A Star is Born Comic 10/16 (Fluffus)





so many things to go wrong. She’s doing a great job. I feel bad for Snowy. He’d probably love the job if he was younger.


Poor alicorn :cry: love panel 3 they all huddle on their owners hand.


Thank you <3

I try hard not to draw the same type of panel over and over again, and it’s so nice when you notice ^^


Or maybe he would be able to see and have the same Alicorn hate. But as it is now its the best outcom.


As always a treat for the eyes. Your fluffys are awesome


So, I’m a little confused and I assume it is a headcanon thing, but why would the alicorn’s value drop without a foster parent fluffy?

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A deeply traumatized/poorly socialized/highly stressed fluffy is not going to be top tier as a pet, for shows, or marketing.

It may also have problematic behaviors that makes it a hassle to breed on using conventional means. A sensible breeder Is not going to pair a stallion like that with a prize breeding mare if there’s a good chance it won’t want to mount her, or if it may behave badly or violently.

Sure, it’s not without value, but it’s not blue ribbon material.


I’d say his formative period is already ruined, what with losing his mother and almost all his siblings in one night.

I wish Snowy the best, but he’s too old and Fluff TV too propagandist for this to end well


If I were a fluffy farmer, I’d be like “Fuck the money, I’m gonna kill those alicorn-hating fluffies with a rake.”

I want to highlight that the face in the TV is shamelessly borrowed from the inimitable @RQ - for instance from here.


feel as if bad luck follows this poor colt, at least snowy seems to like him still, even if hes a lil senile

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I’m always happy to see each new thing from you. I strongly encourage you to neglect your real life responsibilities in favor of making more things for my personal enjoyment.


Honestly for what he can do… Snowy is trying, I bet that if he was younger he’d be a great dad

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Man, I really love this retelling of the original

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Given the value I wouldnt blame them for turning a mare into a milkbag.

The other alternative would be to blind her so she can’t tell the difference.

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Ah, but Fletcher’s Fluffies’ core idea is, “happy fluffies”. They may not have a callous enough business mindset to milkbag or blind an “innocent” fluffy.

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I like how Snowy just accepts that he’s a Daddeh now. No hesitation.


Ha ha, thanks! No one else had picked up on that : )

He’s a very obedient and earnest fluffy.

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Sad what happened to the old timer.

I like the brown fluffy’s (I believe her name was Fawn) coat pattern,very cute.

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