Naked and famous
That albino foal is adorable
A real star!
Hey is that a Nexus 5?
Scary baby…
So cute and sweet. I love the artwork. I love the feel and texture of it. Great work (and egad, I mean WORK). How long does a page take, start to end? And he’ll, it’s planned out… There’s time on top of that…
Oh man, you may find that people’s phones switch model or proportions between pages. I tried to kinda smooth over the tech a little bit so the comic wouldn’t date as fast.
It would be faster if I did this full time. The whole comic took 4,5 years to complete but most of that was day job and family stuff overwhelming me.
The breakdown of the 16 pages took a few weeks, with breaks to digest and feel things out.
Pencils take 5-8 hours per page. Line work (inking) and cleanup takes 3-4hrs per page. Coloring and lettering average out to 6 hours per page. So about 20 hours per page seems to be where I’m currently at.
Estimated work for the chapter is then 20 x16 = 248h. That’s 31 eight hour work days, or 1,4 months (22 is the average number of work days/month where I live.)
Still an improvement from when I did a pen and ink full format comic, which averaged out to 20h per 9 panel page page in black and white ^^
My goal is to get to 8h/page of full color comic, all things considered.
Sunny is an outstanding mother, hopefully no ill befalls her
Based on the Starstruck comic, she’s a confirmed terrible death.
We know the baby turns quite evil as a Feral too.
Awesome panelling there and love the soft curve and fold as the foal drink its mother’s milk.
Thank you, you are kind to say that : )
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.