Write a smol story 2 (InfraredTurbine)

Sup folks!
Another to light up your weekend!

Why is the foal crying ? Is it begging ? Why is it wearing a tiny santa hat ?
Why is it so fluffy ? What is happening behing it all ?

Same rules as the last one, you know: Write a smol story about it, with a small difference:
No max words this time, go crazy, write in the comments your idea of it, do your version, make a new post with a story about it with your version of the story if you want to as well, have fun with this one!

I’ll probably make these a weekend thing, depending on how ppl like this idea
hope you like it!

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


It’s crying cause it spotted the christmas castration pliers.


It’s Christmas present is the corpses of his parents and brothers hanging from the tree.


Three weeks it has been since the deadly car accident during Christmas that killed the family who bought this little stallion, and it was time for the family of the deceased to clear the former residence.
Thats how this fluffy was found mid january, in the midst of chrismas decoration, living of the food and drinks laying around, being potty trained before sold, the wittabawks was full but furtherly, dispite being healthy, the little one, build for social companionship, was alone and beggy for pretty much any social interaction as fluffies are.
In the end, feeling sorry for him and seeing a well behaved fluffy, one of the living familymembers will inherit/adopt this foal.

And on the mysterious case why this little one was wearing a santa hat; he didn’t have
the opposable thumbs to take it of.


Purchased a week before Christmas, the foal was ecstatic to have a new home.
Placed on his shelf with care, he sang and sang, just like he was trained to by the scary people who had taken him from his mother.
Everyone laughed and smiled as he sung carol after carol, giving the colt lots of praise and attention up until the day after Christmas.
Woken by his family putting away the decorations, the foal overheard that he was to be thrown away and is now pleading with his owners, still convinced that they love him.


Daddy flipped him off and laughed lmao.


“Nu daddeh, nu! Nu take Bestesh fwiend, am gud fwiend, am babbehs onwy fwiend. Pwease nu gib huwties, pwease gib fwiend bak to babbeh, huuuhuuuhuuuu.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “I’m not taking your toy away, I’m putting batteries in him so he can talk.”


He had an accident on the carpet and fearing his daddy would be mad he licked it up, only to spot…the elf on the shelf. Daddy told him the elf reported directly to Santa and if he was bad he wouldn’t get any presents for Christmas. He begged the elf to not tell Santa or his daddy but she just sat there staring at him with cold, mocking eyes.


It was called ugly when it came out of the present by the daughter of the family, who thinks grey is the ugliest color. The blue mane is lovely, but then there’s the grey, and he just gets DUNKED on. Like an emo sack of smoky shit.


Daddy gave his gray fluffy first enfie babbeh for christmas.
Unfortunately, among the guests on Christmas Eve, there was one bambinistic hugboxer who decided that such gifts are not good and hid the foal in his pocket and tried to get out of the party early. Fluffy raised a cry and now in the hall the hugboxer is struggling with the owner of the gray pony, and the pony himself with tears in his eyes claps his hooves, cheering for his slightly drunk owner.


I can’t write a story about this fluffy, but I feel an incredible urge to kick its balls.

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My humble offering:

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A chilled January 18th.

Randy stared at the… thing? in front of him. He had seen ads on TV about these. They were called Fluffies. The company that owned the copyright on the first “Bio-toy” was all over the news for the win in the Supreme Court. So to celebrate they started making Holiday ones. They had either a hat or or something graffted on to the bodies at a young age. As Randy took in the pathetic creature a cold and bitter feeling snaked up his insides. As it hit his brain it changed in to a thought. How long would it take before the fluffies head popped? That hat was getting tighter and tighter as the young fluffy grew. In his mind a nasty smile grew while on his face a sorrowful frown formed to convince the discarded decoration that he wasn’t a threat. “Hab wurstests hed and heart hurties!! Wittle mummah weft Hewpur! Nyu mistah be nyu daddy?! Gib huggies for feew better?” As he approached the rancid smell coming from the creature made Randy gag. He spat the bile from his mouth. He was going to have to rethink how he was going to get it home. He spotted an empty Amazon box just a bit too small for the fluffy. Perfect he thought to himself. “You know what, little guy? I think I can use my human magic to make you all better. I just need you to get in this box and come with me. You can have a new home!” When the barely functioning sack of bolted together genes realized it was going to get a new home It’s crying ended and the rat began to babble it’s preprogrammed nonsense and happily trotted in to the open box. Randy gave the creature a quick once over and could see the stitching was an angry red and starting to swell. Either the pressure or the infection was gonna kill it. Randy made a game out of it. If the pressure got him he was gonna go have dinner at the steakhouse or if it was the infection he was gonna go get Chinese. Either way it would be an awesome story for that online group he found. Maybe even some pictures for the progress of the infection or video of it thrashing around in pain as the hat squeezes tighter.


Not much of a writer, but I imagine it’s crying cause it’s getting replaced by a christmas colored fluffy, who will in turn inevitably get replaced when valentine’s day rolls around, or it gets killed, whichever happens first.


The foal was initially happy to receive the Santa hat until his owner nailed it to his head.


A left-over holiday fluffy foal gets informed by a fluffy-mart employee it’s gonna go “forever sleepies.” Oh, the teenager working at the fluffy-mart loathes these things, but he needed the money, it pays well due to not many people wanting to work while hearing fluffy “talk” whine, and cry for 9 hours. But oh boy, he sure loves crushing the hopes of these pig rat horses every once and a while, when they are clearing stock.


Billy wanted to know why he couldn’t play with Mistaw Testicawhammaw like his brothers were about to do.

(Not to worry Billy. You will get a chance!)


Holy shit, I was just wondering what you were up to. So I go on your profile to check, and lo and behold, you’ve just made your first post since November :heart:


Wut, actually I’ve been posting stuff during Decemenber and January too o_o

That was actually aimed at FluffiesAreFood lol

The site doesn’t acknowledge when you direct a post at someone if their post is immediately before yours, for some reason. It’s retarded, Virgil pls fix

But I’m happy to have you here too, Turbine :heart: