Millie laid on the sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly, and made a long frustrated sigh. It had been a rough day today. These past few days had been rough. Nothing to do with Fluffies, just work. A lot of work. Sales. Shipping. Stuff she didn’t want to think about now that it was over. She just wanted to relax. Maybe watch one of her TV shows or video call, Lize. She just wanted to forget about responsibilities and just unwind. However, as she stared at her phone, she realized that she still had two more tasks to do today.
Mabe had messaged her saying that the latest episode of the Sketti Rangers had been uploaded onto her channel. Battle Fluff Veve’s official debut video. Millie looked at the calendar in surprise. It was the 14th of November, Wednesday, today. When did Veve go over to Mabe’s house? She came over on the 8th, borrowed Veve on the 9th and then returned Veve on the 10th. Filming should have been on the 10th as well. So, 4 to 5 days of editing? Was that normal for Mabe’s videos or was that fast? Millie didn’t know, and it was honestly a bit embarrassing as this was probably the first time she had ever thought about the post process procedure times for any of Mabe’s videos.
However, Millie did know what to do with the video. The first thing she did was share the link to Lize, Grem grem and Hanny. She didn’t expect them to watch it, this video was merely to put them at ease. She had come clean on Sunday. Told them the truth, with some slight adjustments. Told them that Uphie had fractured her legs and needed to rest for three to six months. Happened on the 5th of November, then she went to some doctor in Obsiville without an ECC, but she didn’t mention the kids that harassed her after the doctor trip. She did include her attempted alternate solutions, first trying to make Veve and Prie work, then the fake Uphie 2.0, and then finally Mabe came in with the TV solution.
She got a stern lecture of course. Told not to act on her own like this in the future, but the trio did not make too much of a fuss, after she highlighted how sorry she was and ensured them that Mabe had set her straight. She even made sure to emphasize that she had accepted this Veve alternative, with the Skettiland Ranger episode sent as physical proof that Veve was truly a TV Fluffy, and that they really had a couple of months to devise a new work scheme for Uphie. Provided Millie didn’t do something she would really regret.
It had only been less than two weeks since Uphie had injured her legs and Millie could already feel her patience wavering, to put it gently. That made her next responsibility all the more harder: A viewing session with the Fluffies. Interacting with them after her brutal display last Thursday would definitely be quite the troublesome ordeal. Well not Veve, after her trip to Mabe’s house, Veve had become very friendly and showed no fear around Millie anymore, especially after Mabe had taught her that magic phrase, but Uphie and Prie were still a difficult duo to deal with.
Uphie was still terribly frightened of her and Prie had bounced back to her hostile, arrogant attitude. Truth was that Millie had severely limited interaction after Thursday. Generally avoiding the safe room and only coming in to occasionally refill the automatic feeder, change Uphie’s diaper and make sure that Veve was fine. The Fluffies seemed okay with this arrangement, more than happy to play with each other and less time with the scary, meanie monster, but this required mandatory interaction.
Millie had thought about just watching the video with Veve. Something casual, like watching it on the dining table while eating some snacks. Veve wasn’t scared of being alone with Millie after all, but Mabe did remind her that it was an important moment for Veve. Her first time as TV Fluffy and it should be special. This was a moment, Veve needed to share with her own mother at least. Millie also needed to keep her own emotions in check, so as to not ruin the mood. It felt so hard, but she knew she had to do it, for Veve’s sake and out of respect for all Mabe’s efforts. She just needed to check one thing, so she got out her phone and messaged Mabe.
Is it important for the Fluffies to watch previous episodes?
I really don’t want to hear Uphie ask “where is Veve” repeatedly.
Nah. Not important
Ep mostly standalone
Honestly though
Bet Uphie doesn’t care bout story
Only wants to see Veve on TV
True true.
Pls read nice comments to Veve
Helps me out later
Like a lot alot
Will do director.
Thanks >3<
I should be thanking you <3
Millie put down her phone and looked up at the ceiling, making another long frustrated sigh. At least she wouldn’t have to watch the whole series with Uphie. Just one episode. She could manage that, right? It was only a single episode. She got up and stretched. Enough stalling. She was just going to get this over with, but she needed to do some preparations. She looked at the TV and pondered whether to watch the video in the living room. She would have to carry Uphie here. It wouldn’t be too much trouble, as Uphie was on her new pillow bed, but just the idea of gently carrying Uphie somewhere. Letting Uphie watch something on the big TV. Letting Uphie sit on this nice sofa.
Nah. Millie couldn’t do it. She knew she would get pissed and ruin things. So she decided that the Fluffies would watch the episode on her tablet in the safe room, even if it didn’t feel as special for Veve. She went to her bedroom and got her tablet from atop her bedside drawer, and took a quick look. The tablet was fully charged. She got the video up and began buffering it. Then she went back out to the living room.
She snapped her fingers, as she realized that she did have one way to make things special. Popcorn, or rather some food to pass as popcorn. She got one of the Fluffy feeding bowls and filled it with kibble. Some of the premium stuff. Mabe had given her a box. Then she grabbed some chocolate biscuits and crumbled them up in the bowl, before pouring some chocolate milk. It looked bland. An assortment of brown shades in a plastic white bowl, though to be fair the Fluffies would love it as it was practically a bowl of sugar, but something didn’t feel right. It was the color. There needed to be some green and / or some orange. Some of Veve’s colors.
Millie scrounged around her cupboards looking for any food that met the requirements: Sweet, soft, green or orange. Nothing. That was frustrating, but then she found a box of multicolored macaroons. There was one green piece and one orange piece.
“Good enough” she said with a soft sigh.
She grabbed the two pieces and wrapped them up with a napkin and placed it in her pocket. She looked at the safe room door, feeling a sense of hesitation, before quickly brushing it away. She had delayed enough. It was time to interact with the Fluffies.
She entered the safe room quietly. Didn’t want to make her presence known just yet. The safe room was in a better state now, especially in comparison to that Thursday. Mabe had really emphasized how disgusting the safe room was when she had come over. Millie had to agree. She did a thorough clean last Saturday. Lots of effort. Lots of bleach. Lots of air-fresheners. At least the room smelled nice whenever she entered. Plus Veve and Prie both used the litter box now. Veve thanks to training, whilst Prie seemed to be for the sake of praise, because Uphie had started calling Veve a good babbeh for making good poopies in the litter box. Uphie didn’t have to worry about such matters, because she was back to wearing a diaper.
Speaking of Uphie, the mare was currently enjoying life. These past few days, Millie had turned up the heater to make the safe room pleasantly warm, as she was worried that being cold while Uphie’s legs were still healing would lead to the development of additional sicknesses, plus she wanted Veve to feel comfortable. This made life good for Uphie and the mare had taken a liking to her new bed, which consisted of an old towel laid flat atop a square pillow.
It may have not been the most luxurious of Fluffy beds, but it was far better than the Fluffy carrier, though this was only a temporary measure, simply so Millie had easier access every time she needed to change Uphie’s diaper. Once the leg cast came off, the diaper measure was done, and it was back to sleeping in the Fluffy carrier for Uphie, as well as pulling the ol’ Work Wagon just to scrap on by. Millie couldn’t wait. She really couldn’t, it was taking all her willpower not to hurt the Fluffy.
She stared at Uphie and sneered silentlly. The mare was laid down with her face turned away from the door, this was so she wouldn’t make any annoying screeching noises every time Millie had to enter the safe room, but it also meant that Millie was always greeted to the sight of her rear end. The sight of Uphie lying down on her gross belly, with those disgusting soiled diapers, and that horrible, off-pitched singing. Something about Uphie being a good mother and loving her babies. Shaking her head about happily and making a series of joyful giggles. Signs of happiness and content. That’s what really triggered Millie, knowing that Uphie was happy.
She stared silently at the mare and all her thoughts were filled with abuse. Grabbing a stick and hitting Uphie on the back, until the mare bled. Maybe grabbing some pliers and pulling out Uphie’s teeth one by one. Removing the diaper and forcing Uphie to eat her own waste. It really was so easy to abuse a Fluffy and the internet was filled to the brim with so many brilliant ideas, yet amongst all those rage-filled dreams of sadistic violence, a little voice in her head that told her that while it would feel great, it would only make the future all the more harder.
Maybe she gets a little too violent and breaks Uphie’s legs permanently. Then what? There was no way that she was going to buy Uphie those expensive prosthetic legs. So how was Uphie supposed to pull the Work Wagon and learn how to be a productive member of society? Plus she would be wasting all the effort that Lize, Grem grem, Hanny and Bebe put into helping her with her crazy plan. All that effort, lost because of an emotional outburst. Not to mention that it would only solidify Uphie’s notion that she was a victim in all of this. A poor Fluffy who did no wrong and whose only crime was thinking she could return home to a loving mother. Just the idea that Uphie would die with those thoughts was just so deplorable.
Millie took a deep breath. She knew this would happen. Her own thoughts and emotions were her own worst enemy and she needed to learn control.
“Uphie” Millie uttered harshly.
The mare suddenly stopped singing and her body visually went tense. Millie felt nothing from that and approached slowly, carefully stepping over the fence to enter Uphie’s side of the safe room, and she stared at Uphie with cold, dead eyes.
The second their eyes met, Uphie quickly buried her face in her pillow bed. It was something that Uphie had started to do recently. Hiding her face under the notion that if she could not see Millie, then Millie could not see her. Uphie’s terror gave Millie no amusement, only disgust at the sheer stupidity of the action. It was something a child would do. A young child. From the same mare that once ran away to be a mother. It was just so stupid, and Millie just had to roll her eyes.
Meanwhile both foals were with her. Prie was on her side and as soon as she noticed Millie’s presence, she gave the woman a mean look, the contemptuous, arrogant kind. Millie wasn’t sure why she kept that foal around. As part of the work scheme, Prie seemed to be a minor tool nowadays. Truth was, she was just waiting for something. Some way to break Prie and hurt Uphie, but she didn’t know what. Meanwhile Veve was sleeping on Uphie’s back with a content smile. Millie said nothing to either foal, as she laid down the ‘popcorn’ in front of the bed, right in front of Uphie. The bowl made a small noise as it landed on the floor, causing Uphie to make a frightened, pathetic whimper and also wake up Veve from her nap.
Veve looked around dazed and then noticed Millie.
“Mummah mummah!” Veve suddenly cried out.
The adorable little fuzz ball suddenly stood up and practically leapt off Uphie’s back, a good three inch fall that caused Millie to panic slightly. She dropped the tablet and suddenly caught Veve in her hand.
“Woah there, cliff diver” Millie said with a smirk.
“Wub mummah mummah!” Veve said with a grin.
Millie smirked and pet the foal softly.
“Be careful, okay? If you get hurt Mabe is going to be upset, alright?”
Veve nodded “Sowwi mummah mummah”.
Millie smiled. She had to admit. She had grown fond of Veve, though keeping the foal safe was more of a commitment to Mabe. Despite this, looking at those puppy dog eyes, Millie felt some of those dark urges. How she longed to leave Veve in a box in the backyard, pretending that it was the middle of nowhere and watch as Veve gave her that cute look, desperately begging not to be abandoned. Maybe even leave her out there for a few hours, just to hammer in that despair, then take her in and go back to being nice. Mabe would never know. Such thoughts were so deliciously cruel and Millie could not help but smile.
“Mabe mummah sa staph!” Veve suddenly shouted.
Millie blinked in surprise then grinned. She both loved and hated Mabe for teaching Veve that praise. A stern reminder that Mabe was trusting her to keep Veve safe and sound. To risk Veve’s health was to risk the Hugbox status of Mabe’s show, and risk hurting Mabe. Millie couldn’t do that. The guilt of hurting her bestie, yet the amount of times Veve had said that phrase. It was something of a downer, yet Millie continued to smile and kissed the foal on the forehead with a soft sigh.
“Okay okay Mabe mummah said stop. I’ll stop”
Veve giggled, as she was placed back down on the floor and she quickly scampered back to her mother. Millie focused her attention on those two. Uphie was still hiding her face in the pillow. Such a cowardly pathetic excuse of a mother. Prie was also giving her the death glare. The arrogance of this hell gremlin really was something else. This spawn actually thought it could ever pose a threat, yet Prie had recently seemed smart enough to realize that she could not win a fight head on.
“Uphie get your stupid face out of your bed” Millie commanded rudely.
The mare made a slight whimper, but kept her face buried deep in the pillow, going so far as shake her head, as though trying to dig deeper. Millie had to wonder if Uphie could possibly choke herself doing this. She had heard that some Fluffies were stupid enough to drown in an inch of water, but surely that was a farce and surely Uphie held enough self preservation to stop, right?
Millie was right. Uphie suddenly raised her head up and desperately gasped for air. Her eyes wide open and they locked with Millie’s own glare. Like a deer in front of headlights, Uphie froze, trembling and making a weak whimper. Absolute fear shown in Uphie’s eyes. She had really become terrified of meanie munstah Millie, but that brought her no amusement nor pride, only disgust for how terrible of a mother, Uphie was. However, Millie was quick to remind herself that this was an important day for Veve, so she held back these raw feelings of anger and tried her best to smile, for the sake of her emerald furred foal.
“Veve is on TV. Do you want to watch it with us?” Millie asked, with as much politeness as she could muster.
Uphie stared at her in confusion for a second, but the words registered and the mare smiled.
“Wewe am teebee Fwuffy?” Uphie asked with glee.
“That’s what I just said you stu…”
Millie held her tongue, and tried her best to smile. It was just so easy to get angry, so she tried to smile and tried to be polite.
“… Yes Uphie. Veve is a TV Fluffy” She replied in a somewhat sarcastic tone.
Millie’s condescension seemed to go by unnoticed as Uphie broke into a big smile, puffing out her chest and raising her head up high.
“Wewe am teebee Fwuffy! Wan see! Wan see!”
Veve had also gotten excited. “Am teebee Fwuffy? Can Wewe watch?”
Millie chuckled at Veve’s adorable question “Of course you can. I have it ready”
Veve and Uphie cheered, as Millie picked up the tablet. The video was still on and had completely buffered, reading for viewing. She placed the tablet on the floor, positioning it just a few inches from the ‘popcorn’ so that Veve and Uphie could eat while they watched. Uphie wiggled forward and started stuffing her face, while Veve joined from the side.
However, there was someone who refused to participate. Millie noticed Prie next to Uphie, looking very annoyed and glaring at Veve. It was obvious that the foal was jealous of her sister being a TV Fluffy, while she was not, and Millie thought about calling Prie out to instigate some potential family drama, but it would definitely have soured the mood. Prie would have said something nasty. Uphie’s favoritism might come into play. Veve would have definitely been left unhappy. It was best just to remain amicable and fortunately Prie was not feeling very vocal right now. She merely turned away from the screen and buried her head into her mother’s fluff.
Millie started the video and noticed that neither Uphie and Veve were looking. Both still focused on eating the ‘popcorn’. Millie rubbed her forehead in frustration and paused the video again. She might have shouted if it was just Uphie eating, but Veve was eating too, so she really couldn’t get mad. Instead, she waited until they finished eating all of it and Veve made an adorable little burp to signal that she was full. That prompted Uphie to giggle and call Veve her cute babbeh, prompting delighted squeals from Veve.
Millie just watched silently as the two Fluffies bonded. Veve trying to burp again so her mummah would call her cute. Uphie just looking at Veve with love. The mood felt nice, but at the same time Millie just wanted to get this done so she could leave. She was tempted just to tell the Fluffies to pay attention to the screen, but that could have made things sour, so she just gave Uphie and Veve a gentle pet. Both Fluffies looked at her in surprise, especially Uphie, but then that surprise turned to smiles.
“Can we watch the video now?” Millie asked softly.
Both Fluffies nodded with wide grins and Millie sat down next to them, sitting cross legged on the floor and leaving over to tap the play button on the tablet screen.
“Go go Skettiland Rangers!” came a voice from the screen.
That certainly commanded their attention. Millie, Veve and Uphie all stared at the screen as the introduction sequence began to play. It was a minute-long sequence that first started with a couple of quick cuts featuring various enemies the Skettiland Rangers once faced, followed by individual introductions of the Six Skettiland Rangers. Jacey came up first. It was a split screen scene, showing Jacey, the red Fluffy, as a Fluffy on the left side and the Fluffy in his Skettiland Ranger costume appearance on the right side. A caption underneath stating: Jacey as the Red Skettiland Ranger.
The other five received the same kind of introduction. Trinny, as the Yellow Skettiland Ranger. Zac Zac, as the Black Skettiland Ranger. Kimmy, as the Pink Skettiland Ranger, Billie as the Blue Skettiland Ranger, Tommie as the Green Skettiland Ranger. As the whole sequence progressed, the theme song played throughout, though it just consisted of “Go go Skettiland Rangers!” on repeat.
Millie remembered Mabe saying something about how faithful this sequence was to the original Powah Ranger intro sequence, but she had never watched the series, so unfortunately such sentiments were lost on her. However, that did not take away from the quality. It felt very impressive, like something out of a studio, even more impressive when Mabe had told her that this was made by a single fan, who watched her show and gave it to her free to use.
The fan didn’t even know Mabe as a person, they just really liked Powah Rangers and Fluffies, and this show just happened to cater to both interests. Their passion really showed through the quality of this work and even Veve and Uphie were astounded, both Fluffies unable to take their eyes off the screen, though Millie was unsure whether it was because they found it amazing or because their minds were just trying to process all the colors, sounds and quick cuts.
“Wewwe Wewe?” Uphie suddenly asked
“Shush” Millie snapped, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
Uphie made a low annoying whimper, but fortunately stayed quiet as the episode began. Like any old series. It started off slow. The six Skettiland Rangers were in their headquarters, out of costume, and just chatting. The supposed leader of the team, Jacey, had asked his team about what they did today. Billie was talking about how he spent a lot of time thinking about stacking blocks, and how he was able to stack one block atop two others. Kimmy talked about drawing some beautiful flowers. Zac Zac said he was practicing his new dance. Trinny and Tommie said they had raced each other and Trinny won, but suddenly the conversation was interrupted by the sound of an alarm.
“Da awawm!?” Tommie exclaimed.
“Wat goin on!?” asked Kimmy.
“Skettiland Rangers the No Sketti Council is attack!” It was Mabe’s voice. Altered slightly, to sound deeper with an echo effect, but it was Mabe’s voice nonetheless and Millie could not help but grin slightly.
“Oh nu! Nu Sketti Counciw attac!?” Billie replied in terror.
“Dat bad!” Zac zac and Trinni said in unison.
“Skettiwand Wangers! Suit up!” Jacey cried out.
Suddenly there was this whole scene of the six Skettiland Rangers “suiting up” and again Millie found it quite astounding how high quality this scene was. Apparently Mabe had commissioned someone to work on this. Each of the Skettiland Rangers would stand at the center of the screen, staring right at the camera with a serious face and would say “Sketti Wangew suit actibate!” Then they would spin around rapidly as a white light enveloped their body, then suddenly boom, they were in spiffy looking Skettiland Ranger uniforms. Six full body spandex costumes, consisting of white and a color that matched their respective fur colors. They even had six matching helmets. Comically small baseball helmets with tinted visors, each a different color that matched their respective fur colors. The costumes looked well made, but still felt hilariously off fitting for Fluffies, for Millie at least. However, Uphie seemed to disagree.
“WOW!” Uphie exclaimed “Skettiwand Wangews su coow!”
Millie rolled her eyes. Of course Uphie would love it. Veve was just watching quietly. The episode moved on from the transformation to the battle, cutting to a shot of some sort of arena and the six Skettiland Rangers running coming into view. There were clear signs that this stage was home made. The use of cardboard boxes was quite evident, but there were also signs that a lot of effort had been put to make them seem more presentable. Some of the boxes had been painted to look like stone walls. Dark drapes covered some other boxes, with photos of the outdoors, and it was quite clear that this was supposed to be some old arena in the middle of a forest.
For Uphie and Veve, the two Fluffies were mesmerized. Both had their eyes glued to the screen and both clearly loved what they were seeing with such big smiles. Millie couldn’t help but smile, feeling proud that Mabe was able to make something that had such a profound impact on her Fluffies. Then the camera cut to the shot of some tower, and stood atop were the ones this household had come to see: Battle Fluff Veve and Lil’ Devil Gwent. Millie had to admit the costumes looked a lot more spiffy now. Lil Devil Gwent seemed to be clad in some black knight armor, and Battle Fluff Veve was clad in some dark green armor. She actually felt a little proud seeing Veve on screen, and as she glanced at the two Fluffies watching, she could see Veve had become a lot more excited, standing up and staring intently, with Uphie also showing great intrigue.
“Mummah! Mummah!” Uphie began to say excitedly.
Millie grinned and pat Uphie’s back gently to calm the mare down.
“Yes yes. I see her”.
Lil’ Devil Gwent stepped forward and in a booming voice went “Weww weww weww. Wook who it iz! Da Skettiwand Wangews!”
“Wiw Deviw Gwent!” the Red Skettiland Ranger exclaimed.
“Yus!” Lil’ Devil Gwent replied “Iz Wiw Deviw Gwent n nyu awwy Battwe Fwuff Wewe!”
“Dat wite!” Battle Fluffy Veve suddenly shouted.
“Dat bad!” said the Green Skettiland Ranger.
“Dat nut bad. Am bestest fwen!” Battle Fluff Veve suddenly shouted back.
Suddenly Lil’ Devil Gwent pulled Battle Fluff Veve back and the scene cut to the Skettiland Rangers looking at each other in shock and discussing this new development. Millie could not help but giggle. The whole thing was actually quite adorable and she actually felt bad that she never gave it a shot earlier. She looked at Veve and Uphie, both watching with quiet excitement and then a thought occurred. Fluffies and Shit Rats were easy to influence, especially with the words like sketti. So would Veve being part of the No Sketti Council be bad? What if this turned Uphie against Veve?
“Mini Wons attac!” Lil’ Deviw Gwent suddenly commanded, interrupting Millie’s train of thought.
“Wiw Deviw Gwent am su coow!” Uphie interjected randomly.
Millie stared at Uphie in surprise. This feeling of relief that Uphie was not that much of an idiot, but then she stared at Uphie in confusion. Why Gwent? What about Veve? Fortunately, Veve didn’t seem to pick up on that. In fact she looked ecstatic.
“Gwent am bestest fwen!” Veve exclaimed.
“Wewe am Gwent bestest fwen?” Uphie exclaimed in shock.
Millie stared silently, as Veve began listing out all the great things about Gwent. He was strong. He was kind. He was a good big brother. He was smart. Then Veve talked about all the things they did in Mabe’s house. Playing with toys and fun games, eating good food, watching TV, being dancing Fluffies and getting to form a fluff pile for bed. Uphie listened with rapt attention, constantly urging Veve to continue. It was cute watching Veve talk so passionately about something, as Uphie listened so intently.
Yet it felt strange. The way Uphie was acting, this was definitely the first time she had heard of what Veve did in Mabe’s house, as well as of Gwent, but Veve had come back from Mabe’s house four days ago, so what had the Fluffies been talking about these past four days?
It felt odd, but Millie’s attention quickly turned back to the screen, as the Skettiland Rangers were bouncing around. While Veve and Uphie were talking, a rather amusing fight scene was taking place. The Skettiland Rangers were running, jumping, spinning, kicking and headbutting. Six colorful Fluffies fighting against an assortment of stuffed toys dressed like generic bad guy minions, then against some large toy robot. It was actually quite a shame that Veve and Uphie were missing it, but the two Fluffies suddenly found their attention snapped back to the scream when the six Skettiland Rangers cried out in perfect unison.
“Skettiwand Wangew Beam!”
Suddenly a dazzling multi-colored light filled the screen, causing both Uphie and Veve to let out loud audible gasps of amazement, and the camera focused on the robot and a rather cheesy special effect of the robot exploding. The a scene of the top shaking with a shot of Lil Deviw Gwent pulling Battle Fluff Veve back, before stepping forward to face the Skettiland Rangers
“Cuwse yu Skettiwand Wangews! We beat yu nexxie thyme” cried out Lil’ Devil Gwent.
“Dat wite!” Battle Fluff Veve shouted.
“WOW!” Uphie exclaimed with absolute astonishment.
Millie smirked. She had to agree. That was pretty nice. She felt bad that she had never truly given Mabe a chance before and figured she would check out the other episode some other time. She looked at the Fluffies. Uphie had this face filled with wonder and excitement, but Veve looked confused.
“What’s wrong, Veve?” Millie asked in a kind tone.
“Wewe nu wememba dat” She replied
“Remember what?”
“Dat” Veve said, pointing at the screen “Wewe, nu wememba ebeting be aww shaky wen Gwent n Wewe weave n nu wememba Supah Mini Won Wobo Knight go aww boom boom”.
Millie chuckled, finding genuine amusement in the Veve’s confusion, then pondered about how to explain it. She snapped her fingers and pointed to Veve. Time to use the default explanation.
“Human magic” Millie stated in a matter-of-fact tone “Mabe used Human magic to make those special effects so it looks more amazing for anyone watching, like you guys”.
Uphie and Veve gave her one of those astound looks, clearly astonished by this obviously clear cut explanation. Then the two Fluffies looked at each with sheer amazement, as though they had discovered the wonders of the universe.
“Mummah am su smawt!” Uphie cried out with glee “Wite Wewe?”
Veve began to nod enthusiastically “Mummah mummah am smawtest, wike bestest fwen!”
Millie grinned. There was something nice about this. This whole situation. Watching a really good show for Fluffies then explaining how it worked in a way that their simple minds could understand. It felt oddly nostalgic. She used to do that with Uphie a lot. Millie smiled softly and began to stroke Uphie’s mane gently, reminded of a time when she would watch Fluffy TV with Uphie. Things would come up that Uphie could not understand, and Millie would break it down and explain it carefully. It just felt nice. She looked at the two Fluffies. Veve with a grin same for Uphie, the mare especially enjoying the sensation of her mane being caressed so softly.
“Wub mummah” Uphie said with her eyes closed and a content smile.
Millie chuckled, but then she stopped. A moment of realization. It was just that easy. One friendly moment, a short trip down memory lane, and she was already being manipulated by that pig rat’s artificial charms. How many of these nice moments, before she started going back to those Hugbox days. Those unforgivable times where Uphie came first. Millie sighed in frustration and frowned. She stopped touching Uphie’s mane and turned back to the screen.
“Mummah?” Uphie asked with concern, clearly sensing this change in attitude.
“Veve’s back on the screen” Millie replied coldly.
The mare looked saddened, but turned back to the screen. The episode had cut to a shot of the villain’s lair. It looked like something out of an 80s superhero show. One quick look and one would know that this was supposed to be the room of some evil mastermind. Galaxy Emperor Nelio was sat on this throne of black, well it was more accurate to say that the foal was lying down on the throne, and clearly had no care for what was happening.
Lil’ Devil Gwent and Battle Fluff Veve were also there. Both not wearing their armor. The shot quickly focused on Veve and was quick to show off her colors. The camera did well in capturing her emerald green fur with the orange stripes and her wavy reddish-brown mane and tail. Then it focused on Lil Devil Gwent who seemed to be monologuing. The unicorn really stood out in this dark colored room. His hot pink fur really made him look bright and really contrasted with his black mane, tail and eyes.
“Wiw’ Dewiw Gwent am su pwetty babbeh” Uphie suddenly commented.
Millie shrugged. Yeah he was pretty cute, but she felt Veve was way cuter. Regardless, the episode had come to an end, and credits began to roll. Millie picked up the tablet, she had finished her obligation of watching the videos with the Fluffies, now she had one more task.
“Wan wach gain!” Uphie chanted with a smile “Gain! Gain!”
Millie paid the mare no heed, with her attention on Veve. She picked up the foal and brought her to her side of the safe room, placing Veve on the table, whilst Uphie continued chanting “Gain!”
“Y mummah mummah?” Veve asked cutely.
“Mabe told me to do this. Read the comments so you know how much the viewers love you”
“Wat am voo wers?” Veve asked
“Mummah! Uwpee wan wach gain!” Uphie suddenly demanded.
“Shut up Uphie!” Millie snapped “I’m doing something important with Veve”
Uphie let out another annoying whimper and Millie sighed in annoyance. That earlier moment of kindness had left her feeling bitter. The idea that Uphie could actually win her back with those annoying fake charms. Plus, Uphie was once again a needy, annoying pest, just with such a short moment of kindness. It was utterly absurd as Uphie wasn’t even a proper part of the conversation. The shit rat mare was still lying down on the pillow, with her body facing away from them, only able to look at them, by turning her head at a 90 degree angle, yet somehow still feeling that she had control over the conversation. Millie wanted to say something more, but noticed Veve giving her an adorable pout.
“Pwease mummah mummah” Veve pleaded “Nu be su meanie to mummah”
Millie smirked and nodded, as she petted the little one gently.
“Fine” She replied, trying her best to hide her bitterness “Mabe said you watched TV with Gwent, right?”
Veve nodded with a big smile. Clearly that was a happy memory for her.
“Well imagine that there are many Fluffies and Humans doing the same things in their own homes. They are watching you on their own TVs, but they can also say what they think, do you understand?”
“How Fwuffy n Hoomans do that?” Veve suddenly asked
“Uh… Human magic” Millie replied, not really wanting to explain how the comment section worked.
“Can Uwpee do dat?” Uphie suddenly asked.
Millie sighed and rubbed her forehead in frustration. She turned her head to face Uphie, Uphie herself still forced to turn her head at a 90 degree angle just to maintain eye contact. At first Millie was going to say something mean, but took a deep breath and calmed down.
“Why?” Millie asked, trying to maintain a neutral tone “You can just tell Veve what you think about her right now”
“Wat bout Wiw Dewiw Gwent?”
“Huh? What do you want to say to Gwent?”
“Uwpee wan teww Wiw Dewiw Gwent dat Uwpee tink am suuu cool n pwetty n bestest n hab such pwetty darkie time see pwaces n pwetty bwight cowows”
“Uh… I’ll tell Gwent later”
Uphie let out a delighted squeal and started humming merrily. That really irked Millie.
“What about Veve, don’t you want to say anything about her?” Millie asked “ I think she did a fantastic job being a TV Fluffy, she looked adorable in her costume, she said her lines well and played her role as Battle Fluff Veve excellently”
“Tank yu Mummah mummah” Veve replied with a cute and happy squeal.
Millie offered her a small smile then glared at Uphie. It was a pointless gesture, as Uphie had stopped looking at them. Clearly the mare no longer had interest in the conversation, but she was kind enough to grace Millie with an answer.
“Uwpee tink dat Wewe am gud” Uphie said, not even showing courtesy to face Veve.
“That’s it?”
There was a slight pause, as Uphie continued staring at the wall.
“Uwpee tink dat Wewe am bewy gud teebee Fwuffy” Uphie said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Tank yu Mummah” Veve replied with another happy squeal.
Uphie began humming to herself, clearly detaching herself from the conversation, while Veve looked at Millie with a big smile. Clearly the foal was ecstatic from her mother’s compliment, if one could call them that. It annoyed Millie how pathetic the praise was and had half a mind to call Uphie out on it, but she kept her cool and scrolled down to the comment section. The video had only been out for a few hours and yet there were already quite a lot of comments. She began to look through the names and skim through the messages, trying to find any good words for Veve.
The first five comments were from users: bigfootRULES, Tenji95Scribbles, Jack_jack, Underbear, and mario1992. Kind words of praise regarding the show and excitement about Veve in future episodes, but nothing that really counted as praise directed at Veve. Another user, BrotherOni, was providing what seemed to be constructive criticism about design and was also engaged in some sort of light debate with user Fwuffwax. There was also a user, Th3-Sh33n, who commented that both the show and the praise was nauseating. Millie recognized that name from one of the Anti-Fluffy websites, but weren’t they banned for being too much of a militant Hugboxer? Weird.
“Ah!” Millie said with a smile “Alice Fluff says, Veve is cute and deserves nice things”
Veve looked momentarily surprised then smiled “Tank yu Awice Fwuff!” She said aloud.
Millie smirked and continued looking through the comments, noticing that Veve had started to bounce about, clearly still overjoyed from that simple comment. She turned back to the tablet. There were more kind words. FluffyChimera, CENSORED75, Bestestbabeh, Scawecwow, ill_do_it_myself and Pachoclo. Again it was more towards the show and general excitement about Veve in the future. The next three comments definitely caught her attention.
Sketti_Mayer69 was ranting about how Mabe was defiling his poor Gwendolyn, whomever that was supposed to be, with this new Pegasus colt. Was he talking about Veve? Another user, clamdog, seemed to express concerns about Veve’s owner saying that they hoped the owner wasn’t a crazy bitch. How did they know that?! There was also an ominous message from user, 467293854f89356fh, who simply said that they would like for Veve not to die. Millie wasn’t sure if that was a threat or just a weird wish, but she certainly couldn’t say that to Veve.
“Oh. Here’s another one!” Millie said with a smile “TJ fluff n snuff says. Huh? Isn’t that an abu… Um… TJ fluff n snuff says: Veve seems sweet, humble and definitely deserves a good life”.
Veve smiled again “Tank yu Tee Jay fwuff n snwuff!” She exclaimed with glee.
“Oh, and miaorr says Veve is such a sweetheart”
Veve looked absolutely thrilled “Tank yu meoww!”
The next comment was from someone called Fluff Knight who wrote a lengthy paragraph explaining how this was actually abuse. That really pissed Millie off and Millie was tempted to argue with that user, but there were other users, SnackThatSmilesBack and hugboxxer044, who were already doing that.
There were many other names. All saying kind things, but mostly about the show with comments about Veve being more of excitement for future episodes or interest towards her color scheme. Fuck it. Millie decided to do a little fibbing. Hopefully they wouldn’t mind.
“Wow Veve all these viewers say they love you so much!” Millie exclaimed, trying her best not to sound fake.
“Let’s see… Abalone Shuttle, Blergle, Dark Witch, Division 616, Fluff Saw, khazhak, taro, Ariaschama and Thats Wh… uh… maybe not that guy. He wrote something gross… Ah! But all those other viewers, they called you sweet, caring, beautiful and very, very lovely”.
Veve stared at her in awe. Stunned from all this supposed praise.
“Voo wers sa aww dat bout Wewe?” Veve asked in such an adorable tone “Tank yu ebb-wi-bady!!!”
Millie nodded “I think you were absolutely amazing as well”.
Millie pulled a napkin out of her pocket. Inside were the green and orange macaron. She broke both in half and gave each half piece to Veve, watching with a smile as the foal sniffed the macaron curiously, before making a small nibble and suddenly realizing it was tasty. The little one began chomping into the macaron clearly loving this sweet little treat. It was so cute and Millie just had to share it. She got out her phone and took a photo, sending the picture to Mabe.
Cute photo of Veve eating macaron.
Also your Skettiland Rangers show is amazing
Mabe responded with two gifs. The first was a young animated girl captioned saying “so cute. I’m gonna die” as a reply to Veve eating the macaroon, and the second was an image of a certain police chief captioned screaming “Vindication” as a reply to Millie’s praise regarding her show.
About the comments for Veve.
Not so much praise
Yeah. Sorry about that
Think I over hyped the He-mun bit
She’s still new with mid-tier colors I guess
People still a little hesitant
Well. I showered her with praise.
Had to fib a little, but at least she’s happy
Ahhhh ok ok
Hopefully more comments in future
Villain’s vlog should rake more praise
She’s very lovable and bonds well with Gwent
Did u hear bout Cleveland Act?
What about it?
Officially declared dropped today
Oh wow
LOL ur enthusiasm. Infectious /s
But no more ECC <3
Hah! I’m happy
Yh yh
Anyways, was thinking
Sunday free?
Yeah. What’s up?
Ok if I come over with Gwent and Nelio?
Sure. Any special occasion?
Will post villain vlog video on Sat
Maybe live viewing with all three stars on Sun?
Also Gwent really wants to play with Veve
Ohh okay
Sounds fun
I’m guessing these play dates are going to be more frequent?
OHHHH yess
Maybe? Depends on how busy
Can work on dets on Sun
It’s a date.
Millie put down her phone with a smile and stared at Veve, the lovable little one was still occupied trying to eat the Macaroons. She turned to face Uphie, the mare was still in her own world happily singing a tune. That feeling of irritation came back. The one regarding Uphie being happy, and another irritation had come into view. Standing next to Uphie, Prie had once again appeared to ordain everyone with her presence. The little brat was glaring at her with puffed up cheeks, legs spread out, clearly ready to make a demand.
“What?” Millie asked in a cold tone.
“Pwie wan be tee bee Fwuffy nao!” Prie demanded
That demand got a delighted squeal from Uphie. “Pwie wan be teebee Fwuffy!? Uwpee wan be teebee Fwuffy awso!!”
Millie glanced at Veve, the little one still heavily preoccupied with her macaroon, but her ears were twitching showing that she was indeed listening. Millie just scoffed and rolled her eyes, but that did not sit well with Prie.
“Dummeh munstah mummah mummah!” Pwie cried out
“Nu caww mummah mummah, dummeh munstah!” Veve suddenly shouted.
Millie looked at Veve in surprise, not expecting to be defended by the once timid little pet. She was actually feeling a little proud. However, Prie did not take that lightly. The foal stomped her hoof on the ground and made a short screech before hurling any and every insult she could think of at Veve. Millie noticed Veve looking rather upset, but instead of crying Veve began insulting Prie as well. Two foals squeaky just a bunch of childish insults at each other “Dummeh”, “Poopie”, “Meanie”. Nothing creative, just childish insults.
It was oddly amusing, as neither could see each other. It was like listening to two people from separate apartments argue, with the argument just devolving into just some sort of insult war. It was just so absurd. Yet what was even more absurd was Uphie. The shitty mare had buried her head in the pillow. Somehow preferring to hide away from the argument, rather than control her children. Utterly absurd. Like how bad of a mother could you possibly be? This got Millie upset.
“Uphie” Millie said in a cold, commanding tone.
Her stern voice had caused both foals to go silent, and Uphie made a slight whimper before lifting her head and turning to face Millie.
“Yus mummah?” Uphie asked timidly.
Yes mama? YES MAMA? There was just something so utterly infuriating about the way Uphie had said that. A complete lack of awareness towards the situation at hand. Surely she should immediately understand what was required of her, as the mother of the two foals. How could this incompetent, entitled, stupid piece of shit ever believe herself to be worthy of being a good mother, when she couldn’t even control her two children. Her two last children. After all, she had nine fucking children yet seven of them had died under her care.
Millie felt the cold rage and she stood up. She grabbed one of Veve’s toy blocks and held it with murderous intent. An intent that all the Fluffies seemed to realize.
“Mu… mu… Mummah?” Uphie asked between frightened trembles.
Prie let out a scared whimper and began to back away slowly, as Millie approached.
“Mabe mummah sa staph!” Veve suddenly cried out.
Millie stopped and looked at Veve in surprise.
“That doesn’t work if I’m not hurting you” Millie replied calmly.
“Mabe mummah sa staph!” Veve cried out again.
“Veve… That doesn’t work if you’re not the one being hurt”.
“Mabe mummah sa staph!” Veve cried out a third time.
Millie was about to say something, yet could not help but scoff in amusement. There was just something about it. Something so funny and something so endearing. Veve’s sheer faith in the words. Veve’s faith in Mabe. Millie took a deep breath to calm down and gently placed the block down next to Veve.
“Mabe mummah sa staph” Veve said, this time softer.
“Okay okay” Millie said “Mabe mama says stop. I stop, okay?”
Veve smiled and nuzzled her hand. Millie just sighed, partly out of frustration yet also partly out of pride. There was just something so commendable about how bravely Veve acted. Standing up so bravely to the scary monster who was about to violently harm her mama. Meanwhile, the mama and her self-proclaimed protector, were huddled together in fear, both trembling in absolute terror, with Prie’s face buried inside Uphie’s fluff, while Uphie buried her face back in the pillow.
“Uphie” Millie once again repeated in a cold, commanding tone.
This time Uphie didn’t say anything, she kept her face buried in her bed. Millie took one step forward and noticed Veve tensing up.
“I know. I know. I just want to talk to your mama, okay?”
Veve looked surprised by this, but then smiled and nodded.
“Uphie” Millie said again, this time in a softer tone.
Uphie seemed to recognize this and lifted her head up, cautiously giving Millie a tearful glance.
“Yu… Yus mummah?” Uphie managed to utter.
“Could you kindly thank Veve for protecting you?”
“Pwotec? Wewe pwotec Uwpee?”
Millie rolled her eyes. Uphie’s obliviousness was just irritating.
“Yes” Millie replied “Veve protected you. I was gonna turn to scary munstah that was about to gib you wots n wots of the worstest hurties in da world, bu Veve stopped that and pwotected yu”.
Millie had said that in a mocking tone, her attempt at Fluff speak dripping with venomous sarcasm, yet as always the oblivious mare did not detect any of that and suddenly smiled.
“Tank yu Wewe!” Uphie cried out “Wewe am gud babbeh fo pwotec mummah!”
“Only good?” Millie asked “Not best?”
Uphie went silent, her face filled with fear, her eyes darting left and right nervously. Yet it was Prie who suddenly spoke
“Pwie am bestest babbeh!” Prie declared loudly.
Millie found herself momentarily stunned. Uphie’s lack of self-awareness was one thing. Prie’s lack was something else entirely. This went beyond simple Smarty behavior, or Hell Gremlin, or whatever they called it. The way this foal acted was so utterly illogical that Millie had to wonder if a supernatural element was involved in some form, wondering if it was the name. By naming the foal, Prie, had she accidentally cursed the foal with the arrogance of that old high school bully, or perhaps a demon had snuck into her house and marked the foal with the Deadly Sin of Pride. It was just so insane how illogical Prie was acting.
To be completely fair, there were plenty of foals who acted like this on the anti-Fluffy channels she used to browse. Foals who had been purposely portrayed as absolutely irredeemable in a bid to convince viewers that Fluffies were unforgivable abominations. She toyed with the idea of filming Prie and posting the videos on those anti-Fluffy channels, after all Prie had demanded to be a TV Fluffy. Then read the comments to Prie. A comment section that would be undoubtedly filled with hatred and malice as dark as her own.
Yet Millie suspected it would be useless. Prie would probably ignore them. Think that the viewers were all just dummies and that she was too good for them or something. Also, Millie didn’t really want to interact with that community. Not anymore. They provided a source of comfort during Millie’s darker times, but it was also a toxic place. Some of the comments they would make about Hugboxers felt far too extreme and she had an inkling that some of Mabe’s haters were also from those forums. However, she did want to break that attitude and she knew just how to do it.
“Uphie, is Prie really your bestest?” Millie asked calmly.
Uphie looked at Millie and nodded slightly.
“Yus mummah, Pwie am bestest babbeh”
That definitely stroked Prie’s ego and Millie noticed the foal smugly grinning with her head held up high.
“Oh, but wasn’t Veve the one to protect you?” Millie asked coyly.
“Wewe pwotec mummah. Wewe am gud babbeh, bu Pwie am bestest” Uphie stated with a confident nod.
Once again Prie held her head up so smug and Millie couldn’t help but scoff.
“Huh? But Prie was hiding in your fur while Veve protected you, so Prie is the best because she hid in your fur and did not protect you?”
Uphie looked shocked by that and so did Prie. The look of betrayal on Uphie’s face and the shame on Prie.
“Pwie hidsie?!” Uphie asked with aghast “Nu pwotec mummah!?”
Prie had no words. Only able to stare back at Uphie with a mix of fear and shame.
“Pwie am worstest babbeh!” Uphie screamed “Nu pwotec mummah wike Wewe! Onwy hidsie wike bad babbeh! Wewe am nyu bestest babbeh! Nut dummeh Pwie!”
Prie looked horrified, clearly feeling betrayed by this, but Uphie showed no remorse. She puffed out her cheeks and made an angry snort, causing Prie to quickly run away. The sobbing foal retreated into the Fluffy carrier, cursing her mama. Uphie only responded with an angry huff, muttering “dummeh Pwie” as turned to face Millie with puffed out cheeks.
“Pwie am worstest babbeh!” Uphie declared to her “Wewe am bestest babbeh nao!”
Millie smirked in amusement, then turned to Veve, expecting the foal to be grinning or something along those lines, but much to her surprise, she found Veve slowly walking into that make-shift noise proof bed with Keke on her back and head down low.
“Veve?” Millie asked softly.
Veve didn’t respond. The foal just walked onto the bed and curled up. There was just something about it that filled Millie with shame, and she felt herself grow cold as she realized that she had just ruined what was supposed to be a special day for Veve. She stared at Uphie who was now looking back at her with one of those cute faces that Fluffies made to charm their owners, though on her it just felt so artificially fake and so disgustingly self-centered.
“What?” Millie asked coldly.
“Can Uwpee wach Skettiwand Wangers gain? Wan see Wiw Dewiw Gwent gain!” Uphie said with a smile.
Millie just looked up at the ceiling in defeat. It was like a madhouse here. Characters who were so unbelievably self-absorbed, her included, with Veve being the only exception. She let out a soft sigh and thought about saying something rude, but she didn’t have the will. Instead she grabbed the tablet and searched for a particular video. As she thought there was a compilation video of Lil’ Devil Gwent out there. A video featuring only Lil’ Devil Gwent. She put the video on and set it on loop, then placed the tablet in front of Uphie.
“Tank yu mummah!” Uphie cried out with glee.
Millie didn’t respond. She just walked away. Sure she could have just left the safe room after Veve had retreated to her own bed. She could have easily just ignored Uphie, letting the mare wail and moan the rest of the night, but there was just something so right about this. A miserable Veve asleep in her bed, only able to hug Keke for comfort. A devastated Prie, sulking alone in the Fluffy carrier. Their mother doing jack shit to make them feel better, with Uphie lying down on that pillow she called a bed. Her front legs wrapped in casts, her rear end covered with the diaper, completely clueless to the plight of her children, as she was much too busy fawning over a foal that wasn’t even her own.
Millie knew what this was. Thinly veiled masturbation. A desperate attempt to make herself feel better, by reminding herself that Uphie really was a piece of shit that deserved all of this, but deep down she knew she was no better, and she just felt so disgusted with herself.
“Good night, Veve” Millie said weakly.
There was no reply. Of course not. She didn’t deserve a reply. Millie smiled to herself in self pity, feeling the cold, gnawing pain of hopelessness. She exited the safe room quietly, the only noises being that of the video and Uphie squealing happily to the sight of Lil’ Devil Gwent.
It should be said. I put usernames of those who commented as a sort of thank you, but my thanks extends to anyone who reads my stories. Thank you