Now that’s terrible, At least kill the little bastard so people don’t have to hear their constant crying at night
People Sleep yo
As they say, one man’s trash is another man… Wait actually, nevermind that’s pure garbage right there
Oh man I’d actually WANT to dumpster dive there! That big litterpal is going in MY bathroom and a bunch of those little retard junkfoals will be sewn together into a fluffy-centipede or some other crudely-made abomination. Nice art btw
Been missing your content bru
“shit in my mouth!” - this little freak
nice, free babbehs
Looks like I will be dumpster diving more often
I’d record the begging to listen to at night.
In the immortal words of Filthy Frank:
Too late, Litter Pal.
What a pathetic pile of trash, great work Pastry
if even one fluffy existed in the real world, our reality would escalate to this level on insanity in a month.
Lucky bastard
Despite fluffies luckily being a fake concept if they did exist people would probably start immediately abusing them nonstop. Plus it might be worse cause fluffys can only speak in baby talk and it would probably feel like your torturing someone’s disabled child or something.
Yea, this time is living garbage waiting to decay in place where it should be
Depends on the country and culture. In Europe, they’d probably get classified as animals and domestics at least, would be given standard animal protection rights as a minimum.
Torturing and abusing something that sounds like a human child would trigger a lot of warning bells to various authorities as well.
Shota and lolicon stuff is banned or will be potentially banned in many countries, and they feature fictional child subjects who don’t behave like real children. You can imagine the outcry when you have living things that sound and behave like real children.
You should have thought about that before you threw your tantrum litterpal. If you refuse to play your assigned role you’re useless and useless things ends up in the trash.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
This. Considering the outcry against violent video games and harm to fictional children, I have trouble believing that NO ONE IRL would protest the idea of torturing fluffies as standard. (I would object to the idea that fluffy dialogue sounds like “real children”, though - actual children in my experience would find words like “booboo juice” horribly embarrassing.)