Two-Faced Part 3 (By: CaptainPringles89)

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This comic is brought to you by some nice lofi beats.

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It only took me two years to figure out what I like about fluffy art. It scratches an itch I still can’t describe and didn’t even know I had. But it hit me on my walk last night: it’s vent art.

Like it has to be for me at least right? I’ve had a cat for a year and I’ve never felt an iota of violence towards him, and that’s an extremely common experience for you guys as far as I understand.

I dunno though, I’m probably talking out my ass. You guys are pretty chill, giving me drawing advice just because I expressed I had difficulty with drawing spaghetti, so thanks.


Loving this dude.
The foal is so cute I almost feel bad for him.


That’s the idea!


Yes, I too would call it vent art. I look at my floofy fur babies, and feel the Baba Yaga blood boil with wrath if they get purposefully hurt. Hell, I cry when I accidentally hurt my babies, knowing that, yeah, they love me and get super excited to see me, but a single YIP, and, woosh :cry: and I love them to the point I look stupid :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

So, with vent art by the community, I believe I have a way to unleash the Baba Yaga of wrath others have given me to saddle with. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Fluffies just aren’t really animals to me and they certainly aren’t people. Fluffies exist in this strange middle area between toddler and cat/dog. They are capable of speech and a higher degree of learning—compared to any other creature—so you can hold them accountable for their actions and teach them right from wrong to an extent, but they will never progress past their toddler phase like real children. The fluffy is stuck in a state of perpetual naivete and innocence, everything is sunshine and rainbows and this makes it so cathartic to see them suffer, especially when they act selfishly and display those “smarty” attributes. I just want to put them in their place, a place that is lower than any other creature on the totem pole because they were created and did not have to endure millions of years of natural selection to exist. They exist just to entertain humanity and make a cheap buck for a cynical defunct (depending upon head canon) company. If they couldn’t talk I’d not be able to hurt them, I’d just pity them and hope they went extinct. But since they can talk and even exemplify some of the worst traits of their creators (i.e. humanity) they are ripe for the picking and totally fair game in my eyes.


Yeah this is the feeling I have towards them too, but for me the childlike naivete is also oddly endearing. Like sure, they’re permanent toddlers, but that also activates the parental part of my brain that’s like “must protect tiny horse child.” If they were real, I’d probably not keep one but I don’t think I could ever do anything besides shoo them off the lawn.


It’s because of the vent art LOL

But seriously, I agree. Fluffy art is so cathartic. Like I would never hurt my pets but sometimes I want to beat the living shit out of something.


For me, drawing this comic is kind of like making the perfect punching bag. Like you make it just the right way to make punching it feel really damn good.


Part 4

Hang out outside? Nah, that stinks. I’d rather stay indoors and draw a sad little fella instead.

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Hahaha nice game.