This classic was dug up by @Newb_ronswek <3
The parts are messed up I’m gonna have to sort that which means reposting.
Oh. I apologise, I didn’t notice.
Nah, no repost needed, just re-ordering. It’s sorted.
Psychological abuse at it’s finest. Very educational too, nothing harder than reality.
Well damn!! That’s a flawless way to fix a fluffies mindset!
Anybody else sing all the songs in your head?
Ah, good. It guess it saves me some time for this to be here already!
The piece I really want to see here is Marble. If you would allow me, I’d be happy to upload that story so you can concentrate on other ones.
I’ll put it up soon, then. I still have the whole thing.
This was one of my favourites, just imagine programming for children turns into a festival of morbid reality.
Overtly brutal lessons in FluffTV are a great piece of worldbuilding. I can see how in a world where fluffies die brutally all the time, people would become so accustomed to it they think the insanely non-childsafe lessons are an completely normal way to educate them.
Occasionally they do: telling kids about stranger danger, to stay off drugs, don’t go into power stations and trainyards, don’t do crime… there’s some pretty scary kids’ PSAs out there. But it’s necessary.
You’re not slick, PETA
Fastesfwuff sez: Huggies am gud! But bad enfies NU GUD!! Nu touch in speshuw pwace dat is cobbahd by swim fwuff! Say NU!!! and wun way! Den teww mummeh ow daddeh!
Imagine if pbs kids started playing an animated version of emergence…
FluffTV needs more of this. It’s brilliant.