Twinkies Don't Last Forever (Pastry_Knight)

Twinkies only have a 25 day shelf life.

Never really got bread fluffies but wanted to give it a go.


Twinkies wouldnt last the trip from the car to the edge of the parking lot for me


They just say that so they can sell more Twinkies.


Horseshit, Twinkies are indestructible.


Careful or his insides will come out both sides… and keep them away from stsllions that might enf em

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Pour some hot fudge (tar) on it and turn it into a chocodile

“Silly customer! You cannot hurt a Twinkie!” Also, I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to sell them under the “Twinkie” name if they have a shelf life of less than 100 years.


Wait really?

Well, that last part is something I made up, but they do have that reputation.

But a month? That’s accurate?

No, pretty sure they last for years. The common claim is a century, as I said, but that’s likely a stretch.

Twinkies are like an IRL cross between Lembas and dwarf bread. With a creamy filling.

mf i know your lying your shelf life is the heat death of the universe

and even if it’s not go cry about it to someone who cares