The Other Problem Ch. 7 (by fluffysomething)

You are Daisy, and your daddeh is now at home with you. You two are playing, but you still miss your friend. You haven’t even got to play with them yet before the meanie people took them!

“Daddeh? How time tiww gud hoomins fin’ fwend? Pwease say it be soon.” You beg, rolling a ball towards him as he rolls it back to you.

“Soon, if they stay in the same place. But, what do you want to play next?” He asks, turning on the TV and clicking on the small box in his hand.

“We wa’ch Fwuff-Teebee? Pwease?” You question, as he nods and turns on Fluff-TV.

“Here, Dancie Babies is on! How about you watch this while I make… sketti! You’ve been so good during all of this and I think you deserve a treat.” He smiles, walking away and leaving you to dance with the other babies on the screen.

You wish your friend could dance with you, too! Maybe daddeh and the good people will find them soon?

You are FV-0446, and you are still worried for your babies! You can’t feed them because all your sickie-juicesies got taken away by the meanie people! What are they doing now?

“Now that we’ve got everyone’s… ‘sickie-juicesies’, we can get everyone who helped make you all sick. After that, we don’t need you anymore.” One of the meanie people smile cruelly, shaking everyone’s small cages to fully wake them up.

“Wha’ peopwe du wif sickie-fwiends afta that?” One of the other Bestest Sickie Friends ask, worriedly grabbing onto the sides of their cage with their babies.

“We’re sending you back to your mommies and daddies, if they pay for you all. Once we do, no one speaks of this experience again. Got it?” They tap everyone’s cage to make sure they’re listening, then they walk towards the center of the room.

Then, you hear a knock coming from upstairs. If that someone coming to save you and your new friends?


Hopefully it’s not an army of coppers.


What could go wrong.

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