. You were only able to drink a little and now you have tummy owies, and mouth owies, and now your poopie place hurts. Cold is inside you and it starts moving in. You want to cry, but cough, and almost throw up mama’s milkies. You a good baby and need mama’s milkies.
You’re being petted again. You hear the soft gentle sounds of the person. You settle down.
People bring you toys and other fluffies to play with. You want to play with other fluffies now. You remember you used to. Used to play huggies tag, or roll the ball, or stack the boxes, but the people they take the boxes away. They say boxes hurt fluffies and they can’t have any accidents.
They take the boxes. You can’t stack them in little rows. Can’t place them on top of each other or watch them fall as you push them. The humans took them away, they take everything away. They took the other fluffies away, they took the balls away, they took stuffy friends away, they took mama away.
Mama? Where’s mama? Want to be safe in her fluff, want to drink milkies. Mama gone. You hurt. Sharp hurties in your tummy, deep inside. Now sharp hurties in you leggies and this hurties spreads through your body. Every inch burns and you shake. You try and cry, but you just open you mouth and only get bigger hurties.
The pain starts to subside. It fades into the dull throb and ache your body always has. The pain subsides and you realize the person is still petting your fluff and has a gentle voice. This is a good human. Maybe human help you? Maybe person give you bestest thing ever. You open your mouth.
You cough. It shakes you again and again, and this time the person isn’t there and you just keep coughing, keep trying to ask for the bestest thing.
“Want die.”
Instead you hear the door click faintly as it locks. You start to calm down. You start to forget. It slips from your mind. You fall into a light sleep.
You are Jason Alexander (no, not that one). You work for a fluffy research company. They trust you pretty well as you are in charge of taking care of their long term projects. This company has been producing longevity drugs to extend the life of fluffy ponies.
They have the oldest current living fluffy. It was part of the first generation sold to the public. It’s been alive for over 20 years.
You go in ever day to feed it, take its temp, and give it its diabetes and longevity shots. In fact that’s what your doing now.
You open the door, and see a nearly bald fluffy lying on a heating pad. It tries to lift its head as you enter.
Booperino art, go give some love