Crumpet Quality Test and Bread Experiments by Karn/Princess Purrpaws

Bread Fluffy offering for @Lothmar’s Contest. As well as some of her earlier attempts when she only heard the term Bread Fluffy with zero context.


Bread fluffies are the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

… cover that cinnamon roll with all the frosting.


They’re weird but oddly appealing. It wasn’t until I saw @LostDauphin 's version that I became interested in them at all.


Love the cinamon roll.

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I’ll tell her you said as much. I made fun of it a little and was in the doghouse for a couple of days lol


The loaf has me curious.

If I slice the bread, will there still be a face on the outermost piece every time?

The round one with the split, i’ve seen those before but seeing them as bread fluffies is neat.

But for this little dude it gives me ‘exposed brain’ / derped vibes. I kinda want to poke that portion.

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I didn’t make it but I’ve always been under the idea that if you cut a bread fluffy like that, you get two bread fluffies, with one having whatever parts were sliced off with it. And the round bread does indeed look like a goober.

My brain thinking of slices as the foal from the mother loaf.

Bs: “Mummah, swicey scawed!”
LM: “Be bwave bestest swicey. Ou’ hab been choosen!”
~puts in toaster~
BS: “Screeee~”
~concern from loaf mummah rises~
BS: ~pop~ “Warmies scawie, no wike… What dat daddeh?”

H: “Butter.” ~begins preparing toast*~
BS: “Tee-hee, swicey wike buttah petties. Feew good.”
H: “That’s nice.” They add dully as they haven’t had their coffee yet before taking a bite.


Slicey as the name of the cutoff Bread Fluffy is *chef’s kiss.


if I had the time and energy I would draw this out. It’s amazing.


When I saw Inshi’s breadfluff comics, I realized I was looking at a master’s work. Nice to see more of food fluffs!

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