Veve looked out of the bars of the ECC and scanned her surroundings with a mix of curiosity and caution. She felt nervous being alone in such a place, just her and Keke. She was in Mabe mummah’s vroom vroom munstah and they were heading to Mabe mummah’s housie. Why? Well Veve honestly wasn’t quite sure. She remembered she was with Mummah and Pwie in what Mummah mummah called her space. All three of them were huddled up for sleepy time on that table, and all three of them felt so scared when Mabe mummah came in this bright time.
Mummah mummah wasn’t there, Mabe mummah said she was working, Veve knew what work was. It was that thing Mummah mummah did where she would tap her fingers on some toy and make a bunch of clicking noises, while staring at something. It looked like she was playing, but Mummah mummah hardly smiled when she stared at this toy for so many foebahs, and sometimes tell Veve to be quiet. However, it was never like the way Mummah told her to be quiet, Mummah mummah always did it a nice way, softer and always with a smile, not shout at Veve and call her a dummeh.
As for why Veve was currently heading to Mabe mummah’s housie. It was due to a talk between Mummah and Mabe Mummah, and they said a lot of things that Veve didn’t understand: Teebee show, Teebee Fwuffy, Wok Skettiwand Wangers, Hwappy Cwoin and Went. Veve just listened. She didn’t understand the words, but she did understand the effects. The word teebee Fwuffy really made Mummah happy and if Veve were to be a teebee Fwuffy it would really help Mummah out. Plus being a teebee Fwuffy less of a scary munstah. So, as far as Veve was concerned that was all that really mattered, which is why she agreed to be this teebee Fwuffy.
She still didn’t know what to think about Mummah mummah. Mabe mummah had asked that question about giving Mummah mummah worstest hurties the darkie time before this bright time, and Veve had nothing to say. She remembered Mummah and Pwie getting angry at her, and she kind of understood why, as Mummah mummah really was so scary, but the reason she had not said anything, had nothing to do with being scared. It was just that a part of her still loved Mummah mummah and also because she had come to figure out why Mummah mummah was acting like this.
Unlike Mummah and Pwie, Veve was a good listener. It helps when you were quiet all the time. She never forgot the day that Mummah called her a bad babbeh for being too noisy. Ever since then, she vowed to be as quiet as possible. Sure it felt unfair that Mummah and Pwie were so noisy all the time now, even though she was scolded for being too loud, but if she in particular had to be quiet in order to be a good babbeh, then so be it. Regardless, it did help a lot in figuring out what was going on with Mummah mummah, as this was like a question and the answers were all there if one were to listen to the things that Daddeh, Gwem mummah, Han daddeh, Mabe mummah and even Mummah mummah had said:
Mummah had run away. She wasn’t sure why, and though she felt she heard Mummah say why, Mummah also said a lot of things and did the opposite, so she wasn’t sure if Mummah was the best to listen to.
Mummah had given Mummah mummah worstest heawt hurties.
Mummah had given Mummah mummah forebah sweepies or at least a part of Mummah mummah.
Mummah mummah would sometimes get taken over by a munstah that makes her do bad things.
Mummah also gets taken over by some munstah that daddeh calls Envy.
The answer: Mummah had run away and given Mummah mummah worstest heawt hurties and had also given a part of Mummah mummah forebah sweepies. This allowed some munstah to sometimes control Mummah mummah and make her do bad things. The same munstah that was probably controlling Mummah from time to time. She needed to find this munstah called Envy and defeat it, so that she could save both her Mummah and her Mummah mummah. She needed to do it, because it seemed that she was the only one to care about Mummah now, unlike Pwie.
Veve didn’t know what changed, but Pwie was a meanie to Mummah sometimes now. Sure Pwie was good to Mummah, after Mummah’s front weggies broke, but apparently Pwie gave Mummah hurties before that. Veve really hated that. Imagine being loved by Mummah the most and then giving Mummah hurties. It was not fair, it never was. Why was Pwie the bestest babbeh? It really didn’t make sense, and thinking about Pwie just brought up memories of her other siblings: Her two brothers, and it made Veve both sad and terrified, as she could barely remember what they looked like now.
Bwue bwuaddah was just this furry ball of blue in her mind now, and Oddah bestest was just this furry ball of black. She could not remember the color of their see places, the color of their mane and tails. She could not even remember their smiles, but there was one important thing she remembered, and it was what they were like. Blue babbeh was strong and brave. If he was here now, he would definitely have stood up to Pwie and protected Mummah. Maybe he would even have a different name. Meanwhile, Oddah bestest was cute and huggable. She remembered that giving him huggies was just as good as giving hugs to her stuffed friends, but Oddah bestest was much warmer and more loving, and therefore much better. She really did miss her brothers.
Veve looked down glumly and made a small hu hu noise. She felt like such a meanie for thinking it, but sometimes she wished that Pwie was the one to fall in the cold wawa and Bwue bwuddah was the one to live here with her. Maybe life would have been better then. Maybe Mummah would love her just as much as Pwie, but Veve knew that wouldn’t be the case. Even if Pwie had foebah sweepies, Mummah would still love her the most and love the Veve the least, no matter how hard Veve tried, but Veve still loved Mummah and good babbehs helped Mummah, right? That didn’t stop the heawt hurties and Veve hugged Keke tightly for comfort.
“Are you okay in there?” Asked Mabe mummah.
Veve looked out of the ECC feeling shocked. She couldn’t see Mabe mummah. How did Mabe mummah know she was feeling sad? It was both amazing and scary. Could Mabe mummah read her thinky place? Veve made a mental note to not think anything bad about Mabe mummah.
“Veve?” Mabe mummah asked.
“Am otay” Veve tried to say as loud as she could.
Veve hugged Keke tightly and quickly delved under her favorite soft, multi-colored blanket. She did not want to think about sad things anymore. She just wanted to think about what she had to do as a teebee Fwuffy. She did not know what shows were, but Mabe mummah’s show was called Da Skettiwand Wangews. Mummah really seemed to like that work teebee shows, she kept telling Pwie that it was like those shows she had told Pwie about before. That made Veve sad again, as Mummah never talked to her about teebee shows, but then again Mummah never really talked with her, usually it was just meanie words or hugs n wuv, no in between.
Veve pouted. Why was it that whenever she thought of Mummah, she only thought of bad things? She quickly shook away the thoughts and tried to play with some of the toys that Mummah mummah had given her. Mummah mummah always gave her a lot. Sure she was mean and scary from time to time, but there were so many wonderful memories with Mummah mummah and she had so much love to give, much more than Mummah, yet even despite that Veve still loved Mummah.
“We’re here” Mabe mummah said.
Veve looked around in confusion. She had felt the vroom vroom munstah come to a stop, but the view of the vroom vroom munstah insides was still the same. Veve heard more noises, and then made a surprised chirp when the ECC began to move. She quickly ducked back under the blankets, as she remembered the cold wind that hit her when they left a housie or vroom vroom munstah. It was always weird how some places were very cold and some places were not, but there were so many other weird things about the world that always left Veve confused, curious and amazed.
This time however, the cold was not as bad, but Veve was definitely feeling confused, curious and amazed again. They were in a house, which was weird because they didn’t have that walk outside between the housie and the vroom vroom munstah. Also for some reason the vroom vroom munstah was inside the housie. Vroom vroom munstahs lived in housies as well? Just this new piece of information left Veve astounded and it definitely lifted her spirits, with the foal curious to see what other new things she would discover.
“Are you doing okay Veve?” Mabe mummah asked
“Am oke Mabe mummah” Veve replied with a happy chirp.
Veve heard Mabe mummah make a happy chuckle, as she brought the ECC through another door, and now they were in some place that looked like an actual housie. It kind of looked like Mummah mummah’s housie but also very different, like a lot brighter. There was also another hooman. A handsome mistah with a friendly smile
“Hey babe. How was the sleepover with your bestie”
“Eye opening” Mabe mummah said with a smile “I’ll tell you later, darling. Oh this is Veve”
“Hi Veve! I’m Leopold, but you can just call me Leo”
“Hewwo Weo daddeh… Iz nice… Tu mweet yu”
Weo daddeh seemed surprised by this and Mabe mummah laughed.
“Where did you learn to say that?” Mabe mummah asked.
“Mummah mummah teww Wewe tu sa tu nyu hoomans”.
Both Mabe mummah and Weo daddeh laughed. A nice happy laugh that made Veve feel good. She was not so sure what was so funny about what she had said, but it did feel good to make people smile, and Veve hugged Keke happily.
“Oh!” Weo daddeh sudden exclaimed “Our Skettiland babies have been asking for you. They’ve been craving mummah’s attention since yesterday”
“Oh my” Mabe mummah responded “I hope they didn’t give you too much trouble”
“Nah. Not too much”.
Mabe mummah and Weo daddeh did something out of view, and Veve felt the ECC move again.
“Can you put Veve in the Villain’s lair, I wanna freshen up first?” Mabe mummah asked.
“Sure thing, baby”
Weo daddeh was holding the ECC now, and he went up some stairs before bringing it into another room. Veve looked around. Colorful walls, toys and so many pillows. It felt like a safe room and though unfamiliar, Veve felt a sense of ease, even as Weo daddeh put the ECC on the floor. He opened the gate, and Veve walked out, with Keke riding on her back and the far end of the room she could see two other Fluffies. One was bright pink with a black mane and tail, and the other was dark blue with a white mane and tail. They were nuzzling each other.
“Gwent, come here. I got someone to introduce you to. You can bring Nelio if you want”
“Otay daddeh” The pink Fluffy replied.
As Veve continued silently observing, she noticed that the blue Fluffy was on some kind of toy, but she was unable to properly identify what the toy was until they got closer. The pink Fluffy was wearing something, like the clothes Mummah mummah would get Veve to wear. She remembered it was called a jacket, but this jacket was different, as there were ropes attached and the ropes connected to some sort of toy that the blue Fluffy was lying on, with the pink Fluffy using these ropes to pull the toy and the blue Fluffy.
The more Veve looked at it, the more she was reminded of that toy Mummah would play with, the one that used to make loud noises, but later just made Mummah cry. The Mistah Wok Wagon. The realization scared her, as she remembered that time Mummah mummah tried to make her play with Mistah Wok Wagon. Scared that Mabe mummah was going to do the same, Veve bolted back into the ECC with Keke still on her back, and she practically dove under her blanket, clinging tightly to Keke with fear.
“Veve? Are you okay” Weo daddeh asked.
Veve kept quiet, trembling with fear. She did not want to play with Mistah Wok Wagon again, she could still remember Mummah screaming, because somehow Mistah Wok Wagon was hurting her.
“Hewwo?” Came another voice.
Veve peered from her blanket and noticed that the pink Fluffy was just outside the ECC. She looked at them both carefully and noticed that they were both Fluffies with the pointy things. The pink Fluffy was still wearing that rope jacket, but was able to remove it, and she watched as the pink Fluffy placed it’s fore hooves on the pull toy and nuzzled the blue foal.
“Sa hewwo wittle bwuddah” the pink foal said.
“Cheep cheep wuv” went the blue foal.
The two were an interesting pair and Veve found herself more curious than scared now. She slowly removed herself from her blanket and approached them timidly. The pink foal noticed her and continued staring at her, as she left the ECC.
“There we go” Weo daddeh said “Got a little nervous, huh?”
As Veve got closer she noticed something scary. The pink Fluffy’s see places were black. Not like Mummah and Prie’s see places, or even any Hoomans she met. It was just pure black see places and it made Veve feel nervous. She backed away slightly and Weo daddeh seemed to notice her fear, as he began to pet her.
“Hey hey” Weo daddeh said “Don’t be scared. Gwent is a nice guy, aren’t ya buddy?”
“Gwent am gud Fwuffy” Gwent declared with a tooth grin.
That smile put Veve at ease. It was such a friendly smile, one that no scary munstah could possiby have. Though Mummah mummah could also make those smiles, but never when she was a being a scary munstah. Regardless, Veve approached cautiously and the two foals began to sniff each other curiously.
“Go on you two. Introduce yourselves” Weo daddeh said with a kind voice.
“Otay daddeh” the pink Fluffy replied “Hewwo. Am Gwent”
“Hewwo. Am Wewe” Veve replied in a timid manner.
“Dis am wittle bwuddah Newio” Gwent said, pointing at the blue Fluffy.
Newio made a little chirp as though saying hello, and Veve stared at Newio in curiosity, wondering why the other pointy Fluffy was not talking, but her thoughts were interrupted by Weo daddeh, who had suddenly clapped his hands softly.
“Wonderful. You’re acquainted. Gwent, I’m trusting you to be a good Fluffy and play nice with Veve, okay?”
“Otay daddeh” Gwent replied, as Weo gave him a nice head pat.
Veve watched as Weo daddeh left the room, leaving Veve with the two pointy Fluffies. Things became awkward as both Veve and Gwent stared at each other. Neither saying a word. They both looked around the room and Veve tried to think of something to say, but she really couldn’t think of anything, Gwent seemed to be the same and for a while it was just silence, until Nelio began to make a series of chirps.
“Oh wittle bwuddah hungwy?” Gwent asked.
Newio did not respond, but it was like Newio had said something to Gwent via his thinky place, because Gwent put the weird rope jacket back on and began dragging the pull toy Newio was on. Veve followed as Gwent pulled the pull toy right next to a wall, positioning Newio next to a bottle on the same wall, and she watched with fascination as Newio began to drink from the bottle. As he fed, Veve noticed that some of the liquid fell and stared at it curiously. It was white, like miwkies. She smelt it, and it smelled like miwkies. She had a little lick and her see places widened. It really was miwkies.
That left Veve feeling really confused. She looked at Newio again. He was a big Fluffy. Bigger than her and even a little bigger than Gwent, so why was he still drinking miwkies? Veve also noticed Newio wearing something. It was white and it was covering his rear end. Veve recognized it. It was like a smaller version of the thing Mummah used to wear. She remembered Mummah called them diapew. She also remembered Mummah saying they were for babbehs. Why was Newio drinking miwkies and wearing a diapew, like a babbeh? Gwent seemed to noticed this.
“Wat wong Wewe?” Gwent asked
Veve looked at Gwent in confusion, wondering why he was not confused about this.
“Y Newio dwink miwkies wike babbeh n weaw diapew wike babbeh?” Veve asked
“Oh!” Gwent replied in surprise “Wewe dun kno?”
“Dun kno wat?”
“Oh! Wittle bwuddah am siwwy babbeh”
“Wat am siwwy babbeh?”
“Teebee sa dat siwwy babbeh nu can hab talkies, walkies n onwy num miwkies. Mummah put diapew becaw wittle bwuddah nu can walkie tu wittew boxie n mak gud poopies su mak gud poopies in diapew”.
Veve felt a little shocked by this. She had never met a Fluffy who couldn’t walk or talk, nor one who could only drink milk. She approached Newio cautiously and sniffed him curiously. He didn’t smell that different from other Fluffies, but he clearly was different, and as she looked at him.
“Oh!” Gwent exclaimed “Mummah caww Newio oddah namesie, foebah babbeh”
Veve looked at Gwent with horror, as the word only brought up frightening memories. Memories of Mummah screaming that she was Mummah mummah’s foebah babbeh, and that very, very scary darkie time with Mummah mummah. She remembered hearing Mummah mummah saying she would make that Fluffy a foebah babbeh and then the horrifying screams. She let out a small, scared whimper.
“Wat wong, Wewe?” Gwent asked with a look of great concern.
“Foebah babbeh… am scawy” Veve replied timidly.
Gwent gave her a confused look, then looked at Newio.
“Wat? Foebah babbeh scawy? Bu Newio nu scawy”
Veve looked at Newio. She did have to agree, the big foal was definitely not scary. In fact, he felt lovable and cute. However, that frightening memory of Mummah mummah covered in Fwuffy boo boo juice and asking Mummah if she wanted to be a foebah babbeh was still fresh in Veve’s mind, no matter how hard she tried to forget. Gwent seemed to notice this, and he turned to Newio with a smile.
“Wittle bwuddah pwease be singie babbeh fo Wewe” Gwent said politely
On cue, Newio began to make a series of happy chirps. There was no particular tune, just random constant chirping, but the pure positivity of the chirpings, as well as Gwent hopping up and down with the biggest smile, was enough to put a smile on Veve’s face. Soon she too began to hop about, joining Gwent as they both danced to Newio’s tune. Then broke into a fit of giggles after Newio had stopped chirping.
“Tank yu fo heawt happies” Veve said with a smile “Newio am gud singie babbeh”
Gwent held his head up proudly
“Newio am bestest singie babbeh” he declared with pride.
This prompted another giggle from Veve and she nodded in agreement.
“Gwent am bestest bwuddah fo Newio” she commented.
Gwent smiled, then nuzzled Veve in appreciation.
“Tank yu, Wewe” he replied softly.
Veve grinned then watched as Newio made a big yawn, and rested his head on the pull toy, coo-ing softly. The name foebah babbeh really felt fitting for Newio, because he really did feel like a babbeh, even though he was bigger than her. Newio being a foebah babbeh made sense. Mummah saying she was a foebah babbeh did not. Sure she wore the diapew, but she also said she didn’t want to, and she ate normal nummies not miwkies, so why did she keep saying that she was Mummah mummah’s foebah babbeh.
“Y Wewe wook wike hab many thinkies?” Gwent asked
“Wewe dun undewstan y Mummah sa am foebah babbeh” Veve admitted
“Wewe mummah sa am foebah babbeh?” Gwent asked in a confused tone.
Veve nodded.
“Bu mummah am mummah” Gwent state “Hao mummah am babbeh?”
“Wewe dun kno”
“Wewe mummah am dummeh?” Gwent asked innocently.
“Mummah nut dummeh!” Veve cried out in outrage.
Her sudden burst of emotion had scared the napping Newio and the foebah babbeh began chirping rapidly, this in turn caused Gwent to look at Veve angrily.
“Y Wewe gib wittle bwuddah scawdies?!” Gwent asked angrily
Veve looked at them in surprise, then looked down in shame, as she was acting just like Mummah. Shouting angrily and making a babbeh cry. She didn’t want to be like that, and weren’t good Fluffies supposed to be quiet?
“Wewe sowwi fo shoutie” Veve said in a soft, solemn tone.
Newio was still making a series of chirping noises, and Gwent continued to stare at Veve with puffed out cheeks, making Veve feel all the more terrible, but as Veve nuzzled Newio to calm him down, Gwent calmed down as well and then looked at her in confusion.
“Wewe sowwi fo bein bad Fwuffy” Veve said, lowering her head in shame.
Gwent stared at her, then also lowered his head down in shame.
“Gwent sowwi fo cawwing Wewe mummah dummeh” Gwent replied softly.
Veve nuzzled Gwent and the two went back to their amicable relationship, but there was a long awkward silence, as neither really knew what to say afterwards. Newio was the one to break this silence, loudly snoring with the foebah babbeh tuckered out from everything that happened. Veve and Gwent looked at each other in surprise, then the two giggled in amusement.
“Gwent put Newio tu beddie” Gwent whispered softly.
Veve nodded, as Gwent once again began dragging the pull toy Newio was on. This time Veve helped, pushing the toy from behind and she was surprised as it wasn’t as heavy as she expected. That surprise was quickly replaced by amazement, as she finally realized where Gwent was going. It was a housie. A tall housie of pink and purple, inside this safe room, inside Mabe mummah’s own housie. Veve was stunned at the notion that there was housies small enough to find inside bigger housies, and she was wanted to express her amazement, but quickly shut her mouth after remembering that Newio was sleeping. Unfortunately the housie itself did not show such consideration and made a “du dudu duuuuu” noise.
“Quiet mistah castwe, Newio am sweeping” Gwent scolded softly.
Mistah castwe made no response, but luckily Newio was still fast asleep, and Veve watched as Gwent removed the rope jacket and moved to the side of the pull toy. He then begin to nudge Newio softly.
“Sowwi fo wakies wittle bwuddah, bu Gwent nee to bwing yu to beddie”.
Newio made a slightly yawn, but seemed to show no annoyance at being awoken. Instead the foebah babbeh made a happy chirping noise and quickly began to crawl off the pull toy and onto Gwent’s back. Much to Veve’s amazement, Gwent then carried his little brother inside mistah castwe. It was quite an astounding sight, a Fluffy carrying another Fluffy just as big, and Gwent carried Newio with such ease that Veve simply had to watch and follow. They walked through some plastic bridge, and through some open door and what Veve found behind the door left her once again stunned.
Mistah castwe was already impressive on the outside, but the inside was something else entirely. The floor was so soft that her hooves would sink wherever she stepped, the pleasant smell of flowers, and all the lights inside mistah castwe. So many pretty sparkling lights of every color, but as she looked around, there was something confusing her.
“Whewe am Gwent n Newio beddie?” She asked.
Gwent looked at her in confusion, as he gently nudged Newio off his back.
“Dis… am… Beddie” Gwent replied between tired breaths.
Veve’s see places went wide. This whole thing was Gwent and Nelio’s beddie?! It was such a startling revelation. A whole housie could be a beddie?! It was crazy, but then again the floor was really soft and the whole place did smell really nice, so she could very much imagine having such good sleepies in here. It was astounding and Veve could not help but feel a little envious that Gwent and Newio got to sleep on such a wonderful beddie every darkie time.
However, that jealousy quickly turned to shame, as she remembered her own beddie. The one Mummah mummah worked so hard to make, after she complained about those loud scary noises. Her own beddie might not have been as nice as this one, but Mummah mummah worked so hard to make her beddie, and put so much love, so as far as she was concerned, her beddie was just as special and that was enough to make Veve grin with pride. Her Mummah mummah worked hard for her and she was proud of her Mummah mummah.
“Gwent am su stwong” Veve suddenly commented.
Gwent looked surprised by the sudden compliment, but grinned and nuzzled Veve.
“Tank yu Veve” Gwent said softly.
The two Fluffies walked quietly out of mistah castwe beddie and back into the safe room, again there was silence with neither really knowing what to say, but then Gwent turned to Veve.
“Wan pway?” Gwent asked with glee.
“Yus!” Veve cried out.
Mabe peered into Gwent and Nelio’s safe room, the Villain’s lair as she liked to call it, from behind the door. Inside was the endearing sight of Gwent and Veve playing tag, with the two foals energetically running around the room with the biggest smiles. It was such an adorable sight, and it made Mabe feel so relieved to know that Gwent was getting along with Veve. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do if it didn’t work out, for both Gwent and her bestie’s Uphie issue, so it was lucky that everything was going smoothly. That didn’t really alleviate the guilt.
Watching Gwent play. He had such a big smile, and thinking about it, she had never actually seen Gwent play with other Fluffies. The fact that this was the first time she had seen play with Fluffies, in the three months since she had adopted him, was a testament to Mabe’s failure as an owner, or at least that was how it felt.
“Mummah?” Gwent suddenly said.
Mabe smiled. She had been caught peering, so with a big smile she entered the room, and watched as Gwent quickly ran up to her.
“Mummah!” Gwent cried out with glee.
Mabe sat down on the floor cross legged, and chuckled with amusement as Gwent leapt onto her lap. Gwent was getting big, but not big enough that she couldn’t hold the foal in one hand. It was always interesting how slowly new generation Fluffies grew in comparison to old generation Fluffies. One year growth, as opposed to the three week growths of old gens. A way to counter another infestation. Plus more people loved Fluffies as growing foals than as adult Fluffs. So it was a win-win move, though it also highlighted how easy it was for Hasbio to play God. A chilling notion.
Ignoring such thoughts, she picked up Gwent and placed him close to her face, allowing him to loving nuzzle her face while making a mixture of coo-ing noises and “wub mummah”. Mabe giggled with amusement, the feeling of Gwent’s fur lightly tickling her cheeks and she noticed Veve just staring with a look of envy.
“What are you doing over there?” Mabe asked “Come join us”
Veve gave her a look of surprise, but that surprise quickly turned to joy and the green foal quickly came rushing over. Mabe also picked her up with one hand and held the foal close to her face. Two adorable Fluffies, nuzzling her cheeks. It was amusing to say the least.
“So. You two having fun?”
“Yus mummah!” Gwent sai “Gwent hab funsie pwayin wit Wewe”.
Veve nodded in agreement.
“So I’m guessing you two are friends?”
“Gwent n Wewe am bestest fwen” Gwent declared proudly.
“Bestest bestest fwen” Veve said in agreement.
Mabe chuckled and put the two foals down.
“Nu mowe huggies?” Gwent asked with a curious look.
“Oh, don’t you want to play more with Veve?”
“Wan!” Gwent said with a big smile “Wewe wets gu!”
Mabe sat down on some plush armchair in the corner of the safe room. Her viewing area. A must have for any Hugboxer, allowing her to watch the Fluffies play in comfort. There was just something so calming about their carefree nature, the two foals running around blissfully and just enjoying life. Mabe sighed in contentment. This was what Fluffies were meant to be. Cute creatures doing cute things. The world was far too focused on their negative traits, but then again, how was one supposed to appreciate Fluffies, when Fluffies like Uphie existed.
Uphie really disgusted her now. Their brief interaction yesterday night was all she needed to know to lose whatever sympathy she had for the mare. She was just so unbelievably entitled and Mabe saw her as the exact reason so many people hated Fluffies. If all Fluffies were just as bad as Uphie, well she would have probably been an abuser too. Well perhaps just neutral. Mabe could still not forget that chilling sight. The dead Fluffy in Millie’s safe room. The brutality and the blood. Millie really needed help. Maybe set up an intervention? She would have to talk to those three about it, and right now she had a lot going on in her own life as well too. At least the Veve thing was going well, so that was about three months of time before Uphie’s legs healed, so three months to figure out how to really help Millie.
Mabe turned her attention back to the two foals playing. Thinking about Millie was so stressful and she just wanted to relax. The two were still playing tag. Both clearly had plenty of energy, and Mabe pulled out her phone. She wasn’t planning on doing this today, but it was good content for her Villain Vlog. She began filming the two playing, maintaining distance so as to not disrupt them. She filmed them playing tag, filmed them playing with blocks and the ball that she had gotten from Millie, she filmed them playing with that musical keyboard she got from Millie and filmed them playing with the Simone Says for Fluffies toy, also from Millie.
She looked at all the objects in the safe room and realized that 90% of the stuff had come from Millie, all of that once toys and accessories that Millie had bought for Uphie and that was just the stuff in the Villain’s lair. Roughly 60% of the stuff in the safe room for her Skettiland babies was also toys and accessories that Millie had bought for Uphie. So many Fluffy products. Enough for eight foals, all once belonging to one Fluffy. It really did feel like Uphie was an empress now fallen to the rank of a serf.
A cautionary tale for any potential runaways, especially those who once lived an excellent life. Worse thing was that Uphie couldn’t get it in her thick skull that she had done this to herself. Still believing herself to be a victim of circumstance. The unfortunate hero of her own tale. Mabe had to admit, Uphie running away was probably the better option, because if Millie had indeed gone ahead and gotten Uphie the foals she so desires, she could already imagine a safe room filled with Uphie juniors, each an exact replica of Uphie in attitude.
At least Veve was good. Mabe watched the cute little foal play with Gwent. Her interactions with Veve were limited. That brief interaction yesterday night and this being their first proper day together, but from what Mabe had gathered, Veve was a good Fluffy. Adorable and well-mannered. Strangely quiet, given how noisy Uphie and Prie were, but Mabe suspected that Uphie was responsible for that. She had to feel sorry for Veve, having that sociopath narcissist for a mother, and well Millie wasn’t exactly a healthy figure as well.
Mabe rubbed her forehead in frustration. There was just so much to think about and it was all making her feel stressed. She went back to filming, trying to keep her head empty, and just focus on making good content for the Villain’s Vlog, but as she continued filming, something began to bother her. It was the amount of hugging Gwent and Veve did. It wasn’t a bad thing. Two adorable fuzzy little creatures hugging each other tightly with their eyes closed and the big smiles, clearly enjoying each other’s warmth and love. Mabe loved it and she knew her viewers would love it too, but the amount of hugging was a little more than normal.
Sometimes they would hug for minutes, and after the third hug in the span of an hour, Mabe had started to gain an idea as to why they kept doing this. Gwent only had Nelio and it seemed that Veve only had her toys. These two foals were probably starved for hugs, as they never had a proper hug from another Fluffy. Nelio didn’t count as that foal was basically a slightly more responsive stuffed you and Mabe could not imagine Veve getting any decent hugs from that bitch mare Uphie and that brat Prie. So Mabe could imagine that all this hugging was Gwent and Veve trying to make up for all the hugs they missed out in their lives, though more likely it was because they never had a good hug before and simply couldn’t get enough. Regardless of reasoning, it left Mabe feeling very sour.
She stopped filming and put her phone down, simply trying to enjoy the sight of the two foals playing, but it was hard as all she could think about was the fact that she had never gotten Gwent a proper friend until today, and all those comments. All those nasty, mean comments.
She had been doing this for six months in total. Three with just her Skettiland Rangers, three with the addition of Gwent and Nelio. During that time, she made a total of 42 videos: 12 for her Skettiland Ranger parody show, 23 random videos with her Skettiland Rangers, such as Skettiland Rangers vlog, reaction videos, trips to fun places and 7 Villain’s Vlog videos, and with every video her fanbase grew larger and having her channel reach 1 million subscribers in the span of six months definitely felt great, but will all her fans came the attention of more haters.
She looked at her latest video: Skettiland Rangers episode 12, the Halloween special. A fun little video where the Skettiland Rangers visited a spooky mansion, and get chased around by some ghost, then later a toy dinosaur, with the twist being that dinosaur was just a robot being controlled by the ghost with the ghost revealed at the end to be Lil’ Devil Gwent wearing a white sheet. Just another cute, funny video and the comment section was filled with love and praise, but even a quick scroll already revealed five unsavory comments.
User [Pagibentop]: So fucking lame. Skettiland Rangers? More like Snoreland Snoozers. Another low effort home video from the supposed new and upcoming “Hugbox” content creator. It really doesn’t make sense that your content is popular when there are much better creators out there. Bella n Best or Kawaii Fuzz. Also no one going to talk about Lil’ Devil Gwent dressed like the KKK?
User [Th3-Sh33n]: God you’re all freaks for actually like this shit. Was seriously hoping that the dinosaur would eat them, so we wouldn’t have to see this Skettiland Crapbox again. Seriously though everyone who watches these videos and likes them should get help #ShitRatsdestroyedCleveland
User [ThatsWhy]: I have an idea for the next video. The Skettiland Rangers versus the Sausage monster. All six foals work together to lick my sausage until I find release <3 and then I shower them with my hot love. The one who puts the most effort gets an extra helping of my creamy white sketti sauce. DM me if you are interested in this idea. UwU xoxo.
User [Sketti_Mayer69]: Another massive exploitation of our fellow Fluffies. The Skettiland Rangers this time find themselves placed in needless danger with our so-called Hugboxer film maker forcing the foals to run away from a robotic dog creature. How does anyone not see the danger that mechanical monster faces to our fearless foals. Furthermore, you still have not shown any true proof that my poor Gwendolyn or Lil Devil Gwent as you call her, is under good living conditions. I don’t believe your crap that she doesn’t interact well with the Skettiland Rangers. My Gwendolyn is an angel, shown through her kindness and patience with that abomination you call Nelio, and I refuse to believe that she has any hostility towards the Skettiland Rangers. I feel that our so-called Hugbox film maker has indoctrinated the Skettiland Rangers to hate Gwendolyn and does not show the videos of Gwendolyn being relentlessly bullied due to incompetence.
User [Fluff knight]: I really don’t think you should call yourself a Hugboxer. This is clearly a use of Fluffies for profit and attention with little to no regard for their well being. This is not a critique. I’m only saying that this basically Abuse content with extra steps and some of the acts leave me feeling quite squeamish every time I watch you videos. Also, as always the Skettiland Rangers performance was too good. I feel you should show outtakes to prove that this isn’t some manipulation of innocent fuzzy minds.
Mabe put down her phone and sighed. Despite the wholesome nature of Hugbox content, the community could be quite toxic and one had to be careful on how they presented themselves, as it was actually quite difficult to make it big as a Hugbox channel. Not only were you competing with other Hugbox channels, but also with ordinary pet channels as well, so it was not just enough for a Fluffy to be cute, because puppies, kittens, bunnies, hamsters and other such pets were just as adorable, and those animals didn’t have to deal with the stigma created by feral Fluffies.
No one would see a puppy and think of horrid, filthy pests who littered the streets with their waste and corpses. No one would see a kitten and associate it with the idea of an entitled aberration shamelessly demanding a home from a stranger. No one would see a bunny or a hamster and wonder if they would ruthlessly sacrifice each other for their own selfish gain or commit acts of atrocity for the mere sake of pleasure. To succeed as a Fluffy Hugbox channel, was to present a Fluffy that defied those notions and possessed a personality that the masses would find endearing.
Furthermore you couldn’t just put a simple looking Fluffy. Hardly anyone came online looking to watch the daily life of some boring beige Fluffy or other such common colors. Two toned or three toned colors would grant a higher chance of success, and patterned Fluffies as well. Alicorns as expected were the most popular while Earthies were the least popular. The main factor was rarity. If it could be bought in a store, not many people would watch it online. People only wanted to watch cute Fluffies doing cute things, if they were rare and lovable or in the case of Mabe, if they were able to find an appealing theme.
Her Skettiland Rangers only had simple colors and no patterns: Red, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Black and Green, but the white manes and tails that all six possessed, worked to develop uniformity, and really develop that Powah Rangers theme. Their emulation of the personalities of the Powah Ranger character, also made them stand out, as it was always interesting watching the Fluffies go by their day as 80s characters. However, Mabe always knew that their success would be limited.
Theming Fluffies on an old live-action superhero show only worked because of nostalgia and nostalgia could only take one so far. She had to change her content up a bit, constantly finding new ways to entertain her audience, beside simple Fluffy actions scenes and shows of them running around. Problem was she was limited by the theme. Viewer numbers didn’t lie. It had to be Powah Ranger themed content, like the Powah Ranger original cast ranking by the Skettiland Rangers or review of newer seasons or similar. The Skettiland Ranger only did well if it was the episodic series or interacting with other Powah Ranger material, and it was difficult to break out.
Then along came Gwent and Nelio. Things changed up a bit. A non-themed duo and though supposed to be the antagonist, Gwent really stole the show. There was just something intriguing about the duality. A Fluffy with ominous black eyes looking like something of a demon, yet having the personality of an absolute sweetheart. The love and lengths that Gwent would go for his little brother were something that could not be faked. The genuine care and concern showed well on the camera, and their popularity reflected well from the sub count, with Mabe shouting up from 510K to one million within the three months of Gwent and Nelio’s introduction.
“Y mummah wook wike hab saddies?” Gwent suddenly asked.
Mabe snapped out of her daze, and looked down at the floor. Two adorable fuzzy bundles of joy were looking at her with cute eyes. Both looking at her with concern. She had to admit, she had never really focused on their eyes, but Gwent’s black eyes really stood out when juxtaposition with Veve and her own baby brown eyes. Ominous. Mesmerizing. Enigmatic. Yet Mabe had lived with Gwent long enough to know when her little foal was feeling concerned and right now he was definitely worried about his mummah.
She picked them both up and placed them near her face, allowing the two to nuzzle her chin.
“Wub mummah” Gwent cried out with glee.
“Wub Mabe mummah” Veve added with a soft smile.
“I love you both as well” Mabe replied, prompting a chorus of happy squeals.
It was only these kinds of interactions that truly reminded her that she was a Hugboxer, and sometimes she had to wonder if the life of a content creator was worth it. Sure a lot of people loved it, but did they honestly care? She didn’t think much about the Fluffies she saw on screen, so why should she expect people to be any different. Plus all those haters had a way of getting under her skin, especially the ones who seemed to know exactly what was really going on.
She put the two foals down and looked with a warm smile, as Gwent request for her attention. The pink foal sat on his rump and began moving his body left and right. Veve took one look and began copying him. The sight of two Fluffies sitting down and shaking left and right in perfect sync, made her feel better. Maybe people wouldn’t care about them off screen, but she certainly did and she also needed to make sure that Veve succeeded, for the sake of her bestie.
“Okay. I’m feeling better, but do you know what would make me feel better?” Mabe asked with a smile.
“Wut mummah?” Gwent asked with wide eyes.
“That you and Veve go enjoy yourselves and play”.
She didn’t need to say anything more. The two Fluffies once again ran off to play and Mabe watched with a small smile. Those negative thoughts were still floating about in her head, but she tried her best to keep them in check, so as to not cause the Fluffies anymore concern. She went back to filming, walking around the safe room to capture Gwent and Veve playing from different angles, but found herself interrupted by the sound of soft yet rapid chirping coming from the Castle Bed. Mabe watched Gwent immediately run into the castle, then come out a few seconds later.
“Mummah” Gwent said cutely “Gwent tink wittle bwuddah need diapew change”
Mabe smiled and gave her Fluffy a head pat for being such a responsible older brother then told him to continue playing with Veve, while she opened the top of the castle bed. Laid inside Nelio was making a series of rapid distressed chirps, and his diapers were clearly soiled. Mabe sighed and offered the SBS a small smile, gently picking up the foal and bringing him to a table in the safe room, all while gently stroking Nelio’s fur and making comforting noises one would make to a baby, in order to put him at ease.
Her actions were met with appreciation. Nelio looked back at her with a big smile, making cute baby noises and giggling adorably as Mabe tickled his belly. She carefully changed his diaper, being absolutely gentle due to her fear of an SBS foal’s delicate nature. Care that was met with more appreciation as Nelio begin to make more cute chirping noises with joyful eyes and a wide grin. He was cute. Somewhat. His body had become a little too fat. Not the cute plump kind but one that clearly looked unhealthy.
She had tried to change his diet from full fat to skim milk, but Nelio outright rejected it and she was scared that he would rather starve himself than drink this healthier kind of milk. She needed to get him on a proper weight loss scheme. A diet and exercise, but that would take a lot of time and effort, resources that she currently didn’t have much to spare and truth be told, Nelio still creeped her out, so she was not too fond of the idea of spending a great deal of time with him, but she definitely needed to address this soon as she was already seeing it from the comments. Even though her latest Villain’s Vlog video had come out a week ago, she could still remember some comments in great detail.
Nelio’s current state is honestly repulsive. It reflects poorly on your claim as a Hugbox owner, as no respectable Hugboxer would ever let a Fluffy get into such an unhealthy state. Even if it is an SBS there is no excuse. I have made comments about you actually being an abuser in the past, but if you are actually a Hugboxer, then I am begging you to look at my comment and realize that serious changes need to be made ~ Fluff knight
Less solo scenes with Evil Galaxy Emperor Nelio on Villain’s Vlog! No one really want to see an overweight retard making baby noises and shitting in his diaper. Do more cute stuff with Gwent! Only Gwent! ~ N. Lovington
Fuck you for burdening my Gwendolyn with that vile PARASITE. Not only have you subjected my beloved Fluffy to isolation, but have made her care for some fat, ugly piece of shit. DISGUSTING! ~ Sketti_Mayer69
Shitty vile pig rat abomination makes me wanna puke. Sorry I was talking about all you dumb fuck Hugboxers that actually enjoy seeing crapbox videos of that talking tub of fat you call a Fluffy ~ Th3-Sh33n
Those were just the tip of the iceberg. The comments that actually went beyond a few words. There were so many other comments that just consisted of slurs and insults towards Nelio, disrespecting him for both his appearance and especially his undeveloped brain capacity. SBS foals were generally hated nowadays. The irony being that roughly ten months ago, they were the trend. So many people wanted an SBS after cultural icon, Mikki Pardashian, showed off her darling forever baby: Sapphire.
Thing was Mikki Pardashian didn’t actually have to take care of Sapphire. She had people to do that for her and even bought an expensive care mare. She had money and help, but a lot of the people who followed her did not and it wasn’t long before the internet was flooded with videos of people complaining about SBS. Too needy. Too gross. Too stupid. Videos of SBS foals wallowing in their own waste, or incredibly oversized SBS who could barely breathe. To be honest though, her Villain vlog videos were starting to feel the same and like all those videos, poor Nelio served as the target of the internet’s wrath.
However, there were some people who liked SBS foals and those ones made sure to call her out. Some were kind. Others were blunt. A few were just rude, but the message generally the same. Bad for long term health. Reflected poorly as a Hugboxer. Mabe knew she needed to fix this. Yes, it was gonna harm Nelio in the long run and if Nelio were to pass away, that would definitely hurt Gwent. Plus it would also hurt her reputation as a Hugboxer. That thought made her guilty. To her it really supported the accusation that she was exploiting her Fluffies, because she was more concerned about the opinion of her fan base, rather than Nelio as a Fluffy.
Mabe made a long, frustrated sigh, one that Nelio did not seem to notice as the SBS continued chirping happily. He maintained this chirpy attitude, as she cleaned his rump and changed his diapers, offering Mabe a series of grateful chirps after the deed was done and the foal was brought back to his bed in the Castle. Mabe stared at the foal and tried to hide her frown. Although of no relation, Nelio had made her think of Uphie. She could imagine this to be the kind of life Uphie would enjoy. One where her every need was attended to by her beloved mummah. Well maybe not so much now.
“Am mummah otay?” Gwent suddenly asked.
Mabe stared down to see Gwent and Veve once again looking up to her with faces of cute concern. They had probably noticed her frown, so she tried to smile as best as she could.
“Veve. Have you ever heard of the word sleepover?” Mabe asked in a bid to change topic.
Veve shook her head “Wat am sweep obah?”
“Well to put it simply. A sleepover is when you stay at someone else’s housie even for sleepies, and then go back to your housie another da… um… bright time. Would you like that Veve? Sleep here and go back to Mi… your mummah mummah’s house another day?”
Veve broke into a big smile and enthusiastically nodded.
“Wewe wan. Wewe wan” Veve said energetically.
“Gwent wan!” Gwent exclaimed
“That’s great!” Mabe said with a giggle “I already talked about it with Mi… mummah mummah in her housie, and she is more than happy for you to stay”.
Veve really loved this sweep obah idea. It was really such a great idea. The concept of sleeping in Mabe mummah’s housie, in Gwent and Newio’s safe room, sharing their mistah castwe bed no less. It was so much fun. After Mabe mummah offered the sweep obah, it was just fun and amazing things one after another. They continued playing with all of Gwent’s toys until dinner, and the nummies Mabe mummah served were amazing. They were kibbles like Mummah mummah, but better. Softer. Sweeter. So good that Veve couldn’t stop eating until her tummy felt like bursting and she accidentally made sickie wawa.
That was embarrassing and she was scared that Mabe mummah would get angry just like the time Mummah mummah got angry at her for making bad poopies, but Mabe mummah was so nice, forgiving her and just asking that she be more careful next time, though Mabe mummah also gave her a bathsie. That was kind of scary, but not so scary because she had it with Gwent and Newio, who both seemed fine. That definitely made the whole experience easier.
After that, they all got to watch some teebee and Veve finally understood why her Mummah loved teebee so much. Just all those bright colors, happy music. Moving pictures of Fluffies dancing with the biggest smiles and singing. Getting her excited for being a teebee Fwuffy herself. Then Gwent also started singing and dancing, and Veve decided to join her. Mabe mummah really liked that and pointed that square thing at them again, the one that Gwent called a pwhone. Gwent really was so smart.
Then came the best part. Sweepy time. There was so many good things about Sweepy time. She got to sleep in mistah castwe beddie that was an unforgettable experience. Then she shared stories with Gwent. She talked about her scary adventures as a forest Fluffy with Mummah and her siblings, and Gwent talked about how he once lived in a box with just Nelio. It amazed her how different their past times were. There was also that amazing sight of seeing Newio’s horn shining in the dark. A stunning, beautiful light. However, by far the best part was the fluffpile. Gwent, Newio and her, all huddling together.
What made it the best was because Gwent and Nelio had begun to remind her of her brothers. Gwent was like Bwue bwuddah. Brave. Strong. Kind. Newio was like Oddah bestest. Bubbly. Happy. Cute. Getting to form a fluff pile with these two inside this cozy castle themed bed, it reminded her of the times she used to form a fluff pile with her brothers. It gave her the greatest heawt happies getting to relive those moments once again, bringing her back to the times where even the scariest and coldest of the darkie times didn’t seem so bad, because she feel the warmth and love of her brothers next to her. Just the chance to relive that moment, made this the best part of the sweep obah. Yet it wasn’t over. There was more fun to be had.
It was a new bwight time.
Wewe awoke feeling so great. Sleeping in that fluffpile with Gwent and Nelio just felt so good and soon Mabe mummah came over to give them nummies. Gwent called it bweak fast. After that Mabe mummah said she wanted to practice for her teebee show, and she brought Veve and Gwent down the stairs and then down another stairs, to a very big room. Gwent said it had two names. His daddeh called it a “pace went” and his mummah called it “da stew di oh”. It amazed Veve how smart Gwent was. He actually felt smarter than even her own Mummah.
In this pace went or stew di oh, Mabe mummah gave them cwothes. Newio got some really beautiful dwess that was all sparkly like those lights in the sky during darkie times and Gwent got this cool jacket and helmet that kind of made him look scary but also really cool. He called it his Battwe Awmow. Veve got to wear something similar, which also made her feel very excited. Then they had to practice their lines, which Gwent explained was just what they had to say for the teebee.
Veve’s line were really simple. She simply had to say “dat wite” when Gwent introduced her and do a bunch of toughie poses and nod every time he said anything. Gwent taught her. It honestly felt like a game. Mabe mummah taught her some phrases as well, that required certain actions, such as if Mabe mummah said “cut” everyone had to stand really still. If Mabe mummah said “action” everyone could move again. Then they practice some more. Nothing serious. Just playing. Mabe mummah said that being teebee Fwuffy should be fun and even when Veve made mistakes, Mabe mummah just laughed and supported her. It really helped to get rid of that nervous feeling.
Then it was time for the real thing. Veve and Gwent were brought to some very long table and put in some sort of boxie. There were toysie in the box, but Gwent told Veve not to touch them, as he called them pwops and they were to make the teebee look better. Veve did not question it. Gwent clearly knew what he was talking about and it made her proud that her bestest fwen was so smart. She stood next to Gwent with her head held up high, copying his pose. The two Fluffies grinning and giggling as they waited for their turn in this game. They waited and waited, and could hear talking from outside the boxie. Then suddenly one of the walls began to lower and some smoke began to appear. Veve was stunned, but was quickly brought back to reality when Gwent suddenly nuzzled her.
“Wets gu” Gwent said softly.
Veve nodded and followed her bestest fwen out of the boxie. She was amazed as she was in some tall tower, overlooking the rest of the table. There were a lot of toys down there, but what stood out were the six Fluffies. They looked just as cool as Gwent and her, and Veve wanted a better look, but she felt Gwent bite her cwothes and pulled her back.
“Cawefuww Wewe, Fwuffy can faww n hab worstest hurties” Gwent muttered softly “Awso gib mummah biggest scawies. Gwent du dat befo n mummah cwy becaw so scawies”.
Veve stared at Gwent wide eye and nodded. She did not want to give Mabe mummah scawies and she also didn’t want hurties. So she quickly walked behind Gwent, as Gwent stepped forward.
“Weww weww weww!” Gwent suddenly boomed in a voice that startled Veve slightly “Wook who it iz! Da Skettiwand Wangews!”
“Wiw Dewiw Gwent!” The red foal exclaimed.
“I knyu it!” The blue foal added
“Yus!” Gwent retorted “Iz Wiw Deww Gwent n nyu awwy Battwe Fwuff Wewe!”
Veve remained still, as she was still a bit shocked by how loud Gwent had spoken, but then quickly snapped out of her daze and stepped forward, to look down on the Skettiwand Wangews.
“Dat wite!” She shouted as loudly as she could.
“Dat bad!” The green foal.
Veve felt offended by that and stood next to Gwent. She knew she was only supposed to nod, but she did not like that the foal had said that.
“Dat nut bad” Veve shouted angrily “Am bestest fwen!”
The foals all looked at her in surprise and Veve suddenly felt Gwent pulling her back.
“Wewe nut supposed to say dat” Gwent whispered
“Bu Wewe nu wike dat Fwuffy say dat bad” Veve retorted
“Gwent teww Wewe wayter. Onwy mak noddie, otay?”
Veve nodded.
“Mini Wons attac!” Gwent suddenly cried out
Veve nodded.
“Cut” Mabe mummah suddenly said
All the foals stood very still. Veve included. She remember that phrase and she watched in complete stillness as Mabe mummah put some stuffed fwens on the table.
“Action!” Mabe mummah said
“Gu Skettiwand Wangews, gu!” The red foal cried out.
Veve watched in awe. The Skettiwand Wangews were jumping and running about. Six colorful foals bouncing around and giving sorry hoofies to the stuffed fwens. Then once all the stuffed fwen were lying down, Gwent stood forward and made an angry snort.
“Supah Mini Won Wobo Knight attac!” Gwent cried out.
Veve nodded.
“Cut” Mabe mummah suddenly said.
Again all the foals stood still, Veve remembered to do so as well and watched as Mabe mummah put down a big toy. It looked really cool, like a small hooman but shiny and made of squares.
“Action!” Mabe mummah said.
The Skettiwand Wangews began to move and Veve watched in awe as they began to circle the toy. The toy stood still but its upper half moved rapidly side to side as its arms moved up and down. The Skettiwand Wangews circled the toy before the black foal suddenly did a leaping head butt, causing the toy to topple over, and the Skettiwand Wangews formed a line.
“Skettiwand Wanger Beam!” Suddenly a light of many colors shined onto the toy.
“Cut!” Mabe mummah suddenly said.
This time Veve forgot and watched as Mabe mummah took the toy away.
“Wewe” Gwent muttered angrily.
Veve froze on the spot wide eyed as she realized that she had forgotten to stay still. She thought Mabe mummah would get angry, but instead Mabe mummah was grinning.
“Action!” Mabe mummah said.
Gwent quickly bite Veve’s cwothes and once again pulled her back, before announcing.
“Cuwse yu Skettiwand Wangews! We beat yu nexxie thyme” Gwent cried out before running into the boxie.
“Dat wite!” Veve shouted, before following after Gwent.
The two ran into the box and the wall that once opened began to close. The Skettiwand Wangews had said something, but Veve couldn’t hear. She was just so amazed about everything and she began to bounce about excitedly. Being a teebee Fwuffy was so much fun, but she noticed Gwent pouting.
“Wat wong Gwent?” Veve asked cutely
Gwent continued pouting “Wewe nee be mowe cawefuw nexie thyme. Nu walkies wen mummah sa cut”
Veve looked at her bestest fwen in surprise and felt the disappointment in his tone, looking down in shame.
“Wewe sowwi” she said softly with a whimper “Nu mean tu be bad Fwuffy”.
Gwent nuzzled Veve, filling Veve with ease.
“Wewe nut bad Fwuffy” He clarified “Jus nee be mow cawefuw nexie thyme o mak twouble fo mummah”.
Veve nodded enthusiastically realizing that being a teebee Fwuffy was serious work. She could actually make trouble for Mabe mummah if she wasn’t careful and resolved to be a good Fluffy for Mabe mummah and Gwent. She sat beside her bestest fwen and the two just stared at the lights, waiting for Mabe mummah to return. However, something else was bothering her. Something the Skettiwand Wangews had said.
“Y Skettiwand Wangews nu wike Gwent hab nyu fwen?” Veve asked “Skettiwand Wangews am meanie?”
Gwent shook head “Nu am meanie. Am nu weal?”
“Wat weal?”
“Dis am aww fo teebee”
“Gwent nu am Wiw Dewiw Gwent n yu nu Battwe Fwuff Wewe wite?”
Veve nodded “Am Wewe”
“Dat wite! In teebee Wiw Dewiw Gwent am meanie dat wan tu tak sketti fwom Fwuffies n yu am Battwe Fwuff. Yu hewp Wiw Dewiw Gwent”
“Bu sketti nu taste gud. Taste wike poopies n foebah sweepies Fwuffies”
Gwent gave her a shocked look “Wat kin of sketties yu hab?!”
Veve looked at Gwent in confusion and Gwent looked back at her equally confused.
“Sketti am vewy yummy nummies” Gwent clarified
Veve felt shocked “Poopies n foebah sweepies Fwuffies am yummy?”
“Nu!” Gwent cried out “Sketti nu taste wike dat. Sketti taste wike… gud sketti”
Veve felt so surprised and Gwent also looked surprised and then just looked at each other. Neither were able to understand why there was this difference in opinion. Their thoughts were interrupted by Mabe mummah, who suddenly opened the box and looked at them with a warm smile.
“Oh my goodness Veve, you were sooo good!”
“Tank yu Mabe mummah” Veve replied with glee “Sowwi fo cau Mabe mummah twouble”.
Mabe mummah laughed.
“Oh Veve. No trouble at all. You were perfect!”
“Mummah!” Gwent suddenly cried out “Wewe nebah hab sketti befo”
“Wah?” Veve said in surprise “Hab sketti befo…”
“Dat nut sketti!” Gwent interjected.
Mabe mummah giggled “Oh? What is this not sketti?”
“Wewe habe sketti dat taste wike poopies n foebah sweepies Fwuffies”
Mabe mummah suddenly stopped smiling. In fact she had a big frown.
“Is that so… Who gave you this sketti?”
“Mummah mummah” Veve replied
Veve noticed that Mabe mummah looked sad now.
“Millie huh… Okay… Uh…”
“Can Wewe hab sketti?” Gwent suddenly asked.
Mabe mummah looked surprised, but then suddenly grinned.
“Are you asking this because you want Veve to have sketti, or is it that you want sketti, Gwent?”
Gwent grinned “Wan sketti!”
Mabe mummah chuckled and nodded. “Okay okay… But let me ask Veve mummah if that’s okay”
“Y nut oke?” Gwent asked curiously
“Because some humans might…”
“Wewe mummah am nut hooman. Wewe mummah am Fwuffy” Veve interjected.
“Oh! Sorry. I mean I need to ask your hooman mummah… Uh… Mummah mummah if it is okay if you can have sketti”.
“Y Wewe hooman mummah nu wike Wewe hab sketti?” Gwent asked with confusion.
“Well it is the same as here. Maybe Veve’s mummah only allows for sketti on certain days, like how you can only have sketti on Saturdays… Oh! I just realized it’s Saturday today. Hah! Anyways I still need to ask Veve’s mummah mummah for permission”.
“Ooohhhhhh” Gwent said in an understanding tone.
“Wat am Sat uw dae?” Veve asked Gwent
Gwent looked at her in confusion “Sat uw dae am sketti day”
“Wat dat?”
“Dat dae Gwent n Newio hab sketti” Gwent stated in a matter of factly tone.
Veve and Gwent once again looked at each other in confusion.
“Wewe am weiwd Fwuffy” Gwent admitted
Veve pouted “Am nut weiwd”
Gwent laughed, then nodded “Wewe am weiwd Fwuffy”
Veve pouted, but seeing Gwent laugh made her smile and she nudged her friend playfully
“Wewe am nut weiwd” she said slightly louder
Gwent giggled, then nuzzled his friend.
“Am ok tu be weiwd. Gwent am weiwd Fwuffy tu”
“Y Gwent am weiwd Fwuffy?”
Gwent shrugged “Am weiwd cause Gwent kno Wiw Dewiw Gwent am nut weal”
“Y dat weiwd? Wewe kno Gwent am nut Wiw Dewiw Gwent”
“Skettiwand Wangews dun kno dat Wiw Dewiw am nut weal. Dey tink am meanie”
“Bu Gwent am nut meanie!” Veve cried out in protest
Gwent nuzzled Veve in appreciation “Tank yu bestest fwen. Dun kno y Skettiwand Wangews tink Gwent am Wiw Dewiw Gwent. Mummah sa caw dey aww dummehs”
Veve nodded “Skettiwan Wangews am dummeh meanies” she declared.
Gwent nuzzled her friend in appreciation “Tank yu bestest fwen”
Mabe listened from the sidelines, feeling immensely guilty. She had promised herself today that she wouldn’t let the negative thoughts bother her, but hearing Gwent say that really made her feel like a piece of shit. It really highlighted how much she was exploiting her Fluffies, because she knew she could resolve this problem. Just tell her Skettiland babies the truth, help them understand the difference between reality and fiction, and then reintroduce Gwent and Nelio back to the fold. It would have definitely taken some time and effort, but it would most likely have created a much healthier happier environment for the two.
Yet she couldn’t do it. She feared the consequences of helping her Skettiland Rangers to distinguish between reality and fiction. It would definitely impact them from an acting stand point. A drop in the “realism” of their performance, leading to a loss in appeal. Maybe her Villains vlog videos could help carry her channel, but could she take that risk? More worryingly, what if one of her Skettiland babies took it really badly and ended up doing something dangerous. Their reactions the first time she had told them weren’t exactly a good sign, and Fluffies weren’t exact known for making the best decisions, especially when distressed.
What if this led to her fan base crucifying her and her channel failing. She could already see it. People examining this drop of performance, perhaps noticing a change in the attitude of the Skettiland Rangers towards Gwent. Then picking apart old videos, looking for clues. Then there would probably some expose video, outing her as an abuser, before a bunch people would start a crusade against her channel. She had seen it done to a dozen other so-called Hugbox channels and she could even imagine some names in the fore front. Probably Fluff Knight telling the world that they always knew she was an abuser. Sketti_Mayer69 with their borderland insane rants. Maybe even that Anti Fluffer Th3-Sh33n laughing at her misfortune, and those were just the top three names she could list in her head, she knew there would be way more.
It was not just that. There was the money too. She was making really good money from this and she was already getting sponsorship offers. Sure it was stressful and sure she felt like crap, but things would definitely be a lot more difficult and she would feel a lot worse, without that money. The money she was making from her tailor job was decent. Enough to pay the bills and live a decent life, while her husband still searched for a new job. However, it certainly wasn’t enough to also support raising eight foals. When she first took in her Skettiland babies, she didn’t plan to keep them, just feed them enough until they were healthy then find someone else to take them in or put them in a shelter.
If her channel collapsed, she would most like have to go back to that option. Adoption. The psychological effects would undoubtedly be devastating. Imagine, through no fault of their own, all eight foals would suddenly lose the mother who cared and loved them for months. Maybe they would go to a nice new human, they would definitely find themselves somewhere new. A new life. New faces. New situation. The old comforts gone in snap. None even able to have a say in the matter.
Finding someone to adopt them would also be a nightmare in itself. Shelter would be her last option. It was hard to trust a shelter to find a Fluffy a perfect home, even Hugbox shelters under the Happy Fluffy Hugbox Shelter Program. Too many Fluffies. Too little demand. Adoption at least provided her with the comfort of knowing that they were going to a good home, but it may come at the cost of not having each other. Having her Skettiland babies go out as a set, would be very difficult as hardly anyone would adopt six Fluffies at once. Usually people went for four Fluffies maximum, so there was a high likelihood that the Skettiland Rangers would have to be split up just to find a good home. She could imagine that bringing about a lot of tears.
Gwent and Nelio suffered from a similar problem. Nelio was an SBS, and those were really high maintenance. Sure Gwent helped ease the burden a lot, but there were still a lot of matters that required human involvement. To be frank, caring for an SBS was often tough and will little to no reward. One can spend an entire day tending to Nelio and at most they would get some happy coo-ing from a Fluffy that wasn’t exactly the cutest. Mabe could not imagine many people, even Hugboxers, would be okay with that. Maybe those forever baby lovers, but those people were unlikely to take Gwent in as well. She shuddered to think what Gwent would do if he was separated from his baby brother.
Mabe took a deep breath to calm herself and pulled out her phone. Thinking of people who could adopt her Fluffies had made her think of her bestie. Briefly entertaining the thought of Millie adopting all eight Fluffies, but then quickly shuddering at the possible carnage that would ensue. She sent her bestie a text asking if it was okay to feed Veve sketti, trying to brush away the thoughts of her Fluffies dead at Millie’s hand, then at her husband who had come down to check on her in the basement.
“Brought the Skettiland Six back to their safe room, babe” he said with a kind smile “You okay?”
Mabe smiled and kissed her husband on the cheek, causing him to look at her in surprise.
“Well I must have done something right" Leopold said with a smile "What’s going on?”
Mabe just smiled and shook her head.
“Nah. Just thinking about Mii and her situation”.
“Ah… I see. Yeah. Never thought… Yeah… Just wow, huh?”
Mabe nodded solemnly. Thinking about Millie, Mabe realized that her bestie was technically dependent on the channel too, as Veve and the channel’s success was currently necessary to maintain her bestie’s mental stability. Trying to fix Gwent’s problem would definitely feel good short term, but she needed to think of the potential consequences, and currently the risk felt too high. Sure she felt like a piece of shit right now, but if everything came crumbling down because of this, she knew she would feel much worse.
She entertained the possibility of addressing the Gwent issue once the Uphie’s legs were healed. Maybe after they solved Millie’s own problem then she could ask her bestie to help her? Maybe the Veve thing would be good enough. At the very least, she had a few more months to plan things. Time to prepare. Time to organize things. An excuse to delay the issue. Her thoughts were interrupted when Leopold’s phone suddenly rang.
“Oh! Yes! This was the possible work thing I told you about” He said with a smile.
“Oh, good luck!” Mabe cheered.
Her husband excused himself, quickly running upstairs to take the call and leaving Mabe once again alone with her thoughts. Gwent and Veve were chatting about something. It was one of the dancing Fluffy shows they watched and how they also wanted to be “teebee dancie Fwuffies”. She realized that she could make that happen. It was actually amusing at how easy it was. Just a stage and some music, she already had the audience. She felt like some big shot producer and if it made Gwent happy, even in some slight way, she would do it. Just so that she could alleviate some of that guilt.
She hated feeling like this. Feeling like some sort of exploitative abuser or just some incompetent Hugboxer. She would tell herself that she was a good owner, because the fact that this bothered her meant that she actually gave a damn about her Fluffies, but at the same time, she was aware yet doing anything about it, so did that actually make her worse? The risks just felt so dangerous, but did that make her cautious or a coward? It was just so hard to tell.
Mabe pulled her phone out and started reading the comments from one of her videos. She tried to read all the positive ones. The ones filled with love and praise, there were a lot of them. Positive messages about production, the cast and herself, yet it was always the negative ones that caught her eye. Those specific names that she knew were always going to say something negative, but it was never a good idea to pick fights with those haters, it wouldn’t stop them and would just make her look bad.
She had seen other Hugbox content creators do just that and lose popularity for being too sensitive, heck she was one of those viewers who stopped watching channels if the creator got into too many arguments with haters. Too toxic to be a real Hugboxer, she used to think. Her past self was even one of those Fluffy lovers who would raid the channel of Hugboxers ousted as abusers, sending heated messages about how they are exploiting Fluffies for monetary gain. If only her past self could see her now.
It just really annoyed her because, even though some of her haters were right about the Fluffies’ situation, they had no idea how tough this situation was. It wasn’t like Fluffies were the only thing here, she had her own life and content creation was far from easy. Most people probably thought that all you had to do was pull out a camera, film and then bam. One completed video ready. She couldn’t blame them, she used to think the same way. However, it rarely was easy.
Filming itself was easy. Not many retakes, just let the Fluffies do their own thing. Her Skettiland Rangers could easily ad lib given that they were pretty much the career and Gwent was a smart one, who easily remembered his lines. Retakes themselves were often a bit annoying. She had to explain to her Skettiland Rangers that they were time travelling, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, and they had done it quite a number of times that the Skettiland Rangers already knew what to do.
Story was also not that big of a deal. There was a basic plot, but what people really wanted to see were the Fluffies running about and “playing” with the toys. Just being cute, honestly. The fight scenes were more for other Fluffies. An action show for them to watch every now and then, but no one really thought about the other aspects. Costume and set design. Her tailor experience helped a lot, but it was not like she instantly knew how to design. Editing was a bitch. Multiple camera angles needed to be cut into a single narrative, special effects were a pain and sound had to be perfect or it could ruin the whole video.
That was just the media aspect. She also had to take care of all eight foals and make sure that they were all happy and content. Each full of wants, hopes and desires. Prone to accidents. Emotionally charged. They were basically eight young children but far more delicate. She was just lucky that all eight of them were so polite and well-mannered, all easily able to handle rejection, somewhat and she was lucky to have her husband. He had taken a liking to the editing aspect and could care for all six, but what would happen if he got a job?
She hadn’t thought about that and suddenly she began to get stressed as she began imaging all the difficulties that would occur. A sudden lack of time, due to both of them working full time. This would definitely affect her channel. Less videos could lead to stagnation of channel growth. Sacrifices would most likely need to be made. Either she gave up her full time job or gave up on her social life. What about the Fluffies themselves? Leaving them in a safe room was an option, but it came with risks of accidents without a Human present, so they would need to consider Fluffy day care, but how would that affect her Skettiland Rangers?
Nelio was also a problem. Not many daycares accepted SBS, too delicate and high maintenance for them to handle. Certain daycares accepted SBS but those were usually a lot more expensive and she wasn’t sure if there were any nearby. Maybe she would have to keep Gwent and Nelio in her work place? If her business partner did not mind. Maybe she would buy a care mare instead. One of those trained to deal with SBS, but that would mean keeping a ninth Fluffy in the household. Or could she hire a nanny who dealt with Fluffies. The more she thought about it, the more she began to stress out, and she realized she was not ready for Leopold to get a job.
She felt like she was going to have a minor panic attack, but her attention was diverted by the sound of a bell from her phone. It was a message from her bestie. Permission to feed Veve sketti. Mabe took a deep breath. One step at a time. No point in stressing about something that had yet to be confirmed and even if her husband had gotten the job, then they could discuss the matter together. At the moment, she needed to focus on the foals. Hopefully, the viewers would love Veve, then at least Millie’s thing was placated at the very least. She took a deep breath and calmed down, peering back into the toy tower where Gwent and Veve were chatting. She poked Gwent’s back playfully, causing the foal to jump up in surprise.
“Mummah?!” Gwent cried out in a mix of surprise and glee
“Hi. So I talked to Veve’s mummah and she agreed to let Veve have sketti today!”
Gwent broke out into cheers, and seeing him so happy Veve did the same. Mabe smiled, feeling a sense of warmth from their happiness. One that dulled those feelings of guilt ever so slightly.
“First we need to shoot one more scene with Evil Galaxy Emperor Nelio, and then it’s sketti time!”
The two foals broke into cheers.
Veve made a glum sigh as she hugged Keke tightly, then delved under her rainbow colored blanket. She was back in the ECC. Back inside Mabe mummah’s vroom vroom munstah. Going back to her normal life.
A lot had happened after her first performance. She needed to do this again, but only with Gwent and Nelio this time. She didn’t have to do much, only nod as Gwent talked to Nelio about something she didn’t understand. Gwent was saying a lot of big words, it seemed to do with getting back at the Skettiland Rangers. She usually nodded and cheered. She also go to say “Dat wite” when Gwent said that he and Veve would defeat the Skettiland Rangers the next time. Mabe mummah loved that.
After that was sketti. She got to eat sketti during the second nummie time of the day. Gwent called it Wunch. That was truly a mind blowing experience. The taste was truly out of this world. She finally understood why Gwent loved sketti so much. It was definitely amazing. Well Mabe mummah’s sketti at least. She still thought that Mummah mummah’s sketti kind of tasted gross.
After wunch, it was time to play. They played with so many toys. They played huggie tag. They played hide and seek too. Veve was really good at that, she learnt how to do it in the forest. Hide in darkie places. Keep still. Keep quiet. Gwent said she was the bestest hidey Fwuffy ever. Mabe mummah too. That really made her feel so proud. Then they got to be teebee dancie Fwuffies. It turned out Mabe mummah had heard them talking about how they wanted to be dancie Fwuffies and had already prepared everything.
They went back to the stew di oh and found that a part of it looked just like the dancie Fwuffy show, but this time it was Gwent and Veve dancing. The music was different. Mabe mummah said she wanted to try something called “pop song”. Veve didn’t know why they were called that, as she heard no popping, but the music sounded very nice and there was a voice of a lady who sang just as well as Mummah mummah. Gwent and Veve loved it. They bounced around, moved their legs back and forth and shaked their bodies. It was so much fun.
Being a teebee dancie Fwuffy was exhausting though and after that, Veve and Gwent had a nap. They got to form a Fluffpile in mistah castwe beddie with Newio. Veve loved that. Another moment where she could pretend she was back with her brothers. Then they woke up just in time for darkie nummie time, or Dinnew as Gwent called it. Dinnew was delicious. Something called con gee. Veve was a little disappointed it wasn’t sketti but Gwent told her that Gud Fwuffies only get sketti once Sketti day. Apparently eating too much sketti turns a Fluffy into a bad Fluffy. That was a scary thought. Then they played some more.
Veve thought that she would get to have a second sleepy time with Gwent and Newio. That was when Mabe mummah came by with the bad news. It was time for Veve to go home. That was devastating for both Gwent and Veve. They cried and they pleaded, begging Mabe mummah not to bring Veve home. Mabe mummah said something about how she was going to be very busy the next bright time so this darkie time was the only time she could return Veve home. That did not stop Gwent and Veve from protesting, but they did stop when they noticed that Mabe mummah had the worstest heawt hurties. They wanted to keep playing, but not if it caused Mabe mummah twouble.
That was how Veve found herself back in the ECC. Wrapped up in her rainbow blanket and hugging Keke tightly. It was taking all her strength not to cry, and it gave her the worstest heawt hurties knowing that all the fun was over. She was going back to her old life. A life that just felt so dull and dreary. She hated it, but at the same time she really didn’t want to cause Mabe mummah twouble, so she buried her head into Keke and let out a small muffled whimper
“Keke… Wewe nu wan gu bac to Mummah mummah housie” she said softly to her stuffed fwen.
She did not think that Mabe mummah had heard her, so was surprised when Mabe mummah suddenly opened the gate of the ECC and gently pulled her out. Veve sat on Mabe mummah’s soft warm hand, clinging tightly to Keke as tears streaked down her cheeks. She tried her best not to show her frown, but Mabe mummah seemed to know, as she gently stroked Veve’s mane and gave Veve a sympathetic look. That made Veve feel better somewhat and she felt a little bit bad when Mabe mummah sighed.
“What about your mummah, Veve? Do you wanna go back to see your mummah again?”
That question had taken Veve by surprise, as she had not put much thought into that. She did miss Mummah a bit, but not really that much. It was hard to miss someone, when it felt like they really didn’t love her, well not as much as Pwie anyway. Over here, she had Gwent, Newio, Mabe mummah and Weo daddeh. Those were already four people who loved her so much. The only one who really seemed to care about her at her housie was Mummah mummah, but Mummah also became a scawy munstah sometimes.
That brought up another thought. Why did she go to Mabe mummah’s housie in the first place. She remembered that it related to Mummah and Mummah mummah becoming a scawy munstah. Oh right she had only come here to help Mummah with that wok thing. Earning what was it? Hwappy Cwoins fo Went n nummies? That’s right she was supposed to be helping Mummah and Mummah mummah. Didn’t she have a mission to do? Find that munstah Envy and defeat it to save Mummah and Mummah mummah? That’s right she had to protect them, but at the same time she really didn’t want to leave Gwent, Newio and Mabe mummah.
This conflict of interests gave her thinky place hurties and it seemed Mabe mummah realized, as she gave Veve a boop to the nose that caused Veve to look at her in surprise but also smile. She began to giggle. Mabe mummah was so nice and always knew how to make her laugh, and she had to wonder if Mabe mummah would know how to save Mummah and Mummah from this munstah.
“Mabe mummah?” Veve asked cutely “Wewe wanna gib munstah hurties, bu dun kno hao?”
Mabe mummah looked at her in confusion “What monster?” She asked.
“Wewe tink dat der iz munstah in housie dat mak Mummah n Mummah mummah do meanie things. Daddeh caww munstah Envie”.
Mabe mummah raised one eyebrow up and clearly looked surprised, then she suddenly raised her head and looked to the top of the vroom vroom munstah. Veve followed her gaze but found nothing there, yet Mabe mummah kept looking.Veve gave her a confused look, but then realized what was happening as Mummah mummah did the same thing before. It was when hoomans used their thinky place. So, Veve kept quiet and stared silently, realizing that Mabe mummah was probably thinking about something.
“Okay” Mabe mummah suddenly said “I’m gonna need your help”.
Veve’s eyes lit up. Someone she loved needed her help?
“Wewe hewp!” Veve declared without a second thought.
Mabe mummah seemed amused by this and laughed, she held Veve close and Veve went for the snuggle, nuzzling Mabe mummah’s chin with happy coos. It did make Veve feel good that she was able to make Mabe mummah laugh, though she had not said anything funny.
“I’m glad you are so willing, because I really need your help with Millie and Uphie… Uh… Your mummah mummah and mummah. Okay, first I think you should know the real story”.
Veve nodded and listened carefully as Mabe mummah told her everything and it was different from what Veve had once thought. Much to her surprise, Mummah mummah once loved Mummah so very much, yet Mummah had run away and given Mummah mummah the worstest of worstest heawt hurties. There was no foebah sweepies and nothing about a munstah named Envie. The reason Mummah mummah was doing such mean things to Mummah was because she was still hurting from Mummah running away, and the reason Mummah mummah would hurt her sometimes, was because Mummah had broken something in Mummah mummah. The whole story left Veve in shock and awe, but there was one thing that confused Veve.
“Mabe mummah, Mummah wuv Mummah mummah wots n wots, wite?” Veve asked.
Mabe mummah nodded “Your mummah loved Mi… Mummah mummah soooooo very much”.
“Den y Mummah wun way?”
Mabe mummah looked up again, clearly using her thinky place again, then she looked Veve eye to eye.
“Would you understand it, if I told you that your Mummah wanted babbehs, but your mummah mummah did not want babbehs, so your mummah ran away?”
Veve shook her head and felt a little shocked from that statement.
“Mummah mummah nu wan babbehs?” Veve asked in horror “Mummah mummah nu wan Wewe and Pwie?”
Mabe mummah looked surprised then shook her head.
“No no no. Millie, mummah mummah wants you. It’s just back then, she did not want your mummah having babies”
“Y?” Veve asked curiously.
Mabe mummah looked up again, once again using her thinky place. Then suddenly she snapped her fingers, startling Veve momentarily.
“Okay. How about this. Do you think that your mummah is a good mummah?”
Veve looked at her in surprise and this time she looked up at the vroom vroom munstah to use her thinky place. Was Mummah a good mummah? She thought about it carefully. Her mind went back to her time in the forest, back with Bwue bwuddah, Oddah bestest and Pwie. She remembered that Mummah did a lot for them. She gave them milkies, then nummies. She protected them from the cold, darkie times and munstahs. She was the only who carried them out of the nest to bring them to Mummah mummah’s housie.
However, Mummah was not the one who brought them to Mummah mummah, daddeh did. Daddeh brought them in his vroom vroom munstah. Mummah mummah left the nestie and lost both Bwue bwuddah and Oddah bestest, and those were the ones she could remember clearly. She remembered that she used to have other bwuddahs and sistahs, but they were also gone. She could vaguely remember that Mummah even ate one of her siblings. That was just her memories from the forest. At the house, she hardly had any good memories. Most of them were of Mummah being a meanie, or making those loud tantrums. Sure there were a few good hugs and kind words sprinkled in between, but it felt that Mummah only loved Pwie, and the one to really care for her was Mummah mummah, yet even now a part of her still loved Mummah, but even that part knew the truth.
“Mummah am nut gud mummah” Veve admitted, shaking her head solemnly.
“I know. That’s because your mummah mummah raised your mummah to be her babbeh”.
“Bu hao Mummah be babbeh? Mummah am mummah”.
“Well you know that phrase: Forever baby?”
“Wewe kno! Wike Newio. Newio am foebah babbeh”.
Mabe mummah smiled with amusement, but shook her head.
“Nelio is a forebah baby, but that was different, your mummah mummah wanted your mummah to be a… God I’m making this too complicated aren’t I?”
Veve nodded. Not because she understood the question, but because she was confused about what Mabe mummah was talking about, and Mabe mummah just chuckled.
“To put it simply, Millie was not ready for your mummah to have babies. She still saw your mummah as her own baby. It’s like you. You are still a foal and that is what your mummah mummah saw. She saw Uphie as a foal who shouldn’t have babies, but instead of agreeing and listening to mummah, your mummah ran away and that’s the worst thing. Your mummah ran away”.
Veve looked shocked, but it was hard to comprehend. She still could not understand why Mummah mummah was not ready for Mummah to be a mummah, after all Mummah was a big Fluffy and big Fluffies were mummahs and daddehs, but at the same time, she could not understand why Mummah would run away. Mummah always complained about the forest. It was cold, scary, dark and filled with munstahs. The housie was so much nicer, so why would Mummah run just because Mummah mummah said no?
“You look confused” Mabe mummah suddenly said.
Veve nodded and looked down in shame. She really was trying to understand what Mabe mummah was saying but it was all just far too confusing. Fortunately, Mabe mummah did not seem upset and was in fact smiling.
“That’s fine. There’s a lot of complicated stuff and I don’t expect you to understand, but I need you to understand one important thing. Your mummah mummah used to love your mummah so much. She loved your mummah more than your daddeh. She loved your mummah more than her cousi… Uh… Bwuddah and sistah. She loved your mummah the most in this whole wide world and she made sure that your mummah knew it”.
Veve stared at Mabe mummah in shock, unable to believe that Mummah mummah held such love for Mummah when all she could remember was Mummah mummah being a meanie to Mummah, and it seemed that Mabe mummah had realized this.
“Hard to believe, huh? Okay do you remember all the toys you played with today?”
Veve nodded.
“Those used to all be your mummah’s toys. She gave them to me when your mummah ran away”.
Veve stared wide eyed as she thought of all the toys she played with and was shocked to know they all used to belong to her mummah.
“Not only that. You loved the food I gave you, right? That was the kind of food your mummah used to eat everyday and the sketti was just as good. None of that skettie that taste like poopies and forever sleeping foals. We are talking the tastiest sketti you can imagine”.
Again Veve stared wide eyed. Unable to comprehend a time where Mummah got to eat all those things, as she knew that all Mummah ever ate now was kibbles.
“Also. Back then. Every single day was just filled with your mummah mummah giving mummah hugs, loves, cuddles, kisses, nuzzles. Your mummah didn’t even have to ask. Your mummah mummah would just give them”.
Veve really couldn’t believe this. A time when Mummah mummah was so nice to Mummah?! It was hard to believe, yet Mabe mummah had said it and she could not see why Mabe mummah would lie. She was stunned.
“Mummah hab aww dat… N wun way?”
Mabe mummah nodded with a sad look.
“Yup. It’s not even the fact that your mummah ran away. It’s just… Imagine your mummah mummah gave your mummah so much love, but your mummah didn’t care and just left. Can you imagine giving your mummah so much love and then just she just leaves you”.
Veve lowered her head down in shame. She knew exactly how that felt. The amount of love she would try to give to her Mummah, only to be called a bad babbeh, dummeh, or other such meanie word. It already hurt, so how much more would it hurt if Mummah were to actually abandon her. She could only imagine the pain that Mummah mummah must have felt. The worstest of worstest heawt hurties and in fact she would probably hate Mummah for that. Veve began to realize why Mummah mummah was such a meanie to Mummah and it just made her so ashamed, because that was her Mummah who acted so selfishly. However, Mabe mummah seemed quick to realize this as she held Veve’s chin gently and lifted the foal’s face to meet her own.
“Hey! You are not to blame for this. You are not your mummah. You are your own Fluffy and I personally think you are a damn good Fluffy”.
Veve tried to smile. Happy at being called a good Fluffy, yet also feeling terrible for how much hurties Mummah had given Mummah mummah. Mabe mummah seemed to notice and make a long sigh.
“God… Thinking about it now. This whole situation is so fu… Fudging fudged and I can’t believe that I am asking this from a child, but Veve… sigh… I need your help fixing what your mummah’s destroyed”.
“Wat am destwoy?”
“Oh. Broke. What your mummah broke”.
“Wat Mummah bwoke?!”
“Mill… Uh… Your mummah mummah. More specifically her heart. Your mummah broke that when she ran away and gave your mummah mummah heart hurties”.
Veve once again looked down in shame, unable to look at Mabe mummah in the eye. To think her Mummah had done something so cruel, but then again Mummah wasn’t exactly the nicest Fluffy. Veve suddenly took a deep breath and looked Mabe mummah in the eye. Maybe Mummah was a meanie Fluffy, but she certainly was not.
“Wewe hewp!” Veve declared bodly.
Mabe mummah looked at her in surprise, but then smiled.
“Good. I need your help to fix your mummah mummah’s heart”
That certainly got Veve excited and she began to bob up and down on Mabe mummah’s hand. She would do anything to help fix that.
“Wewe hewp! Wewe hewp! Wan fwix Mummah mummah heawt!” Veve cried out with excitement.
“Oh my gosh! You’re exactly how Fluffies should be! Positive, helpful and kind!”
Veve suddenly found herself being nuzzled by Mabe mummah. She was soft and warm. Veve nuzzled her back, making delighted coo-ing noises before turning to Mabe mummah with a look of conviction.
“Hao Wewe hewp fwix Mummah mummah heawt?” Veve asked.
“You don’t have to do anything special, you just have to be the happy, cute, lovable Fluffy you are, and try to make your mummah mummah smile whenever you can. Do you think you can do that?”
Veve nodded excited “Wewe can! Can be hwappy, cwute n wuvable!”
Veve began to waving her front leggies around, dropping Keke accidentally, but Mabe mummah was quick to catch Keke with her other hand, then she began to laugh. Veve grinned and began to shake her legs more, and noticed Mabe mummah looking up at the vroom vroom munstah again. She suddenly snapped her fingers.
“Your mummah mummah sometimes gives your hurties, right?”
Veve nodded, amazed that Mabe mummah knew this.
“She wasn’t like that before, but thanks to Uphie… uh… your mummah that’s how she plays with Fluffies now. However, I think I know a magic word that will make mummah mummah stop…”
This certainly piqued Veve’s interest. Mabe mummah was going to teach her hooman magic?
“… Ok! Are you ready to hear the magic word?” Mabe mummah asked
Veve nodded.
“If mummah mummah is giving you too much hurties, you simply look at her and say: Mabe mummah say stop. Can you say that Veve?”
“Mabe mummah sa staph?”
“Good girl, but louder and with more conviction”
“Mabe mummah sa staph”
“There we go, but a little louder and confident”
“Mabe mummah sa staph!”
Mabe mummah grinned and gave Veve another pet, filling Veve with warmth and joy. She gave Mabe mummah a huge grin, as Mabe mummah gave her a small kiss on the cheek, then Mabe mummah put her back to the ECC.
“Time to go back to your mummah and mummah mummah. What do you say if mummah gives you too much hurties?”
“Mabe mummah sa staph!”
That’s right. A Hugbox chapter.
I’m a healing-type writer now ~ Gen Urobuchi