The Pack - Semi official log week 2 (2) by :shadowfox

Week 2 notes.
The transition to meat based meals instead of weanling softened kibble went on schedule. Have been advised of delays in additional Alpha level stock, but have sourced future supply of feeder fluffies. Alpha litter is not predicted to be ready for live feeding until at least three months, and current “vet” eval suggests reproductive maturity won’t hit until four months given changes and growth rate, proper maturity probably by 6. Faster than dogs or cats but far slower than base fluffies. Still ready for weaning by four weeks, possibly ready for a new home by five, which is economically viable by the charts Dave provided. (Still a long time between now and that point, Dave.) They have been introduced to individual open crates as a transition from the communal bed, with varying reactions.

In light of continued issues with fluff grooming, volcanic dust baths have been added to the current safe room. All four of them have begun enthusiastic use of them, the three with feathers even more so, and seem far more comfortable and clean. Occasional actual baths/ grooming may be required, but each requires extensive blowdrying to dry the roots of the fluff and avoid molding. Added note- The rolling in dust bowls, feather fluffing and shaking? So damn cute. Leave the chinchilla genes in, some hugboxers are going to want these too. Maybe just kibble fed ones, but still. More potential markets are more potential markets.

1A-Rook, cat sized now, about eight pounds in weight. Hooves have hardened farther, presenting rather like sharp little deer hooves. Wings still entirely insufficient for flight but enough to wing smack littermates (or prey.) Still the quietest of the litter. Took quite well to the introduction of feathered and floofed cat toys. Will find the cat wand, take it to the nearest human and ask politely for a game of ‘catc’da fwuff’ Has begun a collection of feather tailed micetoys in his bed, as well as the shreds of failed plushies Foxfire keeps using as tugtoys. Tolerant of either Foxfire or Glory sharing his sleeping space, but seems to resent any attempt by Aurora to do the same.

1B- Glory also cat sized, at seven lbs. Cloven hooves more goatlike than Rooks, still rubbery. Wings inadequate to flight, as expected, but used in playfighting frequently. Still spends much time on preening and grooming. No further rule breaking has been noted, but has discovered both the windows and the existence of space outside the safe room baby gate. Has been introduced to the rule I came up with for Foxfire last week, in which the babygate is a boundary, not a challenge. Occasionally investigates or cuddles others in their crate beds, but will not remain long or allow others in his own space.

1C- Aurora Has hit ten lbs as of last check in. Hooves still solid and fingernail hard, with a bit of whifflebat feel to them, wings much the same as the others. Enjoys roughhousing. Had to be reminded that her food is in her bowl, and the other bowls are not for her. No matter what she says the other one said. A sorry sticking was applied, and Foxfire was given her bowl farther away. Managed to stack three blocks. Not inclined to snuggles or bedsharing with the others. Rarely inclined to sharing at all. Other than that, no further rule breaking has been noted.

1D-Foxfire Still the smallest, at four lbs. Has not seemed to notice. Stubby talons seem remarkably adept at climbing onto things. Seems to have decided the rule about baby gates only applies to crossing to the other side, and has started greeting me perched just on the other side. Borderline, but amusing for now. (the moment she puts nose or claw over the edge I’ll count it as a broken rule and break out the sorry stick again.) Also enjoys ankle pouncing, sleeve gnawing, and dragging toys almost as big as she is over to me in search of playtime. Wings seem more fragile than her siblings, but she has used them for balance when climbing. Both Glory and Aurora make no allowances for her size when roughhousing, but other than complaints of ‘Ouchies’ at excessive force and occasional ‘meanie’ when something is taken from her, she doesn’t seem to care, continuing to elicit play. She did bite Aurora for trying to take her last meat chunk yesterday, hard enough to draw blood. Sorry sticked both of them- after explaining that I understood why she did it, but there was still a rule against hurting her sister like that. Rook seems more inclined to pull his blows when roughhousing and tug toying. Between the two of them they managed to make a five block tower once, before Glory mule-kicked it over ( he’s the only fluffy I’ve ever met who builds towers just so he can kick them over) and it turned into a three way tackle match. Attempts to cuddle anything that will sit still long enough, mainly meaning me and Rook. Drags stuffies into crate, sometimes naps there, prefers sleeping with a littermate or on a human lap.

(probably shouldn’t indulge them this much, but they are damn cute. Very baby domesticated predator in behavior. Also, watching them start to crunch through little bones in their food is weirdly cute as well. If it becomes a problem I’ll deal with it then.)

previous The Pack- because what we need is more fluffies bred to eat other fluffies. (1) by :Shadowfox
Next The Pack- Semi- official log weeks 3 and 4 (3) by:Shadowfox


Fox fire fanart

The wings look uneven-


I got fanart? Omfg. I love you. This is the coolest thing ever😍

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Please post this as it’s own topic and add a link to this story.
I’ll give you a hand if you need.

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Aye Aye captain!