I thought it would be fun to make a list of everything Slayer has had his way with in my stories. And I’ll be adding more entries as they appear in the stories. You can probably take it for granted that more will appear. You have seen how horny Slayer is, right? Obviously, beware of spoilers.
- Several ordinary fluffies
- A demon fluffy
- A tree
- One alien of an unidentified race
- Two formerly human vampires
- A scaly
- Multiple dinotites
- One wizard robot
- His own vampiric counterpart from another timeline
- One of the Forces of Fate
- The demonic Chris Oldman (multiple times in a row)
- A demon scaly
- Karan-di the Arachnoid and two of his spawn
- An ogre
- Ten zombie fluffies
- A werewolf
- A Stonehead
- Six Schlechtniks (a ladybug, a rabbit, a pig, two bees and a mosquito)
- Two Bauherren
- Two Darklings
- Umbra (multiple times in a row)
- A Carnage fluffy
- A Tennebite soldier