The Third Annual - Great Breadfluffy Bakeoff! - Polls closed!

Winners will be voted on after final entries are in ; I will cast deciding votes for ties.

After seeing quite a few ‘emergency commission’ threads I have decided this years theme will be Charity.


(if someone does not want their prize their winnings will be split amongst other winners ; or can remain as part of the roof cap since I am doubling prizes if people wish to donate their winnings instead. If there is unassigned winnings at the end due to my poor ability to math they will be donated.)

1st place - 60$ paypal direct ~donated~
2nd place - 50$ paypal direct ~paid~
3rd place - 40$ paypal direct ~paid~

Honorable mention prizes
Eded&Ted – Reserved*
Federal – Reserved*
Turbine – ~paid~
Pastryknight – Reserved*
Mikahorsie -

5 Honorable mentions will be chosen after November closing. For these I am willing to pay for art commissions up to 30$ it doesn’t have to be fluffies but I was looking to support community artists as a thanks for the entertainment. I am also willing to give double to those who simply wish to donate their prize to one of our community members in need.

Non participating gallery.
Crazy kitzo - Nu num fwuffy! (Crazy_Kitzo)

story -

Entries accepted till the deadline, if you think you’ll be cutting it close pm us so we can delay voting.

Contestant showcase:
Contestant 1 - Eded-ted - Tutorial: how to bake a fluffy (Eded_ted) - #2 by Lothmar
Contestant 2 - Karn - Crumpet Quality Test and Bread Experiments by Karn/Princess Purrpaws - #2 by OtaX
Contestant 3 - Mikahorsie - Bread Fluffy : Cooling a Freshly Baked Raspberry BreadFluffy by Mikahorsie
Contestant 4 - federaIchemicaI - Da Gweat Breabfwuffy Bakeoff 2023 (federalchemical1728)
Contestant 5 - Infrared turbine - Testing out some recipes! The Great Breadfluffy Bakeoff!) (InfraredTurbine)
Contestant 6 - wildefaun - Miz ButterFace and the great fluffy bake off. "WildeFaun"
Contestant 7 - Pastry knight - Twinkies Don't Last Forever (Pastry_Knight) ; Bestest Loaf (Pastry_Knight)
Contestant 8 - squeaky friend - A Self-Made Sweet Treat (Artist: SqueakyFriend)
Contestant 9 - Stanwonyoung -

Community members in need: ~*reserved. Pm me if you’d like me to list you as a potential participant for people to donate to. Or to join the anonymous receivers list :slight_smile: *~

Emergency commission artists Iooking for work: ~Reserved. PM me if your emergency commissions are stiII open so peopIe can consider sending you prize money work.~

  • Contestant 1 - Eded-ted
  • Contestant 2 - Karn
  • Contestant 3 - Mikahorsie
  • Contestant 4 - federaIchemicaI
  • Contestant 5 - Infrared turbine
  • Contestant 6 - wildefaun
  • Contestant 7 - Pastry knight
  • Contestant 8 - squeaky friend
  • Contestant 9 - Stanwonyoung
0 voters

Small note I would maybe keep the community members in need anonymous.


Good idea. ~pockets the anonymous charitable donations like any corrupt charity~


Just saying I’ve seen a lot of anti-begging sentiment here and I know it’s not begging but yeah I’ve seen people take a pretty aggressive stance about it

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I do enjoy a good bread fluffys.


I look forward to seeing what everyone makes. I’ll be honest, I do wanna participate, but I feel like I can’t really contribute anything too amazing right now. I’ll absolutely join in the next one, or maybe this one if I can find some inspiration and such. Either way I wish everyone participating the best of luck and look forward to your drawings.


I took at look at the last ones entries to get an idea, but just to be clear this is for fluffies that are made out of bread with a charity theme?

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Either - A) They are Iiving dough entireIy untiI they are baked and then they are Iiving bread as fIuffies. Or (B) They are Iiving fIesh creatures that grow dough instead of fur and can survive high temperatures to certain Iimitations. The concept buiIding thread has a Iot of decent info in this regard, you can probabIy find a Iink to it from the 1st annuaI contest.

As for the theme, the main focus shouId be on bread fIuffies and any wacky antics they and/or normaI fIuffies and humans may get up to :slight_smile: . I simpIy use the theme to heIp me weigh my decision if I have to cast my vote to break ties and choose how im distributing prizes. So dont feeI compIeteIy bound to it for a premise.


this is a very interesting concept I’d love to take a crack at, thank you for the link

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Ooh… ive got a great idea for this.




Can everyone join?

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I am just going to assume that everyone can join

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Yes. :slight_smile:

Be free!

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P3 will be throwing her hat in the ring.

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Coming up on the last week for entries.

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omg, there is only 3 entries!

If this keeps going like this, I AM GUARANTEED A PLACE ON THE PODIUM!

Unless my submission gets kicked out…

probably shouldn’t have hid that naked anime girl in one of the frames…


Im think Innshipiron might be submitting one but who knows.

Maybe this is my que that the bakeoff is~ staIe.

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Question can my entry be controversial level art?