Violence is Art (Artist: Great_White_Nope) Unity #6

A comic for @Mr_Owl ‘s contest on the extermination of @gr1m_1 ’s mascot.

This was going to be originally an abuse ending for Latrine before I decided for it to get worse


Hey, at least it took effort, unlike those modern “art” pieces that are literally just one color on a canvas.
The worst one was some hack’s white canvas painted white. The painting equivalent of Emperor’s New Clothes.


Kazimir Malevich’s masterpiece “White on white” is a suprematist gem, you know. Also that painting is 105 years old, is it really pissing you off?

At least Yves Klein’s “Blue monochrome” is only 72 years old…


Gosh, but I love this three punch sequence. Especially how it starts with that body shot.

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high value abstract/modern art is money laundering, those pieces don’t even get displayed. they go into storage.


No, they are both displayed museum pieces in this case.

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“Masterpiece” my ass. A preschooler could create the same things in their backyard.

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Waste of wall space that could’ve been used for actually interesting paintings.


It’s more a scam tactic. Say enough bullshit and idiots will pay 4 million dollars for a blue canvas with a white stripe down the middle.


I like both of those paintings and both of the artists. Especially Malevitch.

No they could not. I had the same opinion as you once, and figured “why say it when I could just do it, and shut those people down for good?”

I spent a fair amount of time trying to paint something “like that” but it tanked completely. It just did not come together. It was completely different and much worse, even when I applied myself fully. That led me to think there was more to it than “any child could do that.”


If that was peak Mike Tyson, it would end up as a red smear

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Sorry to intrude but if you really tried it, I think that’s awesome.


I did, my senior year of high school, and it taught me a lot.

We actually had a young child win an art contest in the country where I live. When told, the judges said it was an example of the genius of childhood.
As I understand it, today they would sue the father for giving in materials under false pretenses.

You tried your hand on early Suprematism, I take it?


Actually my first go was at debunking Van Gogh, whom at the time I felt was an affront to fine arts.

I did go on to explore suprematism, concretism and abstract expression later on.


Can see how that would be a bit of an initial challenge :wink:
My problem with Suprematism is that it quickly comes be too contextual, & that it facilitated our current situation where a lot of “art” actually is simple nepotism & tax dodging.
Oh, & that Maleviches theories are bonkers, fortunately only a tertiary issue with most artists.


You like blank canvases?

Just put white paint on a white canvas and then say some bullshit about it. Emperor’s New Clothes.

I remember there was a guy who literally shat in a can to make a point about this bullshit and now his literal shit is in a museum.

I have seen ‘White on white’ IRL and it does not look like a blank canvas. At all. And I have seen a lot of blank canvases.

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