Too many foals (carniviousduck)


Couldnt pull an excuse to abuse this one out of my ass if i wanted to.

Wants to ensure all her babies are fed and happy in an efficient manner.

Thats a fuckin good fluffy right there.


I would be more sympathetic if she wss actually using both milly places.


You have five kids, it isn’t that hard. Cats and dogs have more and they can handle it.


“You’ll be fine, just move the babies in a rotation.”

The mare stares at her owner for several seconds, before picking up one of her foals and slowing spinning them in place.

“Fwuffy nu knyo how dis feed babbehs bu yu am smawta dan Fwuffy.”


In a neutral pov I’d make sure she has nursing mare kibble to ensure maximum milk yield to ensure it wont run out in the middle of feeding…tho as well I’d drain some of her milk and put it into small bottles to other foals to drink from when shes feeding two at a time.

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Curious; do Fluffies only supply milk from the nipple itself? On most mammals, including humans, there are multiple milk ducts surrounding the nipple, so theoretically they could all be feeding at once

You… you’ve seen cats and dogs before right? They got like, more than two nipples…

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You do know the mother can move the foals, right? It isn’t that hard for her to feed 5 foals, which is the whole point of the post. You know, feeding 5 foals is easier the 12.

I thought the point of the image was that she wanted every baby to drink at the same time.

And also how stupid it is for an animal with big litters to have only two nipples.

Pick two babies :man_shrugging:

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Vol is vol…foal…full…nvm…

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Looks like you need some Silent Night Foal Euthanasia Milk. The milk is laced with a lethal dose of sleeping medication, which will make the foal drift off into a sleep from which they will never wake.

Silent Night Foal Euthanasia Milk (Pastry_Knight) - Fluffy Image Self-Posting - FluffyCommunity (


Since when do we need an excuse?


Rule of 2 haha, yeah.
You pretty much always have twice the number of feeding places as mouths to feed.

A good mummah loves all her foals, equally!
Well, look who are going first, little Spinach & … :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ( I say, that is a queer - looking SBS foal ) Toad-in-the-Hole.
That is not equality!
What does that make you, Nepotistia?

I’m telling you: Angry fluffmart employees putting this in all the milk dispensers would be a hilarious prank.

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Surgically add 4 more boobs to the belly an chest (like a dog) what thats not enough, replaces legs with boobs , …still not enough booba for you , replaces face with a big booba

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Start numming some babies then.

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Taking care of these foals seems punishment enough. Unless she gets wise and gets rid of some, but the dumb bitch is too stupid to think properly.