““Hewwo? Nyu fwend?”
You look behind you to see another fluffy, blue main and a poopie brown mane. He looks friendly enough, but he’s probably still a dummeh, but you can just make him join you, and make a herd. Yeah, you can just be a big herd leader and order those dummeh humans around, giving you skettie, and having your dummeh herd give them sorry hoovies until they give you sketties, or go forever sleepies.
“‘ou! dummeh! ‘ou am gon’ join fwuffy’s hewd, an’ 'ou wiww wisten to cawwot!” you order that dummeh, expecting him to bow down to his new leader.
“Wuh? oh, siwwy fwuffy! am awweady in hewd!” The dummeh responds, you just stare at him for a minute, pondering what to do, until you realize something. You can just take over that herd.
“oh otay’ dummeh, take fwuffy to 'ouw hewd den.” You demand once again, he nods and starts leading you through the forest, until he reaches a big tree, with lots of other fluffies playing around and in it.
“Dis am dah hewd, dah hewd weadah am in dah twee.” He points with his hoof to the inside of the tree, which has a huge hole in it, filled with babbehs and mummahs. He gets interrupted by his special friend, and plays with her instead. You stare at them, and yearn for a special friend yourself, before entering the tree.
Inside is a big pile of twigs and greenery, like a huge nest with a dummeh fluffy on top of it, working on adding more to it. He has a broken horn with some rough blue fur, with a messy white mane, he looks over to you.
“Hewwo! 'ou must be dah new fwuffie, wewcome to dah hewd!” He says as he walks over to you, you now get this dummeh is the leader, and he’s probably just a big pushover.
“Shut up dummeh! dis am cawwot’s hewd nao, gib nummies an’ speshuw fwend!” You demand to that dummeh. He just stares at you for a second before going out to the side, probably to get your demands. You strut up to the nest and are about to lay down, when you look over to see that dummeh with two other fluffies… two special friends, just for you! And with horns as well, just like you, so you can have all the bestest horn babbehs!
“Gud! nyu speshuw fwiends come to cawwot su cawwot can gib 'ou speshuw huggi-“ Before you can finish, he interrupts you by pointing his hoof up to you.
“Dat fwuffy, wite dewe.” He orders the two special friends, probably so you can give them special Huggies. But before you can prepare they charge at you, and stab you with their horns, both in the body .
You let out an agonizing scream as you fall to the ground, you manage to try to get up and immediately try to headbut one of the fluffies to take out one of his see places, you miss. You land on the ground head first, as the fluffy stomps your horn off, you give up right away.
they bite your fur and drag you to a poopie corner.
“Dis am 'ou nummies nao, ‘ou find nummies fo’ west of hewd, if 'ou do gud job, we maybe make 'ou nowmaw fwuffie in dis hewd.” One of the fluffies says, before going back to that big nest. You stare at the poopies, do those dummehs expect you to eat poopies?? Dummehs.
A couple of minutes later one of the fluffies from earlier show up.
“'ou go find nummies nao.” He says while lifting you up by the mane, he guides you into the forest, you are taught to pick berries, what green nummies fluffies can eat. you know that if you try to eat any you know you’d just get more hurties by that meanie.
This goes on before it starts to get darkies, he leads you back to the herd, you go in the big tree to see a fluffpile start, as you try to join you feel someone bite down on your tail, it’s that meanie.
“Nu. 'ou sweepies dewe.” He points with his horn to the poopie corner, now with two poopie fluffies stacked on top of each other, a pathetic attempt of a fluffpile. As you try to join it the poopie fluffy on top hits you off.
“Nu dummeh! dis fwuffpiwe am onwy fo’ poopies fwuffies! go 'way!!” That dummeh poopie fluffy demands, you’re too tired to fight that dummeh so you just lay down farther down the poopie corner, only to lay in poopies. You remember the smartie babbehs and how they were always brave, no matter what. You go to sleep, trying not to cry.
You’re conscious in that big island again, back on top of the big fluffpile, only one thing, the tv is off. You slide the fluffpile to see the button to the tv on another island. You struggle to swim over and as soon as you press the button, everything starts shaking.
You look over to see all the pleasures on that island are being destroyed, falling apart at the seams. You try to swim back but get launched back by a giant blue fluffy arm that hits you back on the island, your hoof gets knocked off and launched into the sea. As you struggle not to cry you look back to see it’s that dummeh herd leader.
“DUMMEH! ‘OU AM NAO, POOPIE DUMMEH!” He shouts as a lot of evil fluffies start hitting you, before dragging you by the mane and throws you far into the distance. You land on an island made out of poopies, with a big fluffpile made out of nothing but poopie fluffies.
As you try to join all the poopie fluffies in the pile start kicking you off, you get thrown by one hard kick into an area with one of the biggest, scariest, strongest fluffies you’ve ever seen. He stomps right next to your head and demands you go pick sketties which you aren’t allowed to eat.
After what felt like days of picking sketties he lets you go, you go back to that poopie island and pass out.
As you wake up it’s still dark times, you look around for anyone that can comfort you, but the two poopie fluffies you try to cuddle again demand you go back to that corner. You put your head down as you walk back into your corner, as you lay down trying to go back to sleep, you can only think of one thing.
Wan die.
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