What's a fluffy? And more importantly, what is Not a fluffy?

Ah, that’s good to know, I was afraid my little scrawling of some cotton amalgamation had sparked another hellgrimlin issue…

How can it spark a hellgremlin issue if it’s hugbox only?

Hell If I know my man. I mean, look at how long this comment chain is. People going nuts over a fictional loophole for child/animal abuse. Hard to blame that though, I haven’t been here very long and I can see how this would, uh, break down very quickly lmfao.

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Honestly the highest degree of separation for me would be Bipedal locomotion, paired with height. If it looks like a baseball mascot it’s becomes less of a pet creature and more of a furry thing.


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Who would have thought that a mod saying this dose not belong here would have consequences

Do I need to remind you that it ended in godzillas favor before you made a big fuss about it?

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The problem is you took away every characteristic that is identifiable as specifically fluffy like and striped it away , to the point of can you still call it a fluffy

I still think that functionally it’s a dog

I do need to remind you there was no need for your accusation to being whit since you have yet to articulate how goudzilla’s drawings are any more deserving of scrutiny than any other drawing



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Homedog I know you aren’t tying to anatomically critique a fictional creature. I mean, look at garden fluffs. Everyone loves those and they have vegetables attached to them. Same with breadfluffies. Maybe my poor drawing didn’t convey it well enough, but it’s simply a hybrid of a a dog and a fluffy. Bunny fluffs, fluffalos, it’s all just for fun. The fluffy dog is no different. A fluffy going mute isn’t any less of a hapless glob of fur id say :slight_smile:


I have no love for any I am making a better fluffy donuts, once they where few and far between no every new poster wants their own super special perfect fluffy where they strip away every problem they see whit a fluffy, maybe I am out of touch and you do just need to call something a fluffy to make it a fluffy

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The thing with those subspecies is that despite their gimmick they still act like regular fluffies. If you take their foals away their reaction will be universal across all of the popular subspecies. Hardyfluffs won’t react the same way. They are mute


Sure they’d react the same way. A lack of vocal abilities doesn’t mean a lack of distress. “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent”

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Thousands of animals develop quirks and desirable traits through selective breeding, the fluffy community has significantly evolved, you expect the fluffies themselves to not follow suit?

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The fact that yours are both smart and mute says otherwise

Perhaps I should expand on the idea. “Smart” as in “don’t play in the blender.” Not “recite the alphabet as a foal.” A slightly better capacity for learning, not raw mental horsepower like, say, a dolphin or Sapiens.
If you will, a smarty-friend with its tongue cut out. Aside from these little spry details, you and I seem to stand in agreement with everything else.

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It’s just that talking part is too integral to just remove. I mean come on, just try to remember at least one except yours that can’t

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Would a limited speech be more “in line?” I personally think the most integral part of a fluffy is it’s capacity for an extremely wide variety of emotion, be it misery or great joy, regardless of how they broadcast it. You may understandably feel otherwise, but for me, the loose babbling theyre capable of simply ties into the rather foul child abuse part of this community. Not that it’s always the case, but I certainly believe it added to their pathetic factor, if that makes any sense.

*AND their ability to express them in a way that children can easily understand

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