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How impossibly cute and kickable
Pffffttttt lmao not what I was expecting but some how knew he was gonna get hurt in some way shape or form
That little disgusting fucker
I base him loosely on my neighbor irritating kid, would cry nonestop when his mom go to work or just cry cause he dont get what he wanted but a slipper to the butt.
i know the exact kind of kid
Oh, I get it. I think. The smarty FRIEND, not smarty. Smarty friend no like bestest babbeh and the mammeh. Perhaps doesn’t believe in poopie babbeh mistreatment. Good fluffy. Really does care about that baby the woman took,
I hate the mother already
Ok, i like were this is going, but i know this can go even better…
The Smarty is so cold with him, like, mad at him…
The smarty might just be waiting for an excuse to unleash the sorry hoofsies.
What a idiotic “bestest babbeh” like always.
Was tempted as I write that scene but why end it soon, that fat shit gonna get his due soon.
Well, we wil see i am sure.
the blue one being a dick kick it!!!
Oh yes because of that he gotten popular now cursed to relived his sorry existence and to die again and again
Hahaha what a bratty shitrat foal.
ohhhh, he’s trying to be a good smartie- oh poor baby
Oh my lord, a couple pages in and I already want to torture that blue foal to death.