Silent Night Foal Euthanasia Milk (Pastry_Knight)

Sometimes an owner will need to reduce the number of newborn foals to make sure mothers are not overwhelmed trying to take care of and feed them all, with adoption and animal shelters so overwhelmed by fluffies they will be very unlikely to take them off your hands, and if they do there is a very large chance that they will end up in an incinerator anyway.

Taking away a foal will cause distress in the mother, otherwise euthanising the foal before the mother will cause even greater distress. However the fluffies owner taking a foal to feed, that will not cause much distress in an overwhelmed fluffy mother. The milk is laced with a lethal dose of sleeping medication, which will make the foal drift off into a sleep from which they will never wake. An overworked mother will be unlikely to notice one less mouth to feed if the foal is quietly removed when the mother is asleep, and with other foals to take care of the mother will not be overly affected by a foal just not waking up.


Oh my god this is fucking fantastic. Chefs kiss


Sad but humane


Take in a feral mummah and her babies. Feed this to the babies and tell her the next morning that she was a bad mummah for not having a good nest for them. This bed was so nice the babies all went to sleep forever. Better luck next time! Then kick her out


This sounds like a good comic concept


Do they make a high-stress euthanasia formulation, too?


cyanide + capsaicin high stress foal euthanasia


Good start, but cyanide acts too fast to really get much out of it. I’d suggest the following formulation: moderate doses of strychnine and arsenic plus (relatively) high doses of atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. The foal will be having spasms powerful enough to crack its spine in half and shitting so hard its intestines will boil out of its asshole, all while it has visions of dead ten-eyed mummahs calling it a poopie dummeh munstah and getting eaten alive by imaginary spiders. Eventually it’ll either die from the spasms or its heart exploding. And if that doesn’t kill it, something else definitely will, eventually. Anything that survives poisoning from that nightmare has earned the right to live (but unfortunately will probably also be either insane or brain-damaged).

In fact, I’d strongly recommend that formula for general fluffy “euthanasia”.


That’ll show you for being born you stupid little baby

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(post deleted by author)

I see there is in fact a ‘high stress’ formula, brilliant.



It would be a hilarious daycare prank to replace all the milk with this.

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Very nice!

That’s kinda why this stuff would require… precautions to prevent wrong animal (especially upright primate variety) drinking it.

The hilariously evil bit is the given example mother has tons of spare milk, already.
“Momma has loads of milkies!”


That would depend on the dosage. I bet it takes a fraction to kill a three pound fluffy.

True. Misreplied, sorry.