Abandoned Angel Part 40 (FB ID: 18730) (by SpaghettiDave)

Abandoned Angel

Part 40: It Can Only Get Better

Robert watched as Flame bucked and bucked at the door to the sorry box. Robert was angry, but not nearly as angry as Flame. The metal of the door didn’t budge from the kicks. “FWAME GIB FOWEVA SWEEPIES!” clang The door rattled a bit from the soft kicking. Try as he might, the door was unmoved. Red smears appeared on the metal, clearly the ineffective beating the door was receiving was doing more damage to Flame.

Suddenly the door was gone. His legs waved uselessly as Robert picked up Flame. The anger turned to terror. “Nu… Wet down!” Struggling with all his might, it was futile to the hands of a human. “Daddeh, gib Fwame owies?” His terror turned to resignation, his head dropped, his legs hung limp.

“Daddeh gif Wunt owies nao?” Runt looked up as best he could through the gate, one eye swelling. Blood still dripped from his mouth. Robert didn’t even know what to say to that, telling that masochistic fluffy “no” only made Runt more desperate for the horrible attention, desperate enough to kill two newborn foals, Runt’s younger siblings. Robert pushed the sorry box with his foot, turning the sorry box around so Runt faced the wall, he didn’t even want to look at the fluffy.

Throughout the entire ordeal Rose kept singing to her single baby, while the baby chirped in fear. Robert lifted Flame to his face, eye to eye, nearly nose to nose. “Flame. Listen to me. This is my house so I make the rules. Mommy isn’t here. This isn’t her house. Do you understand me?” Robert hated disciplining his fluffies, even the fluffies he didn’t want in the first place. It felt like another way for Mary to get her hooks into him.

“Fwame unnastan…”

Robert held Flame a bit farther back from his face, the odor from Flame’s mouth nearly as god awful as what came out his back side. “Good. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt Rose. I don’t want to hurt your baby. I don’t want to hurt Runt, even if he deserves it. I don’t like hurting people or fluffies. Do you understand?”

“Daddeh nu wan gif owies to fwuffies or hoomins.” Flame was smart, Robert thought. Brave must have inherited it from Flame as Rose was about as smart as a sack of potatoes. Internally, Robert winced. That wasn’t fair to Rose, for her to be in that condition, well, Mary must’ve done many horrible things to her.

“That’s right.” Flame’s body slowly stopped trembling and Robert lowered the fluffy to the floor, but not letting go. “So, here is what you are going to do. And if you don’t listen to me, then that makes you a bad fluffy.” Might as well go back to the basics with Flame, Robert continued, “I will take care of Runt. He won’t hurt your last baby.”

“WAST BABBEH!? Whewe babbeh!?” Rose’s eyes went wide and she started rocking, calling for her ‘last baby.’ Robert let Flame go, the father stumbled a bit on injured hooves, and Robert watched as Flame picked up the chirping baby and held it to Rose’s face. Her expression changed immediately, gave the baby a lick, and Flame nestled the foal back into her fluff.

Robert went to work cordoning off Runt, sorry box and all, from Rose and Flame. He built up a small wall from the boxes from when he turned the spare room into a safe room. Flame cautiously walked around it. Sniffed at it. Pushed at it. Headbutted it. Satisified that Runt couldn’t escape, the formerly clean fluffy went to cleaning the area around the bed. It was terrible watching Flame scoop up the two dead foals.

He held out his hands and Flame put each dead foal into them. They were still so small. One had a faint fuzz of yellow fluff growing in, but the other, the runt, was nearly hairless. “Daddeh, gib babbehs gud pwace fow foweva sweepies.” Flame walked back to Rose, cleaning her as if nothing had happened.

Robert opened the door to the back yard and grabbed the shovel, still leaning against the wall from when he buried Bright. Flashlight in hand, he made a small hole next to Bright’s grave, letting the siblings all sleep together. He patted the earth down and rubbed the blood into the grass. He felt… what? Old? Tired? Exhausted? Drained? Not once did he expect to experience such trauma.

As he closed the door to the yard, Robert could hear Runt. “Hoomin-mummah wub Wunt, gib owies. Owies make Wunt and hoomin-mummah happeh. Fwuffy-daddeh wub Wunt, gib owies, make Wunt happeh. Sowwy bawks gib Wunt owies, sowwy bawks wub Wunt. Dummeh hoomin-daddeh nu wub Wunt, nu gib owies.” bang bang bang As Runt’s head smashed into the gate. “Wub sowwy bawks!”

This was a first for Robert, a fluffy that liked being in the sorry box. Robert improvised. He made a small litter box and set up a food dish inside the walled off area for Runt. Robert even put down a blanket for Runt to sleep on. Robert then opened the gate to the sorry box and pulled Runt out by the scruff of his neck. “Daddeh gib Wunt owies nao!?”

“Nope. But you don’t get to be around Flame or Rose until the foal is grown up. You get to stay here for now.” Robert gave Runt a quick pet and walked out of sight. He could, however, hear Runt begging for the missing sorry box to give him owies.

Not wanting to stress the garage fluffies any more than necessary, and now that Flame and Rose and baby were safe, he let them sleep. It was well past midnight when he cleaned up and checked on his three fluffies in the safe room.

It was morning now, and Flame sat on the blanket next to Rose and the peeping babbeh. His last babbeh. Rose’s last babbeh. With mummah gone, he didn’t know if he would be forced to make babbehs again. He was smart for a fluffy, but couldn’t count high enough to know just how many litters had disappeared because of mummah.

Flame limped to Rose’s back side and gave her a cleaning. His hooves hurt, but he tolerated the pain. It wasn’t nearly as bad owies as what his mummah had done to him before, so he could easily suffer silently. Rose was so sensitive and he didn’t want to upset her at all. The babbeh started chirping loudly and crawling around on Rose, looking for milk. Flame went to work again, moving the babbeh, moving Rose, moving the babbeh. Each step hurt, but he didn’t show it. Flame had to be strong for Rose. For the last babbeh.

As Flame placed the foal on the teat, the door opened and daddeh stood there. Flame tried to run, but his hooves hurt too much for that. He waddled a few steps towards the big big door and stopped. NU! Dis gud daddeh! Flame thought to himself as he saw that his daddeh held nummies. He had been bringing them the best nummies that he had ever tasted!

Daddeh looked surprised that Flame didn’t run, or even waddle all the way to the door. His daddeh knelt down next to Rose and was watching the babbeh drink miwk. “Daddeh… dat babbeh gud. Nu hewt babbeh.” He couldn’t stop himself. Slowly, oh so slowly he walked back to Rose, trying to place himself between daddeh and the babbeh.

“I know, Flame. It’s a good baby. And you’re a good daddy.” Flame’s eyes went wide. His mummah never said that to him in a nice way!

“Daddeh, wan hold babbeh?” The chirping started up as Flame picked up the foal and held it out to daddeh. Flame watched, out of fear and out of curiosity as his daddeh looked at the foal and gently petted it down it’s back.

Flame nervously fidgeted until Robert offered the foal back. It warmed his heart seeing that he had already made an impression on the horribly treated fluffy family. Runt, however, was going to be much harder to work with. Robert headed to the safe room with his fluffies, it was time to get to the bottom of what happened to Angel’s bottom.

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was time to get to the bottom of what happened to Angel’s bottom.

Things i didn’t think I’d read, today.