The Other Problem Ch. 4 (by fluffysomething)

You are Daisy, and you have the biggest scardies! Your new friend got taken by a meanie person! Now, your mummah’s special-friend is looking all over for them!

“Daisy, have you seen FV-0446? Are they outside? Did they run away?” Your mummah’s special friend asks, looking outside and in his backyard.

“Uhmm… Nu.” You mutter as he picks you up, looking into your eyes.

“Then, where are they? I would hate to misplace someone that could possibly get more ‘mummahs’ and ‘daddehs’ sick.” He sighs, sitting you down beside him as he sits on the grass.

“Meanie hoomin come in housie an’… an’… Dey tay-ke fwend! Twy stop dem, buh dey gib huwties tu Dai-see!” You cry out as your mummah’s special-friend sits there, visibly shocked.

“You know, my ‘special-friend’ was on the phone telling me about that before she got sick. She thought your friend had… thinkie-place sickies again. Now we know that they’re real, we’ve got to get your friend back.” He nods at you, picking you up and walking back inside.

“How we du dat?” You question, confused as he looks at you again.

“I don’t know, but we’ve got to find a way.” He puts you in your safe-room, closes the door and walks downstairs.

You are FV-0446, and you are so scared! What does the meanie person want you to do? Why did they take you? You’re so sad and scared! You want your mommy!

“Okay, sickie-shits. You might be wondering why you’re here. We did some… research, and we found every Hasbio employee who helped make you all. Plus, your mommies and daddies are the ones who helped make you all! Meaning, you all are gonna get your mommies and daddies very sick, whether you like it or not.” The meanie person says, taking a cover off the the small cage you’re in and revealing that there’s multiple Bestest Sickie Friends that they took.

“One of you already got your mommy sick, and it’s all your fault. Remember that! As for the rest of you, we’re gonna make you follow their lead.” Another person says, staring at you while they smack their hand on another small cage.

“Pwease nu maek woud noises… Hav wittwe squeakie-baybees… Am tuu wittwe fo’ woud noises…” One of the Bestest Sickie Friends near your enclosure whimpers, holding their babies gently while crying.

“I don’t care, FV-9475. Now, who else has babies? Who doesn’t have babies?” The person asks, walking over to examine everyone’s cages for babies. You aren’t going to admit that they left your baby with your friend, because they might give them owwies!

“Good. Everyone who doesn’t have babies, here’s a complementary ‘poopie’ fluffy. You all know what to do. Anyone who doesn’t do it gets owwies.” They order, hitting everyone’s cage as you proceed to begin your first involuntary ‘replication-huggies’ process.

You don’t want owwies! But, you don’t want any new babies you have to get owwies, either! You just want your mommy, even though you got her sick! Maybe you can make friends and you can escape with them?


A breeding mill for Virus’.

That’s terrifying but intriguing.

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