2017 Carpdime Hugbox of fluffies and food (Artist: Carpdime) (Fb id: 49352 & 49364)


After yet another long period after his previous simple pic, Carpdime did three images. Two of them were hugbox of fluffies and foods they eat. One of them was previously uploaded in the Sushi topic, but is added here for context.

This post is pending further information, whether it is from a retrievable archive or from the artist himself.

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I feel like lobster would be wasted on a Fluffy, but that could be my jealousy talking.

Glad to see the second one is so well mannered.


Man, you’re not missing much, it just tastes like fish. Overrated as hell.


To be fair lobster is wasted on some people. I don’t disagree though. That fluff is looking to turn into wagyu though.

I want sushi for lunch now.


Wagyu fluffy seems like an oxymoron but I welcome the attempt!

For science.


you will not believe how disapointed i am right now


Yes, things such as texture would be beyond them. As, indeed, seems to be the case with the above fluff.
They might be able to relate to proper, or as they would put it, pwetty food presentation though.
All in all, surimi ought to be more than enough.


Lobster used to be prison food, y’know. It was actually considered cruel and unusual punishment to feed the inmates lobster more than once a week.

And a lot of stereotypical rich people foods started off as poor people foods.


Oh,a fluffy with earrings. It seems so obvious now to make that part of a character design,but I have never seen it done before this.

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The only thing I don’t like about this is “wawabi”

My biggest, and really only pet peeve in this community is using w’s where they don’t make sense. Also “wowest.”
wowstest, people. wowstest.

Something about your archival efforts feels a little biased Oc. Ngl.