Types of Smarties (Deformed_Rat)

There are 2 types of smarties.

The typical smarty
-doesn’t care about their herd (most don’t at least)
-kills fluffies not in herd (unless they join, but if there is too many they will kill, or use them as enfie fluffies or litter pals.)
-pest (like all fluffies)
-home invader (or just demands for a house, fails 98% of the time.)
-the type of fluffy to eat grass with pesticide when a sign clearly warns them not to. (kinda unsmart ngl)
-an overall jackass.
-would have toughies as backup.

The good smarty
-isn’t annoying (most of them arent)
-cares about herd (most of the time.)
-will let fluffies join herd (unless there are too many already)
-doesn’t kill fluffies unless under attack or threatened (by another smarty or herd)
-also a pest (like all fluffies)
-asks politely to live in a house. (most of the time)
-doesn’t threaten people if he doesn’t get his way.
-would probably have toughies as backup.

How things would end up for them

Typical smarty - demands for house, or takes over a backyard (if broken fence) and shits all over without a care in the world, usually ends us being killed or tortured.

Good smarty - asks to live in house (not to own it, just live there) if let in, it could go in 2 ways, abuse (leading in almost certain death) or a hugboxer taking care of them. A typical smarty would almost always get killed if let into a house.

most people can tell the difference between the two, but probably don’t care and would kill them anyways. (cuz they’re smarties, and because they’re ferals and could be carrying diseases)


Being a good Smarty must suck most of the time. Imagine being a grumpy but good natured fluffy who fell into the leader role and you’re now trying to stop your herd of 13 or so fluffies NOT get themselves killed via chest slapping levels of stupidity, all the while they huff at you for being bossy and being a “meanie”. That’s why I think the majority of Smarties tend to be power hungry little turds, because a regular and more ideal leader-like fluffy would give up on those idiots after about a week.


agreed. also fluffy herds can be that big? i’ve only seen them at around 4 or 5 fluffies, not 13.
I feel like they would get a big herd near winter for fluff piles but thats only for winter and how will they all get food? (<— irrelevant)


I typically imagine that a regular fluffy herd is around seven to thirteen. In my mind anything more than thirteen starts to go into the “mega herd” territory.

I think anything less than seven can be considered just a family unit or a “mini herd”.

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oh alrigt

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You should take this information and write a story or something


Given the average litter size, 7 fluffies is one, maybe two family units (a pair of special friends and 1-5 foals), so hardly a herd.

You’re missing two other types of smarty, both of which are extremes of your two categories; hellgremlin types (Crimson from BFM101’s The Josef Mongola series is a good example) and the smarty friend, which is a good leader type (No-lips from On The Rocks by Giant_Neckbeard is the best example I’ve read).

No-lips’ herd is also the biggest one I know of (I think 20-30 adult fluffies not including colts/fillies, foals and chirpies), outside the megaherds encountered in the Fall of Cleveland saga.

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Crimson is currently seething at the insulation right now, he hasn’t skullfucked half a hundred limp-dicked Smarties just to be lumped in with the likes of them.


Good smarties probably end up with generally smarter and less intrusive herds by pure selection. Because the ones who won’t listen or don’t have a brain don’t make it very long in the herd.

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Crimson is currently seething at the insulation right now, he hasn’t skullfucked half a hundred limp-dicked Smarties just to be lumped in with the likes of them.

Well, like it or not (very much not in Crimson’s case) hellgremlin is a type of Smarty. :stuck_out_tongue:

And if that auto-correct error is intended as revenge, it’s working. * OCD twitches *

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i probably wouldn’t make a good one, i’ve been thinking about it but whenever i reread it it looks like absolute shit. so i’m sticking to reading topics for now.

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unsolicited advice: every first draft sucks. the magic happens in the editing.

i’ll piss off now.



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Good advice. One of my buddies who writes stage plays always says “don’t get it right, get it written… The good shit comes later”.


If you want good examples of both types, especially the “actually effective leader” kind of smarty, check out the Eyebright stories by Fractalfluff, all of which are in Fractal’s archive on this site.

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You realize the good smarty is the typical smarty? And bad smarties are meant to be the exception, not the rule?

Hellgremlin culture ruined this fucking website in a nearly unfixable way


I think that ship sailed by the time we had to specify Smarty-Friend as good leaders.

It might not be what was intended, but it’s how the site has evolved.

Personally I don’t have a problem with the designation between bad Smarties and good Smarty-friends, but I do agree we should have a lot more Smarty-friend stories on here.






The lack of “Good Smarties” is that the whole idea from the beginning of the green texts and booru was that “Good smarties” had a modicum of intelligence and knew that humans usually meant death and destruction. So they stayed away from humans and told their herd not to engage with humans. Sometimes they might be desperate enough to ask for help if things got really bad. But they’ll never go up to a house and ask politely because humans were unpredictable, wrathful gods who would potentially kill them even if they said “Please”. Meanwhile with your usual bad smarty home/yard invasion it was incredibly easy writing wise to get straight to the “justified abuse” so they became the majority of the content. It’s way more difficult to write a “Good smarty” story than a “bad smarty”.

Would be nice to see a return to see some good smarty-friend content. It’s untapped.

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