A Micro Easter (Ace)

I’ve been writing stuff for Christmas and I guess holidays have been on my mind. I know it’s way out of season but deal with it.


The Carvel Park Easter Egg Hunt was a big event each year in the small city of Lowell, and this year they had really outdone themselves. Someone had the bright idea to pack colorful little plastic eggs with microfluffs, and the children were sure to have a lot of fun finding these festive biotoys. A line of volunteers plucked the little creatures out of bulk boxes, none too gently fitting them into little capsules and sealing it up with tape. There were peeps, cheeps, protests of ‘nuuu’, and cries for mummah. Micros who didn’t quite fit and had a limb broken or suffered internal damage were tossed into piles where they would sob and weakly crawl over one another while searching for help.

The micro we’ll be focusing on is a bright purple one named Jellybean. His little limbs were squished into an egg corresponding with his fur color, taped shut. “Nu! Jewwbean scawed of eggy!” He was so small and cramped though that no matter what he did, the plastic casing wouldn’t come loose. The egg was tossed into a basket of many others and he heard the scared sounds of his peers all around.

Eventually all of these eggs were scattered about the grounds of the park. Most would be easy to find, though there were of course some which were hidden quite well for the older kids with a sharp eye. Jellybean wasn’t fortunate enough to be placed right out in the open. A volunteer slotted him into a tiny crevice in the field which had been overgrown with new spring grass. You could be looking right at the spot and never know it was there.

“Huuhuu…nuu…” Everything hurt in here and now that he was out of the basket, he couldn’t even hear other fluffies chattering. It was so lonely and dark. It didn’t take very long before his legs went from an itching cramp to a dull, thudding pain. His face was smooshed against the plastic shell and he had no way to even wiggle around.

Soon the festivities had started and Jellybean could hear many scampering feet of children running around. Maybe it was just as well he wasn’t out there in the open because the micros were treated with reckless abandon. Some eggs were stomped on by unaware feet, mashing the occupants inside. Those who were lucky immediately died by the impact, though there were more than a few who were left to struggle across the ground with shards of hard plastic embedded in their faces, limbs broken and too useless to do anything but cling to a quickly fading life. Jellybean listened to a terrified ‘Nuuu! Nu am baww!’ of a fluffy being thrown around, but it didn’t stop him from screeching against his colorful prison.

“Jewwybean hewe! Pwease hewp! Wan nyu housie, skettis, toys, wub!” Though of course nobody heard him. They were awfully small and he was hidden so well. All he could do was listen to the carnage of the festivities about the hole he was hidden away in and give a pitiful plea.

Most of the eggs had been had by the time the rain started. It was one of those spring storms that came in out of nowhere and absolutely pounded the area. Fat droplets fell from the sky and caused the cackling children to disperse, and a boom of thunder caused Jellybean to screech and void his bowels and bladder. Now surrounded on all sides by excrement, he screamed and carried on as loud as he could. Not that it helped. The rain was causing the hole he was in to fill up with water. Icy coldness settled in all around him. All the micro could do was tremble and shiver, surrounded by stink and pain. Just this morning he had been playing in a big pen with the other fluffies, numming good kibble and rolling a ball around. He wanted that again.

Hours had passed. Breathing was more difficult. Still it rained. The water had pushed the egg up to the top of the hole, though not out of it. Instead it scraped the soil above it, shifting the egg over. Jellybean was flipped upside down, liquid shit pooling down against his face now. He couldn’t move. Trying to eat it caused him to throw up, adding more debris to make it impossible to breathe. The micro didn’t want forever sleepies, but that’s all he would get. His own shit filled his lungs as he desperately tried to breathe, and he would choke and sputter until finally giving out.


A nasty little surprise later, if that egg is ever found. Tragic! <3


This is based on one of Gr1m_1’s comics, isn’t it?


Ooh, source?

I…don’t think so? He has Foal in an Egg but that’s fluffies being grown in egg devices like a foal-in-a-can. These are micros which are already grown and shoved into little egg-shaped capsules.

I was worried for a second I’d plagiarized someone but it’s a completely different (fascinating) thing

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No, no, not that. I remember somebody doing a comic where a foal in a plastic egg gets left out after Easter and drowns in poop and rainwater. Thought it was Gr1m but I must be wrong. Wasn’t accusing you of plagiarism, anyway—just wondered if you took some inspiration from it.


I found it lol I feel like an asshole, I’d never read it before though

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Maybe you read it a while back and some ideas stuck in your mind. That’s happened to me before. Either way, this story is good, and I approve of it. Makes an excellent companion to the comic even if that wasn’t your intention.


The hive mind is a strange thing . At some point we all independently arrive at dick-icorns and corn-icorns so possibly for writers they put fluffies in easter eggs.

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Carcinization, eventually we all arrive at putting fluffies in easter eggs, like the independent evolution of crabs.


(related on in theme)

wasn’t there a comic about a wanna be mummah fluffy who finds an easter egg foal and adopts it as her baby even though it’s all messed up.

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Yep. @TheBigBrother did that one

Starting to think everyone did it at this point lol.

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There was a story of a foal in a can who rolled into a sewer, and the can was cracked and poop water was leaking in. Easter egg is a natural idea after foal in a can exists, and a foal / micro trapped in a tiny container leads to the idea of drowning in its own shit or other liquid. It’s going to happen with thousands of posts and foal in a can being so prevalent lol

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I have learned after speaking to people recently you have to be truly off the wall to be original. The fluffy community has been going on for a hell of a long time and just about anything conventional has been done several times over.