>be Mint Chip
>always make good poopies and give the BIGGEST huggies and love
>always listen to daddeh
>you love your mummah Toast, but sometimes she is a bad fluffy and makes bad poopies!
>daddeh yells at her for making bad poopies and puts a mark on the squeaky board
>one day she makes bad poopies while telling you and your sisters how proud she is!
>you like giving mummah heart happies! But daddeh is extra mad this time…
>daddeh puts you all in the weggie holder
>he says "toast you lose one weggie or your babbeh loses TWO weggies!
>so scary!
>you think about poor mummah Toast having to live with just three weggies…
>but she says babbeh weggies! Doesn’t she know babbehs need weggies to play and give huggies?
>you feel heart hurties for your sissies who will lose TWO weggies!
>mummah says Mint Chip weggies!!!
>but YOU’RE Mint Chip!
>YOU’RE a good babbeh!
>you try to tell daddeh what a good fluffy you are
>he says good fluffies don’t fight and stay still!
>you’re a good fluffy…
Justice for Mint Chip.
Justice for Mint Chip!
God damn it
One from mummah, one from jennifer. Because looking on the first comic? Bitch has a shitting problem.
Punishment for Toast!
Or two from Mummah, and one from Jennifer he can wear like a horn.
Justice for Mint Chip! Hell for Toast!
Looks like Mint is incapable of making bad poopies now. Jennifer is not though and considering her track record her other babies are gonna lose weggies and then herself
Edit: Oops, I mixed mummeh and baabeh up I think.
I swear to god I feel a bigger resonance with mint chip than my own family, I’m gunna go cry in a corner and pour one out for my boy.
last panel is a chef kiss
Thanks! Going back through some older pictures inspired me to try and make use of empty space.
Fuck that bitch, take everything
And a punishment for daddy with sticky foal shit in fluff under that diaper.
Holy fuck this sucks. Mint poor baby I’m so sorry for you! I’m not a big abuser but man alive toast needs to have the worst agonies imaginable placed on her stupid ass. What a horrible mom. Makes me legitimately angry! Great job sir you’ve ruined my morning bravo that’s what I’m here for.
Hope those sketti had a poisonous laxative and the family considered donating ALL of their limbs to oir boyo minty