NOTE: Got an eye error for Cass, she should have green eyes sorry bout that. Thanks to @Bear2021 for mentioning it.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
NOTE: Got an eye error for Cass, she should have green eyes sorry bout that. Thanks to @Bear2021 for mentioning it.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
Hot redhead
Woah, a stuck-up and conniving bitch is still the end. I mean really, even after all her failures she still has the gall to be this much of a horrid bitch, well she’s finally getting hers in the end.
And who was talking at the end?
The left one is Goldie’s owner Samantha while the right one is James Dobbs the trainer or how Cassandra calls his James Dumb.
So it was Cass, and judging but what she said, bitchy’s owner doesn’t sound too pleased with her run away fluffy. I wonder what Miss Cass means by what the owner is wearing, does it have something to does with a lot of stumping I wonder?
I see Cassandra is back. Yay!
The panel whos speakin was Samantha not Cass on the lower last panel (left)
The right is James just to clear things up
Samantha was a friend of Cass so seeing Cass wearing like that means something gonna happen.
If people are gonna drool over a hot redheaded mage, better FallenAngel’s than mine.
Fallen’s art is great, but he is especially great at drawing people imo
Can’t wait for the next few pages. Fingers crossed that Goldie gets what’s coming to her one way or another.
What are you talking about???
I was NOT dr…
(Covertly wipes chin)
…was NOT drooling over Cassandra!
I don’t wanna see how you’d react to Judy. You’d probably be mopping up a mess a bit further south, if you know what I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more guvna, say no more.
Unless leopard print clothing isn’t your thing.
She’s happily married, though, and her husband is someone you do not want to piss off.
Come to think of it, you wouldn’t wanna piss her off either, lest she remind you that she’s a wizard by sending you off to an exciting new life in a pond at the local park…
I’d (regretfully) give Judy a nope. Don’t wanna get vaporized.
Cassandra is always hot. Goldie must be even crazier than we already knew if she calls her ugly!
Is she trying to pull off a pokemon gym-leader vibe or something?
So, is she trying to pull off a pokemon gym-leader vibe or something?
Oh, is that a major-beatdown outfit?
. . . Leopard print, red head…