The Pack- Foxfire, week 8 video clips(9) by: Shadowfox

Clip three. Thursday, 5 pm, Foxfire- room B.
Same room Aurora was in, clearly still damp from hose down. Shadow carries in a clearly happily babbling small fluffy with smoke grey fluff, a vivid flame orange and red mane, and grey leathery wings. She bounces enthusiastically across the room, pausing briefly to look at her stubby clawed feet and the wet floor in curiosity before going for the ball. Moments later, a unicorn with a faded red coat and dull straw mane was added to the room.

“Hi hewwo hi! Fo’fia hab nyu fwiend!” she cheered happily, nosing the already slightly scuffed ball to the larger fluffy. “Fwuffy wan pway baww?”

“Macky nu wan pway wit dummeh munsta fwuffy,” the unicorn grumbled, eying her disdainfully. “Aww toysies awe Macky’s now. Gib baww now.” The ball rolled the rest of the way over to him as she paused, ears flicking back for just a moment, before she regained her cheerful countenance. Macky pinned it under a hoof, trying to give her a superior, triumphant stare.

“Dat nu fun! Baww awe fo’ pway an’ shawe!” Foxfire countered, and grabbed for the ball under his hoof. In doing so, she managed to forget about her teeth, which sank into and popped the already battered ball. “Dwat. Fo’fia hat’ wen baww du dat.”

“Stupi’ dummeh fwuffy bweak toysie! Macky gonna-” he sniffed, eyes narrowing as he circled the small alicorn shaped fluffy. “Dummeh munsta fwuffy is mawe?”

“Fo’fia is mawe,” Foxfire slowy answered in mild confusion, dropping the ripped scrap of patterned rubber as she stared at the larger fluffy with a puzzled tilt to her head. “Why nyu fwiend cawe?”

“Dummeh fwuffy Macky speciew fwiend now. Tiww Macky fin’ pwettier mawe, fwuffy wiww du,” he announced in a tone of long suffering resignation. “Bettaw den nu mawe.”

“Fo’fia mawe, bu’ nu weady fo’ speciew fwiend ow babbehs yet,” she laughed, fisting a clawed foot to thump him gently and companionably in the shoulder. “Su nu can be Macky speciew fwiend wight now, sowwy! Bu’ Fo’fia du wan nyu fwiend fwiend now, an’ mayb’ wen mummah Shado’ say otay, den speciew fwiend, otay?”

He noticeably flinched away from her touch, staring suspiciously at the stubby claws. “Macky nu wan wait fo’ speciew fwiend. Macky wan speciew huggies,” he whined, stamping a leathery hoof petulantly.

“Otay? Nu can be Fo’fia, sowwy. Fo’fia jus’ nyu fwiend fo’ Macky. Can gib Macky fwiend huggies?” She draped a foreleg over his neck, leathery wings flapping excitedly. “Huggies awe gud fo’ aww fwuffies.” She nuzzled apologetically at his cheek, and trotted across the room to pull out the blocks. “Fo’fia sowwy baww meanie now, bu’ bask’t gots bwocks. Macky wan pway bwocks?”

The unicorn bolted around her at his top speed and kicked the basket of blocks over, blocking her access to them. “Nu bwocks. Aww toysies awe Mackys. Nu fwuffy can pway wit Macky bwocks wess Macky say. An’ Macky say dummeh munsta fwuffy nu pway wit toysies unwess munsta fwuffy Macky speciew fwiend an’ gib Macky speciew huggies.”

“Dat stupi.” Foxfire retorted, plopping back on her haunches. “Toysies awe fo’ shawin’. An’ Fo’fia nu can hab speciew fwiend. Fo’fia towd ‘ou dat. Nu speciew huggies, nu babbehs, nu tiww mummah Shado’ say. Wan pway bwocks.”

“An’ Macky wan gud fees. Macky no-nos an’ speciew wumps huwt, an’ need gud feews an’ speciew huggies tu hewp.” He snapped at her, as her ears slowly pinned back.

“Dat soun’ wike a ‘ou pwoblem,” she muttered, barely under her breath. “Fo’fia nu can hewp, sowwy!” She added a moment later, ears coming back up as her cheerful tone returned. “Can gib huggies huggies tu hewp huwt? Ow mayb’ pway bwocks an’ nu tink ‘bout huwt tiww feew betta?”

“Nu pway bwocks!” Macky shouted, stamping his hooves again. “Nu bwocks tiww gud feews!

“Den pway tag? Ow hidies an’ findies?” she offered, some of the patient cheerfulness she’d been addressing him with dying out. “Ow ‘ou couw nu be stupi’ meanie an’ shawe bwocks.”

Macky huffed at that, drawing himself up to his full height- meaning he could still walk under a sixteen inch bar without bumping his horn. “Nu tag, nu gamesies, nu anyting!” He stepped into Foxfire’s space with as menacing an air as he could manage, baring flat, even teeth as if they were a threat. “Dummeh munsta mawe gib Macky gud feews, ow Macky gib wowstest huwties,” he threatened. Foxfire just stared at him for a long moment, ears pinning back again as she worked out the current change of tone. That confusion only lasted until he raised a hoof in what he probably thought was threat enough to cow the slightly smaller fluffy, raising up on his hind legs to make himself seem more imposing.

Without bothering with a retort, she whirled, mulekicking sharp cloven hooves up into his belly. Macky fell back, already scree-ing at the shallow scratches she’d opened across his skin. At the scent of blood, her pupils widened, and she slapped a front paw over his face, leaving a parallel set of deeper gashes and a spattering of blood on her claws.

“Fwuffy munsta! Meanie munsta! Gu ‘way! Macky gunna gib sowwy hoofsies, an-’” even as he threatened, he was scrambling back, limping frantically to the door. “Hoomin! Nyu mummah! Wet Macky out! Sab Macky fwom munsta, pwease! Macky gud fwuffy! Fwuffy wuv ou!”

As he started pawing at the door in a terrified frenzy, Foxfire just licked at her claws, a thoughtful smile on her face. “Mummah Shado’, is fwuffy nummies fo’ Fo’fia?” she called, looking up to the intercom with the blinking light. “Fo’fia nu hab nummies in boww.”

“Yes, Foxfire, you guessed right. Have fun, kiddo,” came the voice from the intercom, and Foxfire’s grin went nearly Pinkie-Pie brilliant as she stalked towards the panicking stallion.

“Otay. Dank ‘ou muches fo’ nummies, mummah Shado’.” All of her previous bounce was restored, even as Macky finally turned back from the blood smeared door.

“Macky gib munsta wowstest sowwy hoofies!” he shrieked, lunging at the small fluffy filly. “Den nyu mummah see Macky is gud fluffy, bestest fwuffy, gib Smawty bestest toysies and sketties an’ aww da speciew fwiends an’” He bopped her triumphantly on the nose, only managing to elicit a small sneeze. She just shifted her weight, swatting out at his leg and slicing broad cuts into his knee. “Owwies! Why weggie nu wowk fo’ Macky!” he whined as his leg buckled under his weight. “Huu, huuu, huu, pwease weggies!” Foxfire had cheerfully bounced around him, hamstringing both his hind legs with quick slashes from her needle sharp teeth.

She rolled him onto his back again with a head butt, paying no attention to the horn puncture she left and avoiding the one leg still flailing as she clawed the gashes from earlier deeper. With a look up at the intercom, she climbed over his twitching hind limbs, eying the small equipment between them before taking them off in a single mouthful that provoked much louder screaming.

“Nuuu! Why take Macky no-no stick an’ speciew wumps? Macky gud fwuffy! Fwuffy sowwy, munsta mawe! Macky pway anyting dummeh munsta wan, pwease!” The only indication she heard any of that was the irritated flick of her ears before she buried her muzzle in his opened belly.

“Bewwy hab sketties? Dank ‘ou fo’ebews mummah Shado’!” Gleefully, Foxfire grabbed a mouthful of intestines, pulling back until she tripped over her own feet in a giggling heap. “Fwuffy nummies bestest nummies!” Macky scree’d in an earsplitting, incoherent wail, loud enough the demonfluff pinned her ears and shook her head unhappily. “Tuu woud! Bad nummies!” she scolded, and stomped down as hard as she could onto his head. With quiet restored, she returned to devouring entrails. Foxfire managed the rest of the organs and one of the haunches before she yawned, waddling back to the door. “Fo’fia bewwy tuu fuww now. Mummah Shado’, can Fo’fia gu tu nestie an’ hab sweepies now?”

First- The Pack- because what we need is more fluffies bred to eat other fluffies. (1) by :Shadowfox
previous- The Pack- Rook, Week 8 first contact video clips, (8) by: Shadowfox
next-The Pack- Week 9 Semi official log notes (10) by: Shadowfox


Good girl. It’s funny how hard the smarty tried to establish dominance, and how hard it failed


I would like to see what would happen when individually they are exposed to a regular fluffy and told not to hurt it. How would they interact with the subject?


depends on which one, really,


and how hungry they are


Fox would still probably try to make friends with anything that isn’t hellgremlining at her.


Rook and Glory are both pretty attached to following orders and rules.


Aurora… now that might be interesting.

I’ve got most of the next five/six chapters roughdrafted, working on putting them out.