The "Smarty Land Now" Theory (by Booperino)

I don’t know, it took them over 100 years to figure out male platypuses are venomous.

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Heh. Dr Apfelpherd is going to do his part too. With Jellenmancy. I’ll have a Jellen who’s going to be the unwanted parts eater. Another Jellen who’s job is to point out which ones need specialist care at the shelter. One Jellen who’s job is to eat the recent departed foals who are often carried on the backs of Tuffies. All fluffies are going to be tagged via the new Apple Tag smart doohinkey.

Now, all I need is a portal to Dr Fixers’ Friendly Shelter…

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carefull not to cross multiverses, it may result in weirdbox :stuck_out_tongue:

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Meanie! I just wanted to clone your shelter for my universe!! lmao!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fun fact, after my mom had her third kid, she had the doc tie her tubes so she wouldn’t have any more of us kids. I have three brothers, so it did not end up working as intended ( best guess is my little bro managed to tightrope walk the scar tissue as an egg and made it in that way ). So its only 99% effective in people, where you’d expect the best surgical precision. In fluffies, that still means an increase in numbers, so without some method of eliminating the fluffies themselves, they’ll still eventually overrun an area.

Luckily, being sent to a shelter means that they’ll instead be with responsible owners who can make the decision if they are able to home any ‘oopsies’ babies! Surely without too much in the ‘flush them down the toilet’ way. Unless.

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My dad had the snip, after me he decided he had enough kids. His girlfriend at the time had her tubes tie for medical reasons. At seven my little sister was born. Yeah, she beat the double odds.

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Bunny, are you secretly Anna the Huntress?

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Is not a bad idea if the smarty is reasonable for talking with and not gonna claim your yard forever. But if the smarty is a stupid shitrat it doesn’t gonna work I guess.

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thats why the observation step is important, if they prove to be a nuisance/extra bad fluffys its shoot the darts early, snip them and take the van, leave them at a distance they can find the shelter and let fate decide what happens to them.

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Or poisson there food and get rid of then. But poisson only the bad fluffies.

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he could but Fixer got a no-harm-or-kill fluffys policy because of his self described “something something medical code”

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Hmm the oath of hippocrates.

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Better than the Oaf of Hypocrites.

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