Wrong perspectives Ch 2 By Z05

Chapter 2.
We were heading to my apartment, and it was an uncomfortable journey. I hoped no one saw us together; it would be awkward if they thought she was my pet. As we finally approached, I heard a whimper. I looked back and saw her collapse to the ground. She seemed exhausted. Maybe that’s why she had been silent the whole trip. I told her to get up, but she could barely move. “Damn it,” I thought. I’d have to lift her and carry her in my arms. I had no choice; I couldn’t leave her there. So, I decided to lift her carefully to avoid any accidents. These creatures are quite delicate. She smelled terrible; I hoped it wouldn’t stink up my entire apartment. When I lifted her, I noticed something - I could feel her ribs. She was definitely pregnant and hadn’t eaten in a long time. I felt genuinely sorry for her. Fluffies have a tough life, but they brought it upon themselves.

Finally, when I reached my apartment, I noticed she had fallen asleep in my arms. I had to put her down to open the door. When I lifted her again to bring her inside, she softly said, “Tank yoo, nice mistah,” then fell asleep again. I’d been told they were dirty manipulators, but it felt like she was genuinely grateful. “NO,” I told myself. They’re unpleasant creatures, everyone says so. I’ve seen the videos; they’re all the same. But maybe, just maybe… tomorrow, at the earliest, she’ll be gone.

I decided to lay down an old blanket I planned to throw away in the back room where I kept old stuff. Next to it, I placed a bowl of water and a plate with sliced apples for the fluffy to eat. I put her to sleep… hoping she’d make it through the night.

<<First chapter I Chapter 3>>


This very cute, she kinda remind of my oc Willow


I’m invested. I’m also privately hoping for her cold, starved, unloved demise.

… I guess it’s not private if I type it out.


Sounds like you meant “personally hoping” :slight_smile: (Dad’s a retired English professor, LoL)

She deserves do endure the worst of tortures (a calm warm bath) and the most vile of poisons (apple slices and juicy grapes and berries) until she succumbs (falls asleep on a warm cozy lap)


She’s gonna either die or give birth. And I doubt you could hide a bunch of shitting foals running around.

If you think about it unless the MC pulls a magic trick, she’s kinda screwed either way :shrug:

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He is doing his good deed of letting her sleep for a day, but he has no obligation to take care of them if she has her foals. The deal is one night and you leave, and if she dies, an apartment is not a place for those things. Literally, those toys need their “safe room” so the noblest thing I could do would be to send them to a fluffy mart.

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