The Specialist # 22 [by: FallenAngel]

But the clown would hold a grudge about it.

Probably a good crossover story ideal in the future. :thinking:

Most probably take over large amounts of industry in your head can so he can shift the public image of Calvin Korkea and slander his character even saying he was a child rapist/murderer.

He has the money to buy the moon if he wanted.

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Yeah, one of those assholes already tried that. They tried to frame Cal for a crime spree.

But Cal is friends with a guy who calls a grand pocket change, bought Disney and Sega as casually as he would order takeout, and could probably buy the Earth if he felt like it.

So they were able to prove that Cal was innocent.

That guy would probably just buy McDonaldā€™s out if Ronald gave him any lip.

Do you really think that Cal would take Ronald on alone? Cal won most of his battles not because heā€™s so powerful, but because he has an entire community backing him up. Because he has an entire army of friends who believe in him and know how good he truly is.

Honestly, nobody would believe Ronaldā€™s attempt to paint Cal as a monster, because everyone knows that if Cal really was a monster, everyone would already be dead.

Thereā€™s an alternate universe version of Cal who really is a monster, and his Earth is a lifeless rock now.

The fact that the ā€œmainā€ Calā€™s Earth is still standing is all the proof anyone needs that heā€™s on the side of good.

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Ronald would probably get thousands of prisoners plastic surgery to look like Calvin Korkea.

To give his claims more clout doesnā€™t just by Disney or other like it he would buy important industries water gas oil and electric and renewable power and the healthcare industry but mainly would hire millions of people to slandering on the Internet because 90,000 women accusing him of rape canā€™t be wrong every media ever. :roll_eyes:

The asshole who tried to frame Cal tried that, too. He took over a clone body. He had access to all of Calā€™s power, on top of his own. Thatā€™s how he tried to frame Cal.

Didnā€™t work. That rich guy I mentioned? His brother is a wizard. The wards he used to protect Calā€™s friends and families werenā€™t fooled by the asshole in the clone body.

So it would be pretty easy to expose Ronald as an imposter.

Since this shit has already happened to Cal once, he and his friends simply would not allow it to happen again. They learn from their past experiences, you see.

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fuck you, thatā€™s how.

Probably would buy some of Calvin Korkea blood from the black market and get the boys in Petra brand company to make the Pacific irritant to driving slowly insane or most likely absolutely most likely just to make him defecate himself all the time because at that point just him to suffer.

But absolute most dirty Ronald did on someone was made anime girl show about the four 62 seasons because nothing says respectable person like giant anime breasts trying to expect a bra.
He was generally proud of that one he just wishes the fans get a new hobby. :joy: :rofl:

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Panels one and three are about what Iā€™d expect to happen. Panel four was a surprise, since fluffies donā€™t really leap more than a few inches up in most headcanons. I expect them to break one or more of their legs falling back down from that height, since that is the usual fate of fluffies falling from five or six feet to the ground.


Alright Iv had enough of dis to hell with all ya dirty heathens

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hell yeah!! Get the smarty!!

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Pretty sure most of us read ShadySmartyā€™s Scootafluff.


Okay, yeah, I already conceded that point. But thank you for your contribution.

I can live with this L, because Iā€™m pretty sure that the other things my fluffies can do arenā€™t as common as flight.

The action direction is good. I always tend to think people who make fluffies be a credible threat to humans do it to create moral justification for hurting the fluffies. Which I usually think is suspect.


I think youā€™re making a mistake in taking pride in creating fluffies that have unique abilities. Sounds like a crutch to me. I mean, I can make up about a thousand unique abilities no-one has seen a fluffy display before and all it would do is make my fluffies seem a lot less like fluffies.

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You know why I did that? Because I love the idea of fluffies being able to fight side by side with humans. I love the idea of a fluffy who can follow his daddeh into battle, instead of cowering in the saferoom. And instead of immediately getting pasted by whatever his daddeh is fighting, the fluffy can actually fight back, heā€™s not just dead weight.

My headcanon is one where a fluffy can pick a fight with a vampire, a humanoid vampire, and actually win that fight. Vampires just donā€™t see a fluffy with a silver horn coming.

And, to be fair, a lot of my humans have the same powers. Who do you think trains those fluffies? Why do you think the fluffies have those powers? The primary source of superpowers in my headcanon is genetic in nature, and fluffies have human DNA!

Iā€™d like to believe that my fluffies are still fluffies at their core. The fundamentals are there, but the fundamentals arenā€™t all thatā€™s there.

Plus, thereā€™s a million stories about fluffies being curbstomped by the big bad human. Do we really need more? Isnā€™t it time for a fluffy who can turn the tables on the abuser?

That last panel reminds me a bit of Pom Poko.

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Hey. You do you. Power fantasies can be a great help.

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Look, when I started out, all I was thinking was ā€œI donā€™t want to do just another abuse/hugbox story.ā€

And yeah, thereā€™s superpowers. But the people and fluffies with those powers are still people and fluffies. I wanted to show the downtime of being a superhero too. Which is why I enjoyed writing ā€œBreather Episodeā€. All these amazing people with powers coming together, not to save the world like they usually do, but just doing something as normal and mundane as having a barbecue.

So itā€™s not entirely a power fantasy. What makes my characters so special isnā€™t that they can do amazing things. Itā€™s that they do amazing things, instead of doing horrible things. Because powers or no powers, theyā€™re still good. Cal is still the same decent guy he was back when he was just a random stoner who decided to get a couple of fluffies while he was stoned on the couch.

Fluffies be like humans in attack on titan. ~Chuckle~

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Hard pass. Good luck though.

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Fine. If you want ordinary stories about ordinary people getting ordinary fluffies and doing ordinary things with them, thereā€™s a million of those.

Holler at me when you get bored of that. The NobodyAtAll Literary Universe will always be waiting for you when you want it.