Would you treat a fluffy like a kid or like a pet? (No abuse answers)

I dont feel any way towards parrots, also thank you for the information. I enjoy learning.


You could say the same about any grouping of living things too, but your cells aren’t aware of their existence like animals and even plants can. Most animals have group leaders too but the complexity of hierarchy keeps most groups together and losses are usually minimal.

Humans and fluffies have one key distinction though: self determination.

Whether they relent to a leader’s command or strike out on their own is entirely their decision, but instinct speeds that process along. “Is it safer in a herd or alone?” The sense of self, the ego, takes center stage for animals capable of higher thought processes.

If a group of humans are attacked you could expect numerous varied responses to it that fall under a wide blanket of emotional context. The same goes for fluffies, their response is entirely based on the character of the individual.

Feral herds would naturally be more attuned to instinctual impulses but the capabilities of the same herd would edge out comparable animals with limited brainpower in survival settings.


How DARE you hint at threatening my lawn ownership potential!! :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


But yes at the end of the day we are some pawns in a game out of our understanding. I just enjoy inflicting theoretical pain on them. Unlike most abusers I dont try to rationalize my violent feelings as something justified. I enjoy gore, and violence no real reason besides that I do.


@Oculusfluffy You know in your canon I don’t think many sane people who know what they’re getting into would seek out fluffy ponies as anything other than a moral obligation adoption. I’d legitamately say It’d be better to fix all of them and let them go peacefully extinct.


Well, it depends. One thing I should mention is that the canon that I work with Avocado is one I try to work out with Carp, and in that world, fluffies are no longer invasive but still exist in feral amounts to some degree (much like stray cats and dogs). Perhaps they aren’t as much of a nuisance or evade capture, which is why ferals still exist, and people just ignore them, as they do with stray cats and dogs.

While I am for neutering domestics in my stories, I also think its not as simple as saying “you’re getting your balls removed”. And, one unhappy thing I have come to learn is this fandom is that, outside of abusers, there are some people who think of fluffies in terms of “how much investment can I get out out of breeding an alicorn”. it sounds far fetched, but I have come across a few. I think some people may actually want to have their fluffies be bred purely for profit.

I am currently writing a story where a class of doemstic fluffies are getting a class of sexual education. They’d be divided into two groups - one neutered and other non-neutered - with the premise being understanding the nature of relationships, and why relationships are not just “speshul huggies”. Because maybe some owners may be squeamish about the idea of not neutering their pet, or their fluffy. Or maybe some might actually want to make some money of their fluffy (heaven forbid). But for a domestic fluffy, there’s a lot more to a relationship than just sex.

The fluffies in ther other class will learn that, despite the pain, maybe being neutered is not such a bad thing, and they can live much happier lives the way they are.

I will say this - its not an easy topic to talk about, whichever setting I go into, which is why I mostly avoided it.


pets are great. Why would I voluntarily ask to be put in charge of another human being for an 18 to life sentence? First they need disturbing amounts of care for much longer than any reasonable puppy or kitten, without the bonus of being cute and fluffy instead of a weird potato. then they grow into the same amount of chaos you expect from a badly trained border collie you aren’t allowed to crate when you leave the house. And you have no guarantee that they will ever share common interests with you or be interested at all in your values once they hit the point of coherent interaction. I barely tolerate adult interaction with people I don’t have common interest with for short periods of time.

Said as a childfree, fervently anti-natalist neurodivergent person who didn’t like children when she was one. and who has never had a maternal response to anything primate.


Well here’s the thing, I’m talking more about the horror of their own lives and the strangeness of owning one. They are essentially kids that don’t grow up, and very few people adopt a kid just for the hell of it. Especially one that will never amount to anything really.

@Shadowfox Not even lemurs or Bush babies? I realize I am biased as I am obsessed with non human primates.


The internet doesnt differentiate, they all think we’re fucked.


A vast majority are, the question is what kinda fucked up? Like I am by no means a sociopath or Sadist, but I do have my fair share of fucked up tendencies directed at myself and reality as a whole.


You can have all the lawns you want. I shouldn’t be forced to keep and tend to a patch of useless grass i don’t want.


cuter than human, still not as cute as a baby fennec. ears not big enough.


Well, in Carpdime’s canon, fluffies can actually amount to something.

The above is one fluffy working as a truffle gatherer, and the other is a “teacher” fluffy, working as a teaching assistant to the human teacher. Its an idea both Carp and I discussed about some fluffies (not all, of course), performing some roles in society. Because I think there might be a benefit to have a pet animal that can actually talk, despite their physical limitations.


See that’s the thing about the truffle finder, as much as I hate to admit it I’d love one or two Carpdimes/Quickhorns as an emotional support animal. But that’s only after the cat is out of the bag.


And thats another role a fluffy can provide!

Foxhoarder illustrated this to great effect. Hell, EmotionalSupportFluffy took his name after the idea. Its part of the reason why I want to explore fluffies in these interesting ways.

Of course, the question then is why explore them having this limited intelligence and language, as opposed to just have them be normal talking pets. That lies into how I view fluffspeak, which is also my own unique headcanon


I wouldn’t, I may have a tough, rough exterior… But I do have a gentle heart… Losing A pet you bond with… Can be a wound, not so easily or readily healed.


It’s not about good or bad. It’s about scale. Human children are 100x worse to raise but conversely provide 100x as much joy and love.

Said as a childless single who loves my cat and knows I am not ready for the responsibility of parenthood (and may never be)


But is that due to the result of creating an adult functional person or just due to the nature of them being the same species? Ironically I could see fluffies being test kids.


Oh very much because it’s family. Any species that didn’t evolve to prefer it’s offspring over any other organisms would not last long as a species. Just because it’s hard wired into humans doesn’t lessen the emotional impact of parental love nor lessen its importance to culture and society as a whole. Unless you’re a nihilist. In which case: why are you wasting your finite mortal moments arguing about imaginary creatures in a site nobody will have any record of in a mere century


Laugh in Galápagos feral cats control