Only reference I could find is here. Thank you for any feedback you are able to provide me.
Specialized patterns, like socks, tuxedo,
Not overly saturated colors, pastel for example, or multi-coloured, not just the standard one colour for body, second colour for mane and tail
Also, specialized fur types, metallic, extra long, extra silky
Anything thing that really yells “special edition” basically
It all comes down to the subjective taste of the author. This is not something that can or really should be agreed upon
I disagree. Some fluffies are clearly better than others as depicted in the various stories and art on here. Something I’m working on requires a working definition of a tier 1 fluffy, even if it’s imperfect.
There you go ,you all ready have an opinion on what are good colors go whit that
If you really want to get into the nitty gritty of it all, you can also look at variations, sub variations, subspecies, animal based hybrids (ex. bear x fluffy), even consumables
Some people’s head cannons even have other people’s art styles as different breeds of fluffies
The multiverse that consists of our community is vast and ever growing, so have fun with it
Just dug this up. Guide to fluffy colors and patterns (by Rescue_9)
It looks suitable enough for my purposes. Still looking for feedback if anyone else wants to give any. I’m all ears.
There is no purely objective way to rank fluffies or anything for that matter. People all have their preferences and reasons for having them. I’ve seen many people who say they prefer the “off-putting” colored fluffs over the neon colored ones. When writing a story I think the author should consider how rare a fluffy is when deciding how much it would be worth monetarily.
Dull, drab, and outright hideous colors are bottom of the barrel fluffies
Prettier but mismatched colors or straight eye bleed are just above them
The pleasing to look at with matching colors come next
Patterns are desirable on almost any coat color and raise a price significantly.
Mlp colors are the most desirable and are very expensive
That’s just how I rank them, others may have different thoughts
Browns seem to be the universally reviled color, and even then look at how many stories and works of art depict them as the hero or being saved from mistreatment.
It really does come to whoever is writing or drawing as they will have colors they love/hate that might not synch up with what others think.
Purple is my favorite color but many consider it an off-color for fluffies for example.
There arent any hard and fast rules. Brown fluffies are often depicted as being the worst color, but then again, there are a lot of people who prefer brown fluffies. I actually just had someone on one of my stories tell me that they thought brown and pink was a good coloration. I argued with them a bit, but that was their opinion, and it was totally fair for them to have it. I think coloration isn’t really a big factor in whether a fluffy is “tier 1” or not, It’s more a matter of market fluctuations and what’s in vogue at the time. Maybe one season, pastel monochromes are in style, then another season, earth tones are in. There will be things that almost always make a fluffy more desirable, like being an alicorn or having mlp colors, But what colors are good or not are subjective.
In short, whatever colors and patterns you want, depending on the needs of the story.