The Problem Ch. 6 (by fluffysomething)

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you feel sick. You don’t know why, though. You’re currently at the hospital, trying to figure out what happened.

“And, you’ve said you have multiple Bestest Sickie Friends at home, yes?” Someone says, quickly writing down something on a paper attached to a clipboard.

“Yes, what about it?” You ask, sniffling and laying down on a bed beside you.

“Do any of them appear to look different than the others? Maybe smaller?” They ask, again writing something down on the paper.

“One of them does, but I haven’t thought too much about it…” You groan, holding your head up as you sit up on the bed.

“Okay. I’m sorry, but you can’t leave until we find out what’s going on.” They exact, leaving the room with their clipboard.

You are FV-7410, and you got picked up by your mommy’s… friend? He said your mommy wouldn’t be able to come home today, which is scary! You want your mommy back!

“Okay, I’ll introduce myself, since it’s weird that a random ‘nice mister’ knows where your mommy lives and has a key to her house. I’m Dr. Clarke Fields, and I’m your mommy’s… ‘special-friend’, just like how you and FV-0446 are ‘special-friends’. I have a friend you two can play with over here.” The nice mister explains, picking something up and showing you a large, bloated fluffy.

“This is Princess. Princess has ‘inside-babies’. Now, if you two didn’t already know, ‘replication-huggies’ are bad for ‘inside-babies’. Got it?” The nice mister continues, pointing at you and your special-friend almost accusingly.

“Oh-tay, nice mistah. Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks an’ speshew-fwiend undastan.” Your special-friend nods agreeingly, going off to play with Princess as you stay beside the nice mister.

“Wai mom-mee weave? Mom-mee nu come bac’?” You ask, hugging the nice mister’s leg as tears come out of your eyes.

“She’s sick right now. I got one of your babies from the hospital, and they think that your baby got her sick.” The nice mister explains, picking you up to hug you back.

“Buh, onwy bad sickie-fwiends git mom-mees an’ dad-dees sickies! Bay-bee am bad?” You gasp, trying to fathom how your own baby could do something like that.

“Your baby isn’t bad, but the nice doctor people think that you two have something to do with it.” The nice mister explains again, making you even more confused. What did you and your special-friend do?

“Buh, we can nu make mom-mee sickies. Has-bai-oh say that aww sickie-fwiends am at-ten-oo-ated su that nu make aneewun sickies!” You say defensively, still trying to understand how you did anything wrong.

“I know you’re all attenuated, but the nice doctor people think one of you have a recessive gene for… ‘making mommies and daddies sickies’, and they’ll have to check to see if you can still have ‘good’ babies after this.” The nice mister picks you up and sets you down with Princess and your special-friend, then goes upstairs.

You are a baby Bestest Sickie Friend, and you got taken out of your housie-friend by the same meanie mister who was your housie-friend before! At least the babies you made still have your housie-friend. What’s he doing?

“Mistah? Nu wike! Wan wepwication-huggies! Gib nyow! Wha’ am duin’ tu sickie-baybee? Nu wan huwties! Stop wight nyow!” You demand, trying to kick the meanie mister as he gives you pokie-hurties.

“That’s my new invention. It’s called ‘Sickie-Friend Sleepy-Time Sedatives’. It should work before I start the genetic sequencing.” What’s that mean? You feel very sleepy. What’s ‘genetic sequencing’, and why-


"&, of course, I keep my multiple Bestes Sickie Friends in the same civilian house in which I store my hazardous mutagenic fluids. It is the Hasbio way! "

“Yay Hasbio! At least the rest of your tentacular pals still seem to be the good, old fashioned fluffy-killing, chirpie-eating kind…speaking of which, I let my pregnant pet fluffy keep them company, that should turn out well!”