Trials and Tribulations Ch. 8 (by fluffysomething)

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you are testing FV-0446’s babies, again. They’re begging you to ‘nu giv owwies tu wittwe bay-bees’ and that ‘tay-ing bay-bees fwom pawentaw viwus am nu wight’.

Day 8

About a month or two early, FV-0446’s young can now consume solids, even with their eyes still unable to be opened. Instead of fluffy waste and other Bestest Sickie Friend-safe food products, they’re going for the fluffies themselves. I brought over a fluffy foal to demonstrate, and they ate it in under three hours.

“FV-0446, I’m sorry. I’m going to need to give your babies owwies again.” You peek though the door of what they call your ‘special-room’, closing the door once you’re done talking.

“Nuuu! Nu am wight! Nu wiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!” FV-0446 cries, still banging on the door as they try to open it.

“I’m so sorry…” You sigh, poking one of their babies with another needle and repeating the process.

You are FV-0446, and you still can’t take night-nights! Whenever you try, you immediately have horrible dreams about your babies getting hurt or worse, going forever-night-nights! You forgot the last time you’ve slept more than five minutes!

“Wub bay-bees… Wub bay-bees… Nu wan bay-bees tu git owwies… Pwease jus giv bay-bees hewe…” You beg your mommy, as she shakes her head and replies.

“No, I still need to do a few things with them.” Your mommy answers, patting your not-head and going back in her special room.

You’ve had enough of her giving owwies to your babies! You’ve got to do something!

“Mom-mee giv bak bay-bees NYOW! WAN BAY-BEES! GIV THEM HEWE!” You yell, banging on the door until she opens it, a frown on her face.

“FV-0446, we don’t demand things. You’re being very rude right now. I know you haven’t slept in two days, but that gives you no excuse to be mean.” Your mommy retorts, waiting for your response.

“Wan bay-bees… Wan bay-bees nyow… Pwease giv tu Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks?” You start to sob, sniffling as you speak while your mommy picks you up and places you in your safe-room.

“I’ll have to take notes on this behavior, as well… FV-0446, try going to sleep. Do it for mommy, okay?” Your mommy sighs sadly, laying you down on your very comfortable bed and watching as you try to sleep.

“Wha happen if Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks nu tay-ke night-nights?” You ask, visibly confused as your mommy sighs again.

“Since Bestest Sickie Friends are so new, no one really knows yet. If people don’t sleep, they get… thinkie-place sickies. It might be the same for you guys.” Your mommy tucks you into your small bed, walking out of the room.

You don’t want thinkie-place sickies! Can you even get thinkie-place sickies? You don’t know, but they sound bad. But, you can’t sleep! How are you supposed to avoid getting thinkie-place sickies if you can’t sleep?

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you are taking notes, again. It’s about FV-0446 itself. When you were making Bestest Sickie Friends, you didn’t quite test if they suffered from sleep deprivation. Or, if they did, what happened to them during that time.

Day 8, Extra Notes

FV-0446, the parental virus of the subjects, has been experiencing multiple side effects of sleep deprivation. Due to me doing tests which they deem ‘bad’ and ‘gives owwies to babies’, it hasn’t been sleeping as well as it should. Some things they’ve been experiencing are rapid changes in mood, paranoia, tiredness, and some changes in memory. It hasn’t slept in about 2 to 3 days. Should I be worried?


Hopefully there are going to be some consequences for the doctor. The only two times something went wrong for her she literally bounced back from them in less than two chapters.

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Considering the Doc has survived her own experiments, she is a veritable Houdini with karma.
Not even an angry mob / UN firebombing.


In a state of sleep-deprived delirium - exacerbated by the fact that she only needs rest for her mental stability, rather than physical restoration - FV-0446 runs amok in the Docs lab, allowing the carnivorous brood to escape, carrying the bizarre results of Rosemanutation with them.
However, in a rare moment of responsibility, Dr. Roseman has made the little monsters trackable. Via drones, she shows their various fates to FV-0446, after a calming round of sedatives, to clear her sickie-friends mind.

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Yeah, it’s what I fear.