The Towel Method [By BFM101]

“Coo, wub speciaw-fwiend.”

“Coo, wub speciaw-fwiend, wub tummeh-babbehs.”

The orange stallion Tango and his yellow mate Sunbeam nuzzled each other happily, the sun was bright, the wind was friendly, and their new home was a perfect spot to raise their approaching young.

The grass was rich and plentiful, the flowers beautiful and tasty, a nearby pond gave them plenty of drinking water and some ‘swimmy-friends’ to say Hello to every morning. And best of all, there was a wonderful Apple tree in the corner, that provided plenty of shade as well as the occasional dropped apple on the ground for a special-treat.

And all they had to do was squeeze through a damaged fence to find this little Eden.

It had been three days since their arrival, and their harsh feral life was a thing of the past, they were safe, they were comfortable, they were able to be a family. Tango bounded round the apple tree while Sunbeam watched, smiling contentedly at his excitement.

“An den… an den Tangu teww babbehs ‘Da Huggie Munstah gun git yu. And Tangu gu afta babbehs wen dey wun way, an wen Tangu git dem, gun gib dem aww da huggies.”

“Tangu gun be bestesh daddeh, Sunbeem knyo.”

Tango stopped running and gave his mate a soft lick on the nose. “Sunbeem be bestesh mummah, gun hab pwettiesh babbehs.”

The loving pair nuzzled each other a bit more until they heard voices coming from the big wooden Not-Tree thing that surrounded them. They looked over and saw two men walking in through a much larger hole than the one Tango and Sunbeam used, one of the men they hadn’t seen before, he was wearing a one-piece of Green Not-Fluff that covered his entire body and a belt filled with many different human tools.

The other man the pair had seen before, he was in the big human place right next to their new pretty grassie home and had been watching them from the window. Tango had waved to him but the mistah never waved back.

“Wook speciaw-fwiend, it am Nu-Nice Mistah.”

“Wai am Mistah in Fwuffy pwace wiv udda Mistah?”

“Tangu nu knyo.”

The two Fluffies watched the two men talking, neither of them could understand everything being said, but they could make out bits and pieces.

“Mr Hearst, I understand you want this sorted out quickly, but I just need to confirm you understand the situation before I proceed. Now you’ve ordered the Retirement Option, which I’m more than willing to provide, but since there is just the two Fluffies, I can perform a Rehousing or even a simple Removal Option for a much lower price.”

“Absolutely not, I want those blighters good and done for Haroldson.”

“It’s Harrison Mr Hearst, or just Taylor if you prefer. Now I can…”

“And it’s GOVERNOR to you Harrison. Now I told your boss I want those THINGS dealt with, I don’t care about the cost, I care about the results.”

“As you wish… Governor.”

The mister in the green Not-Fluff turned and walked over to the pair, Tango stepped up to him first.

“Hewwo, nyu fwiend? Am Tangu, dis am speciaw-fwiend Sunbeem.”


The green mister knelt down in front of the pair and reached over to scratch Sunbeam on the chin, she giggled at the touch.

“Hehe, wub scwatchies. Nice mistah be nyu daddeh?”

The green mister kept scratching her until Sunbeam felt another hand on her body, she looked down and saw the green mister was picking her up and off the ground.

“Ooooh, cawefuw pwease, Sunbeem am soon-mummah, upsies am bad fow tummeh-babbehs.”

“Pwease nice mistah, put speciaw-fwiend down, need be safe fow tummeh-babbehs.”

Sunbeam kept helplessly struggling against the green mister’s grasp, but she could do nothing as he held her there, and even less when he gripped her by her two front legs and left her dangling in the air.

A small spurt of shit squirted out of Sunbeam as she screamed in terror.



“Now see Governor Hearst, there’s a little trick we’ve learnt in the business for dealing with Fluffies as quick as possible. We call it The Towel Method. You grab a Fluffy like so, and then you…”

The green mister yanked Sunbeam’s legs up so suddenly that she felt them instantly break out of their sockets, time slowed to a crawl as her bloated body was lifted high in the air, tears pouring from her face, shit pouring from her ass, she begged to be let back down again.

And then just as quickly as she’d been lifted up, the green mister jolted her back down again. The sudden and violent shockwave shot through her body, shattering every bone she had to break.




The force pushed through Sunbeam’s body was so powerful, that her corpse instantly blew itself inside out, the fence was immediately painted with her shit and her unformed foals as her guts were pushed out of her by sheer gravitational force.

Tango felt his world freeze. His eyes wide, his heart broken, he stared at the mess on the fence, amongst the smears of shit and blood he could make out five pink blobs, vaguely Fluffy shaped, smattered onto the fence. Some were sliding down, leaving a trail of gunk and blood, most were staying put, shot into the fence so hard they’d become stuck in the wood.

“Babbehs? Bab…babbehs am foweba sweepies?”

He looked over at Sunbeam, once so bloated with love and foals, now a saggy, deflated rag, her bottom half nearly completely blown out, her dead eyes rolled back in her head, her face etched with her final, painful end. Even her glossy yellow Fluff looked duller and lifeless.

“Am daddeh nu mowe. Am speciaw-fwiend nu mowe. Fwuffy hab nuffin weft.”

Tango withdrawn on himself, his world become a silent darkness, unaware of the two humans arguing above him.

“Goddammit Taylor, what the Hell was that?”

“I’m sorry Governor Hearst, but you said you didn’t care about the results, I was just showcasing the most effective way to dispose of a Fluffy.”

“How in the blazes is that effective if it’s left my fence looking like a Jackson Pollock reject?”

Taylor looked down at Sunbeam’s broken corpse, then back at Governor Hearst.

“The Fluffy’s dead sir.”

Hearst blustered and bellowed but said little else as he turned and stormed back to his house.

“Just deal with the vermin and leave.”

Taylor smirked, happy to have pissed off a rich prick like Hearst, granted it would probably bite him in the ass, but that was a small price to pay.

He turned back around to deal with the stallion, only for Tango not to be where he should’ve been. Taylor looked around until he found him, the orange stallion was sitting by the fence, holding one of his dead foals against his cheek and trying to rouse it back to life.

“It ok babbeh, daddeh am hewe. Daddeh nu wet bad fing happen tu babbehs nu mowe.”

Taylor grimaced, he’s seen broken Fluffies before but it was still creepy to witness.

“Hey buddy, you want to see your family again?”

Tango looked up at Taylor, blood and gunk dripping from his face. “Nice mistah take Tangu tu see famiwy?”

“Yeah, come here.”

Tango immediately went into the upsie pose, his smiling face doing nothing to help his dead eyes, his mind shattered from the violent death of his mate and unborn young.

“Fank yu nice mistah, Tangu scawed dat speciaw-fwiend gu foweba sweepies, dat be vewy bad, cos den tummeh-babbehs gu foweba sweepies, and den Tangu bad nuf…”


Taylor cracked Tango in the same Towel Method that he used on Sunbeam, once more the fence was sprayed with blood and shit as Tango’s Fluffy bowels was fired out of him. Taylor dropped his corpse next to Sunbeam, trying to avoid looking at the creepy smile stuck on Tango’s dead face.

Turning away, Taylor brought out his phone.

“Hey Art? Yeah it’s Taylor, listen, I might have accidentally pissed off the Governor… Yes I do mean accidentally… Well look just charge him a free clean-up service and hopefully that’ll smooth things over… Nah, get Mongola on it, him and his cannibal pet can deal with this mess.”

Taylor hung up the phone and gathered himself together, happy to finish with a job well done.


I was thinking towel fluffies would be a state fluffies could be in that’s worse than being pillowed.
This is fun too though.



I imagine it happened like in Mortal Kombat.


I was expecting something more like him wringing their necks. One hand on the back and one on the head. Snap, done.

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“And all they had to do was squeeze through a damaged fence to find this little Eden.”

That automatic spell doom to any feral. :man_facepalming:

I gotta say Taylor sarcastic to that Govenor is epic , that idiot did say deal with it than just have them removed out of his garden and typical rich bloke never bother have his gardener checked his fence.

Was expecting a wet thick towel just wrap around their heads till they suffocate its a less messy way to deal with small feral family.


I’m imaging the gardener saw the hole, and conveniently “forgot” to mention it to Hearst.


I feel sorry to that gardner, im sure that fucking politician fired him after.

At least he got a laugh bout what happen :joy:

From Taylor’s point of view that politician wasnt popular with the common people.


All of this could have been avoided if that rich prick had just said “get them out”. Well, he wanted them to suffer, now he can enjoy his shit and viscera Pollock fence. Wanker.

Bonus points since Johnny boy has to clean up.

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Bro… The reaction kinda killed my current Abuse hard-on for a moment there…

Only for a moment…

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Very nice method. Given the title, I initially expected some locker room wet towel whipping. This, however, far exceeded expectations.


Holy shit… You’re really a bloody fucking genius. The towel method? Dear fucking god. Best fucking method, I’ve ever heard to date.


I thought it was gonna be akin to a blanket burrito till I started reading the tags.
