Good, the only thing a bestest deserves is pain.
Hmmmmm not how I do it but this is definitely one way to do it. Scar the mother since she clearly wasn’t listening.
Reminds me of McGonagall’s Jimmy from Home Wreckers.
If they’d fucked him up like that foal, McGonagall’s premium foals would still be alive.
lotta foal hate lately lol
great work as always dude
You could have said “eat it”, but no
You had to say S W A L L O W
Hmmm good point, buuuut think of it like this, the mommah will hear the baby scree as her stomach acids digest him and she can’t do shit. eating him be a mercy.
…huh ya know I actually be curious about a continuation, the mother swallows the baby, the baby screes in her tummy, and she becomes so mentally scarred she scared of babies? Or sumthin I dunno lol.
Lmfao. “Come here and swallow it or I blind your other foals too.” Lol.
I knew where this was going the second I saw the B-word.
Y’all he’s telling her to swallow the tongue, not eat the baby.
Swallowing the tongue of her own child is disgusting, cruel, and inhumane.
Less is more
I’ll say. After eating that tongue, the fluffy may never eat again!
@OtherCoraline , we need your link here!
I summon thee!
A link to what? If you mean a hugbox picture with a similar theme, than I would say it’s different enough to do without links
No, to the whole “babbeh said the B-word, mummah must kill” thing she had drawn.
I am a fucking moron who misread OtherCoraline with Oculus
Ahahaha don’t worry, it’s fine. Wanted to poke some fun at the trope using OC’s take on it, not invade an abuse post with hugbox.
Nah. It’s the mummah calling the baby bestes. The foal just chirps. That’s obvious favoritism by the mummah, which is what is being punished.
Though @SuperWeaner is one of those omega chads who don’t try to “justify” their abuse. They just abuse
Another great art style wasted on baloney. Anyone with half a brain cell can see the baby is innocent and the mother is the one who needs to be punished. Weaner, do you need the Sorry Club again?